November 28, 2017

Christmas Means "Forced Crafting" (& Of Course There's a Dog)

If you're a long-time reader of Pooch Smooches, you'll know that in my family, we often do what we call "forced crafting" (you WILL participate; you WILL enjoy it) - especially around the holidays. In the past, we've done block prints, Scrabble tile ornaments and necklace charms, button ornaments, and needle felting.

This year we decided to make ornaments out of felt. Of course, the first thing I made was a dog.

November 14, 2017

Another Round of "A Pup & A Plant" (part 5!)

Back when I first started drafting this post (a while back), I thought it might be the last “pup & a plant”... but I’ve already posted more on Instagram that I’ll share another time, and I actually keep some notes on this madness and I have a bunch more ideas so just have to get the photos. Here’s another dozen...

Our girl who's infertile beside this Crape Myrtle. #SpayandNeuterYourPets #TodaysPSA 😁