July 26, 2015

Monday Mischief: Rita and the Breadsticks

From the title of this post you might suspect Rita got into a package of breadsticks and ate them.

Nope. Our girl would never do that. Siriously, never.

She won't even eat one breadstick.

Here is a (not very good) picture of her enjoying a bite of a breadstick.

But she won't eat a whole one.

July 21, 2015

July 19, 2015

Weather Mischief - But We'll Take It!

Doesn't it seem like the weather's crazy everywhere lately? It certainly was here in San Diego this weekend. Everybody knows California is in the midst of a terrible drought and we've been hoping for rain while others are getting pummeled.

Just the other day Sue at Talking Dogs was wishing she could share some of their excessive rain with those of us praying for rain. Well, it seems like her wish came true!

Saturday morning we woke to a rare sound here - thunder! Rita was a little concerned, but not too bad.

However when the rain meant we had to cut our usual Saturday long-walk short, she wasn't thrilled.

July 14, 2015

Less Wordy Wed: The Dog Doesn't Want To Be A Bother

Usually Rita sleeps later than I do and I'm up before her, but the other morning I came around the corner and here she was, waiting patiently by the backdoor to go out:

This is what she does when she wants to go in or out. She waits.

July 12, 2015

Marriage Is Not "Work"; It's More Like a Game of Bitey-Face

I'm not a big fan of Hollywood news, but if you've been online at all recently, you probably saw that "Ben & Jen" (Affleck* and Garner) are divorcing. As part of the news, Ben's Oscar acceptance speech where he stated that marriage "is work, but the best kind of work" got some more play. 

I love to watch the Oscars every year, and I remember Ben making that speech, and I also remember thinking, "Uh-oh, red flag."

Now, some folks may agree that marriage is work, but not me. And not the hubs either. When I asked him if he thought marriage was work, he made a "the milk's gone sour" face and said, "Work?! No!"

July 7, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: Headrest

The hubs and I both like to lie on the floor when we watch TV. (Yes, we are a little weird. But we stretch, and do tennis ball massage therapy*, etc.)

Usually while we're on the floor, our spoiled pup is on the sofa or in her comfy memory foam bed. But sometimes she'll come and hang out on the floor with us. Like the other day when I looked up and saw that she and the hubs were hanging out together.