June 23, 2015

A Pet Pit-Stop at the Airport

Recently I shared pics of our trip to Hawaii. There were a couple I didn't share though.

While we were at the San Diego airport waiting for our flight, the hubs and I stopped to use the restrooms. Between the men's and women's bathrooms, this sign hung on the wall next to a closed door:

June 21, 2015

Mischief at the Office

Friday, June 26 is Take Your Dog to Work Day

Luckily, I've been working from home since 2000. For a long time I worked as a research analyst, and now as a writer. Our girls - angel Bailey, angel Abby, and Rita - have all enjoyed getting to "go to work" with me every day, even if my commute is just to the office down the hall.

We did try taking Bailey to the dog-daddy's work a couple of times -- but only on the weekends when very few other folks were around. 

Good thing too, because the very first time we took her there (the hubs just needed to quickly stop by the office for some files), she sensed immediately that this was some sort of enchanted land. As soon as we opened the door, she took off running. We had her off-leash, assuming she'd just cruise along with us - but no. She had other plans!
Angel Bailey

June 16, 2015

Less-Wordy Wed.: Celebrating the Dog's Birthday!

Rita turned four on Tuesday. Well, we don't really know her exact birthday, but June 16th is the day we celebrate. Based on the age Baja Animal Sanctuary guessed at for her, we figured her birthday was around mid-June, and since 6/16 is her angel-cousin Lou's birthday, it seemed like a perfect day to pick for Rita.

Rita wanted a party with pony rides and a clown (to bark at) for her birthday but we decided on something a little more low-key.

We started the celebrations on Sunday night, when the whole unit went to In-N-Out burger and Rita got a Flying Dutchman! (Which is 2 burger patties with cheese. Yes, I know - so decadent, but she only gets one on her gotcha day in January and her bday in June.)

June 14, 2015

Monday Mischief: Pom Wonderful - and Pom Confusing

This weekend the hubs came in and said we had 7 pomegranates growing on one of our trees.

This was news to me, for 2 reasons:
1) I didn't know we had a pomegranate tree. We've lived here almost 5 years and never seen any fruit on the trees so we didn't know what they were. Turns out we have two pom trees! Yay! Pom wonderful! 

2) I thought pomegranates were only in season in winter, since we always only get them from our CSA in January. (I Googled it and according to the Pomegranate Council they usually only grow in No. America during late summer and early winter. Maybe our tree is confused since our weather was so hot in winter and has only just lately felt like early winter!) Pom confusing!

We all went outside to check it out. (I apologize that these are blurry!)
"Hmmm. What's this?"

June 11, 2015

See Beautiful: Volcanic Edition

A couple of weeks ago when I posted about the hubs swimming with an Iron Dog, I mentioned we'd gone to the Big Island for my Big Birthday. Today I thought I'd share some of the beauty of Hawaii with you!

We spent a few days in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and it was amazing! (It would have been even more amazing if the rain had let up a little more often.)

Here's a picture of the Kīlauea crater during the day (during a rare break from the rain!).

June 9, 2015

A Tribute To A Cancer-Fighting Warrior

I have some sad news to share.

Last week we lost a cancer-fighting hero - Charley, the chocolate Lab.
Photo courtesy of Ellen Venturella-Wilson

June 2, 2015

Yard-Saling Dogs - On the Sell Side

Remember when I posted about yard-saling dogs last month? Well, last time the dogs were on the buying side, but this time they were on the selling side.

My sisters and I met up last weekend to hit my one sis's 'hood's annual garage sales event. It was a lot of fun, and there were a lot of cute dogs.

This little girl was selling cute, and she was selling it hard! (And I am always in the market for cute!)

May 31, 2015

The Shortest Path To Treats

With our 2 previous dogs, they never wanted their walks to end. Bailey would dawdle along, sniffing and exploring for ages if'd you let her. Abby, who we used to always take to the bay, would dance out into the water just out of reach when it was time to get in the car and go home.
Abby evades capture just out of reach in the water
So with Rita, I taught her that getting home from a walk was a good thing by giving her a treat when we get home.

And now of course she wants to race home!

May 26, 2015

Swimming With An IronDog

Two weeks ago, the hubs and I went to visit the island of Hawaii for the first time. (We decided to go to the Big Island to celebrate my recent Big Birthday! I'm hoping to share some pics of our trip on the next See Beautiful hop!)

While we were in Kona, my IronGuy wanted to swim the course used for the Hawaii Ironman.*

May 21, 2015

My Dog Loves Life! #FuelTheCure

Today I'm joining Oz the Terrier and Sugar the Golden Retriever who are hosting the "Loving Life Contest and Fundraiser" along with Zuke's treats to support the Dog and Cat Cancer Fund!

You know that (unfortunately) dog cancer is an issue that Pooch Smooches is passionate about, so I was happy I remembered to participate, because for each blog post in the hop Zuke's will donate $5 to DCCF!

You can join in too - but time is running out as the contest/hop ends May 22. All you need to do is create a post showing your pet loving life and include #FuelTheCure in the title. (Complete rules and info for the contest are here on Oz's site.)

We're also happy to participate because Rita LOVES Zuke's tasty treats and I love that they donate a portion of their sales to DCCF, which helps pet parents afford cancer treatments for their sick furry family members.

So, in the spirit of the hop, here are some pics of Rita loving life and doing some of her favorite things!

Rita loves to go on walks...

May 19, 2015

Less-Wordy Wednesday: Rita Refutes the "Lazy" Label

Rita was miffed that I called her "lazy" in my post last week. She insisted that I "roll tape" to show how crazy she gets over her Unbreakoball. (We'll get to the tape in a minute, Rita!)

Ages ago (probably before most of you found PoochSmooches), Rita won an Unbreakoball. She LOVES it. I don't know why she gets so nutty over this toy! It's like nothing else we own.

I don't bring it out often because it's hard plastic and a bit scratched up, so that plus hardwood floors is not a great combo. And she can't play with it in our yard because we live on a super steep slope, and if it rolls off the deck, it's a goner.

But I got it out the other day and she immediately went nuts.

These pics are all a blur cuz she runs by so fast with her prized possession.
Cracks me up how she hooks a tooth in to carry it around.

May 10, 2015

Our Dog is Lazy: Recumbent Fetch & Another Inventive Game for Lazy Dogs

We are coming to grips with the fact that our dog is lazy.

I've mentioned before that Rita's not really that into playing fetch. Oh, she'll run after the ball/toy a time or two, but then she just takes it to her bed.

May 5, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: The Right End and the Wrong End

Recently, when Reggie came to stay with us for a couple of nights, the pups had one half of the couch, and I had the other.

I ended up next to the, er, wrong end of the Reg.

May 3, 2015

Monday Mischief: Our Dog's a Drama Queen

This past weekend, the hubs and I went away for one night, so my sis came and dog-sat Rita for us. 

After some initial barking when my sis let herself in the house, she was greeted with two kisses from Rita. (Rita is VERY stingy with kisses so getting two is a big deal.)

Once Rita got over being happy that it was her auntie who came in and not a burglar, she started waiting for Momma to come home.
Rita camped out by the garage door

April 28, 2015

Less Wordy Wednesday: Yard-Saling Dogs

This weekend my sis and I helped our other sis with her yard sale. No, we weren't selling dogs, but many cute pups stopped by to shop! They all seemed to be shopping for the same thing!

This is Lady. She didn't get out the car. Just did a drive-by to see if we had cookies.

April 26, 2015

No Mischief at Grandma's -- Well, Maybe a Little

My mom has a collection of teddy bears. But Rita never tries to snag the ones that aren't "hers."

My mom has one little lavender-colored, bean-filled bear that Rita is allowed to play with. It sits on a little stool in my mom's bedroom, and Rita runs to get it first thing when we go visit Grandma. It always makes us laugh when she runs to get it right away, like it's the whole reason we're there!

April 21, 2015

Less-Wordy Wednesday: Sporting Dogs

Usually sporting dogs are the hunting breeds... but not at our house. 

Oh, Rita does like to hunt a squirrel or dead gopher every now and then, but she's more of a Pawdres ball girl:
"SD... Does that stand for Super Dog?"

April 19, 2015

More Hiking Mischief

Last week I blogged about our hike with Rita in Marian Bear Canyon in San Diego and the mischief therein. Well, this weekend, we went back, only headed west instead of east like last time.

We saw lots of pretty flowers (or weeds?) growing like crazy. 

There were these tall yellow things growing everywhere. They looked really pretty along the hillside. You can see how tall they are in this pic because they are growing up over the hubs' head and he's 6'2".

April 12, 2015

Hiking San Diego's Canyons With Your Dog: Hiking Mischief

One of the many things I really like about San Diego is the canyon parklands which run through the 'burbs (and even quite close to downtown). Although the canyons can be a bit scary at times (like fire season...) they are great for going on a nice hike and feeling like you've gotten out in nature, even though you might be hiking right along a freeway.

Check out the link above for a list of all the canyon parklands and maps of each.
You'd never know we're hiking right next to a freeway!

April 7, 2015

Perfect Present Pairs a Pup and a Paperback

You guys! My dear, sweet friend (and fellow author) Kathleen Irene Paterka (by the way... check out her books!) sent me the sweetest present!

And it's so perfect for me! A dog reading a book!! I mean, could that be any more perfect??