June 8, 2015

A Late Thank-You - With Random Stuff About Hot Dogs

I owe two fabulous bloggers a thank-you! And it's overdue for both of them!

We got some awards!
First up is Groovy Goldendoodles who bestowed the Leibster award on Pooch Smooches a couple of months ago. Thank you, Groovy Goldendoodles!!

Next up is Not Afraid of Color, who gave us the One Lovely Blog award. Thank you, NAoC!

I've received the leibster a few times before and also an award that was pretty similar (only a different name) to the "one lovely blog" so... I'm going to cheat.
I'm usually such a rule-follower, but this time I'm cheating. For the leibster I'm supposed to answer 11 questions posed on the original post that nominated me, and for the other award I'm supposed to tell you random things about myself.

Since I've done that before, I'm just going to tell you random stuff about hot dogs instead. 

1. Hot dogs - it's two words, not one.
Hot dogs were on my mind the other day because I mention hot dogs in HOUSE TRAINED, my novel that's coming out in October. (The main character uses bits of cut up hot dogs to train her dog - and the toddler that comes to live with them.) Only I was spelling it "hotdogs" in the manuscript. It wasn't until it got to the third (and final) round of editing that the proofreader corrected it to "hot dogs."

I had no idea! Doesn't one word make more sense? I mean, to me, "hotdogs" are what you use to train your dog; "hot dogs" are dogs that are hot from playing.

2. These are what I would call "hot dogs":

3. Do you know the first words Mickey Mouse ever spoke on screen?
You guessed it - "Hot dogs! Hot dogs!" 

I just happened to learn this on the radio the other day,  because it was the 86th anniversary of the first words Mickey spoke. Everybody knows Steamboat Willie was his first cartoon - but he only whistles in that one. It wasn't until The Karnival Kid that he spoke, and he was selling hot dogs.

4. I used to use hot dogs for training Rita, but we switched to cheese.
The hot dogs were just too slimy. (For me, I mean. Not for Rita. Rita loved them, slime and all. She loves the cheese just as much though.)

So, there you have it. Four random things about hot dogs. 

I'm also supposed to nominate other blogs, but I'm always shy about that, so I'm breaking that rule too!

So instead of nominating other blogs, I'll just encourage you to check out Groovy Goldendoodles and Not Afraid of Color! Both are great blogs and, of course, there are cute dogs! Groovy Goldendoodles has the adorable Harley and Jax, while Not Afraid of Color has the fabulous Cole and his mom makes the neatest quilts!

Thanks for letting me be mischievous and break the rules! 

Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief!


  1. Hot diggity dog, that was a fun post, lol! Haley doesn't get hot dogs very much anymore, but she sure remembers them from when she was a youngster and was learning to walk on the treadmill.

    1. Oh, learning to walk on a treadmill! Wow, that's impressive - and totally worthy of hot dog treats!

  2. Geez, I learned so much about hot dogs! Who knew they were Mickeys first words

  3. My friend the dietitian says that she can't even imagine a food that would be worse than hot dogs, fat, sodium, chemicals, etc. But they are so good. I limit myself to eating them very rarely, but I buy the best and according to an online taste test a few years ago that is Hebrew National.

    1. We limit ourselves as well. I almost never buy them (other than when I used to for Rita) but when we go to a baseball game (about once every 4 years!) I just have to have one! We also had one the other day because we went to a new restaurant in town that has authentic Montreal hot dogs (aka "toasties") so the hubs had to have one. It was delish!

  4. I have to agree with The Poodle and Dog blog, hot dogs are probably the worst food...but I can't lie, I love street meat every once and a while.
    That's a cool fact about Mickey Mouse too!

    1. That's funny - I think we were just reading/commenting on each others' blogs at the exact same time. Lol about "street meat".

  5. Life without a Hot Dog every once in a while is just plain ole not living!

  6. The things I learn over here. Lol.

  7. Congrats on your awards! The whole hot dog thing is strange. I agree with you. As I typed it I immediately thought of dogs that are hot (and I wouldn't want to eat them!)

    1. I wouldn't want to eat a hot dog either. Or a cold dog. Or a lukewarm dog. But a "hotdog' - now, yeah. That I'd want to eat. (Well, once every three years or so.)

  8. You deserve the awards! Congratulations!


  9. What did Rita think of you not following rules? Bet she said she's remembering that the next time she gets in trouble! Glad you found a way to do the post your own way!
    Hi Rita, you hot...dog...LeeAnna at not afraid of color

    1. Ha, yes - she's probably keeping note of this and will throw it back in my face next time she breaks the rules!

  10. Congrats! When volunteering at a food bank, we had to bag hot dogs all day and it took me a year or two after that to be able to eat that again.

    1. Oh, yeah - that does sound like it would be a turn off!

  11. Congrats on the awards! :) Don't worry, I always break the rules too! Much more fun :)

    1. I think cats are expected to break the rules, eh Austin?

  12. Congratulations on your awards! I use hot dogs a lot for training; they are basically my dogs' highest value treats. Very interesting factoid about Mickey!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. I think Rita actually values the cheese higher. And I know I do - cuz it's not so slimey. But we use provolone and man it can be smelly!

  13. Congratulations on your much deserved awards!

  14. LOL!!! I love it! I've always spelled it wrong, too! Congrats on your awards!

    1. Now hopefully we'll both remember to spell it right!

  15. Congratulations on your awards! I'm so excited to read your new novel in October!!!!! Great title :)

  16. Congratulations on your awards, and I enjoyed your rule breaking! Who knew all of that stuff about hot dogs?
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. Isn't that interesting/funny about Mickey? Who knew?

  17. Congrats on your awards. The word looks right to me either way. :) We used hot dogs once for Storm at a show and it gave her a pancreatitis attack. Apparently hot dogs are too high in fat for some dogs. A trip to the ER vet and $800 later, no more hot dogs for Storm. :)

    1. Oh goodness! Gotta be careful with that pancreatitis! We always used the low fat turkey kind for Rita, but that is good to know to be careful! Glad he was okay!

  18. a post about hot dogs I loved it! congrats on your award.

  19. I personally quiet like hot dogs, particularly jersey style italian dogs which are fried with onions peppers and potatoes, needless to say these are a rare treat. Of ocurse all of our dogs love hot dogs too
    retro rover

  20. Congratulations on your awards. I did not know hot dogs was two words. I would have made the same mistake you did. :-)


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