Sorry this is a bit blurry, but you get the idea...
Showing posts with label Cute dog video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cute dog video. Show all posts
March 22, 2016
May 19, 2015
Less-Wordy Wednesday: Rita Refutes the "Lazy" Label
Rita was miffed that I called her "lazy" in my post last week. She insisted that I "roll tape" to show how crazy she gets over her Unbreakoball. (We'll get to the tape in a minute, Rita!)
Ages ago (probably before most of you found PoochSmooches), Rita won an Unbreakoball. She LOVES it. I don't know why she gets so nutty over this toy! It's like nothing else we own.
I don't bring it out often because it's hard plastic and a bit scratched up, so that plus hardwood floors is not a great combo. And she can't play with it in our yard because we live on a super steep slope, and if it rolls off the deck, it's a goner.
But I got it out the other day and she immediately went nuts.
These pics are all a blur cuz she runs by so fast with her prized possession.
Ages ago (probably before most of you found PoochSmooches), Rita won an Unbreakoball. She LOVES it. I don't know why she gets so nutty over this toy! It's like nothing else we own.
I don't bring it out often because it's hard plastic and a bit scratched up, so that plus hardwood floors is not a great combo. And she can't play with it in our yard because we live on a super steep slope, and if it rolls off the deck, it's a goner.
But I got it out the other day and she immediately went nuts.
These pics are all a blur cuz she runs by so fast with her prized possession.
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Cracks me up how she hooks a tooth in to carry it around. |
May 10, 2015
Our Dog is Lazy: Recumbent Fetch & Another Inventive Game for Lazy Dogs
We are coming to grips with the fact that our dog is lazy.
I've mentioned before that Rita's not really that into playing fetch. Oh, she'll run after the ball/toy a time or two, but then she just takes it to her bed.
I've mentioned before that Rita's not really that into playing fetch. Oh, she'll run after the ball/toy a time or two, but then she just takes it to her bed.
March 22, 2015
Off The Wall Mischief
About once a week, I try to get Rita over to her BFF's house for a playdate. They play like crazy, and then we all go for a nice long walk.
I've shared a photo of her BFF before - she's a boxer named Dakota. She will kiss you with that big ol' tongue if you let her.
I've shared a photo of her BFF before - she's a boxer named Dakota. She will kiss you with that big ol' tongue if you let her.
August 3, 2014
Monday Mischief: Rita's First Ice Cream Cone
Since July 31 was National Mutt Day, and August 1st was the day we used to celebrate angel Abby's birthday (she would have been 5 this year; read more about her here), I took Rita to McDonald's for her first ever ice cream cone.
As you can see from the intense stare, she thoroughly enjoyed it.
As you can see from the intense stare, she thoroughly enjoyed it.
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"OMD. Where has this been all my life?" |
July 13, 2014
Monday Mischief: The Stick Wins (Or Why My Hardwood Floors Look Like Hell)
Well, we long since had moved her bed back inside, of course. So, today she snuck the stick back into the house when I wasn't looking.
I look over and she's on her bed, attacking the stick. (Sorry about the blurry photo, but it was a swift and aggressive attack!)
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"You are MINE, evil stick!" |
February 2, 2014
Monday Mischief: It Is Evil and Must Be Destroyed
Last week we brought something new into the house. A harmless BOSU ball (which the hubs wanted to help build strength and balance).
However, the bosu ball was accompanied by a force for evil that we, obviously, did not recognize as such when it came into our midst.
Luckily, Rita - Defender of the Realm - was at the ready and alerted us to the intruder.
However, the bosu ball was accompanied by a force for evil that we, obviously, did not recognize as such when it came into our midst.
Luckily, Rita - Defender of the Realm - was at the ready and alerted us to the intruder.
December 19, 2013
Mirth Watch Thursday: Pet Blogger Gift Exchange Edition - Wag N Woof!
It's that most wonderful time of the year! Time for stressing out about gift-buying and menu-planning and trying to scratch things off your mile long to-do list!
But it's also time for the annual Pet Blogger's Gift Exchange - offering a lovely respite from all that stress. Why, you ask? Isn't a gift exchange just another thing to stress out about? No! Not when you do it like Pamela from Something Wagging This Way Comes and AJ from I Still Want More Puppies, the co-hosts for this year's event. These very wise ladies have come up with a "gift" exchange idea that doesn't involve buying anything! It's all about sharing the gift of "encouragement and blog love."
I was very excited when I was paired with Janet from Wag 'N Woof Pets! If you've never visited their blog, you should go there. Now. (I'll wait.)
Are you back? I mean, how freaking cute is their blog header??

I was very excited when I was paired with Janet from Wag 'N Woof Pets! If you've never visited their blog, you should go there. Now. (I'll wait.)
Are you back? I mean, how freaking cute is their blog header??
December 12, 2013
Mirth Watch Thursday: Trash-Talk the Gardener Or Eat Treats?
A few weeks ago, I posted some photos of Rita doing her acrobatic jumping when the gardeners show up. Remember these? (Apologies in advance for the quality of these pics and videos... we always hide out in the dark when the gardener comes. I don't know why, but I have it in my head that she'll be calmer in the dark. Which doesn't seem to be the case...and yet I persist.)
November 14, 2013
Mirth Watch Thursday: How Rude Is That Puppy in the Window?
Just a quick mirth watch post today (what?! She's not going to be wordy?) because it's NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. To officially participate, you sign up online and keep track of your word-count progress, and to "win" you need to come up with 50,000 words (most of them formed into actual sentences!) by month end.
BTW, 50,000 words does not a novel make. In general, your average 300-page novel is about 90-100K words. So, really it should be called NaHaANoWriMo - National Half-a-Novel Writing Month, but that's unwieldy and sounds like some ancient Hawaiian word.
Hang in there for more cuteness like this! |
October 24, 2013
October 17, 2013
Mirth Watch Thursday: I'm So Hoppy
In homage to Rita, our Mexican jumping bean, and this photo that I posted of her on Monday...
... I thought I'd post a hoppy video. And this one just happened to cross my path yesterday. This is a lot like how Rita looks when she's amped up about something. Luckily she doesn't get amped up too often!
... I thought I'd post a hoppy video. And this one just happened to cross my path yesterday. This is a lot like how Rita looks when she's amped up about something. Luckily she doesn't get amped up too often!
October 3, 2013
Mirth Watch Thursday: That Infamous Cupcake Dog
On yesterday's post, the first comment made me laugh. It was in regard to this picture:
Andrea of This Pug Life said, "She reminds me of that infamous cupcake dog in the first pic. :)"
Andrea of This Pug Life said, "She reminds me of that infamous cupcake dog in the first pic. :)"
September 26, 2013
Mirth Watch Thursday: Clumsy Can Be Cute
Yesterday, Rita had a golden opportunity to shame the Momma. So many things that the Momma does that she's embarrassed about... So little blog space...
If Rita had a video camera handy, she could record how clumsy I am and shame me with that. It would totally be payback for the "Pancake Catching Fail" video. She could do a whole compilation video of me running into walls and tables and bruising myself on drawers and various other objects that LEAP out into my path over the course of my day.
Lucky for me, she doesn't have a video camera.
But.. I found this dude on YouTube who has a really cool super slow-mo camera. And he has clumsy dogs. (Clumsy dogs are dogs after my own heart!) And, bonus, they are super cute dogs too!
Rita and I can totally relate to these pups not being able to catch! How about you? Are you clumsy too, or is it just me and Rita? ...And these cuties in the video. How about your pups?
That's it - just a quick Mirth Watch post today! It's been busy, busy around here with the launch of Rescue Me, Maybe.
If Rita had a video camera handy, she could record how clumsy I am and shame me with that. It would totally be payback for the "Pancake Catching Fail" video. She could do a whole compilation video of me running into walls and tables and bruising myself on drawers and various other objects that LEAP out into my path over the course of my day.
Lucky for me, she doesn't have a video camera.
But.. I found this dude on YouTube who has a really cool super slow-mo camera. And he has clumsy dogs. (Clumsy dogs are dogs after my own heart!) And, bonus, they are super cute dogs too!
Rita and I can totally relate to these pups not being able to catch! How about you? Are you clumsy too, or is it just me and Rita? ...And these cuties in the video. How about your pups?
That's it - just a quick Mirth Watch post today! It's been busy, busy around here with the launch of Rescue Me, Maybe.
Now, go forth and be mirthful!
September 19, 2013
Mirth Watch Thursday: You Need A Unique Breed!
Today on Mirth Watch Thursday I'm blogging about unique breeds. Rita is a marvelous mystery mutt... or is she a unique breed? That's right... I give you, the sheagle!
September 12, 2013
Mirth Watch Thursday: Rita's "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" Report
You guys! It's me, Rita. Momma and Daddy went to Maui (again) and I was stuck at The Gulag* (again)!!!
This time, they even put me behind bars while I was there:
This time, they even put me behind bars while I was there:
August 22, 2013
Mirth Watch Thursday: Does Your Dog Sing?
I enjoy a singing dog. Sadly, Rita doesn't sing.
Although it almost looks like she's belting out a tune here, using her Himalayan chew as a mic. She's doing her Cindi Pawper impersonation, and yes, this little girl does just wanna have fun:
Although it almost looks like she's belting out a tune here, using her Himalayan chew as a mic. She's doing her Cindi Pawper impersonation, and yes, this little girl does just wanna have fun:
February 7, 2013
Mirth Watch Thursday: Does Your Pup Want Roadside Assistance?
With it being that huge all-American sporting event this past Sunday that SO many people tuned in to watch, I figured I better do a post about it. That's right - I'm talking about Puppy Bowl. Did you watch?
I confess we watched the Super Bowl (which was finally a good game for once, blackouts not withstanding) and DVR'd the Puppy Bowl. Although I have to give it to the Super Bowl for being a little more exciting in the 4th quarter, I preferred the Puppy Bowl MVP:
I confess we watched the Super Bowl (which was finally a good game for once, blackouts not withstanding) and DVR'd the Puppy Bowl. Although I have to give it to the Super Bowl for being a little more exciting in the 4th quarter, I preferred the Puppy Bowl MVP:
September 7, 2012
Sleepovers are Exhausting
Recently, Rita went for a trial sleepover at my sister's house (aka The Gulag - where they have actual rules that dogs must abide by!).
It's a dilemma, isn't it? Wondering and worrying about what you're going to do with your pup if you go away on vacation or for work.
My sis and I have been trading dog-sitting duties for a long time now, which used to be no big deal back when we had Bailey, who was close in age and temperament to their corgi, Lou. But now that we keep insisting on getting these darn puppies, and since Lou has become a distinguished older gentleman, well, it's a little more complicated.
Abby used to pester Lou relentlessly trying to get him to play with her - and driving him into a state of...let's call it extreme dismay. So we decided on a trial run with Rita, so see if she'd be an improvement in Lou's books over Abby.
This was the first time since we got Rita back in January that we'd be away from her for a night. And she looked a little concerned when Momma left.
It's a dilemma, isn't it? Wondering and worrying about what you're going to do with your pup if you go away on vacation or for work.
My sis and I have been trading dog-sitting duties for a long time now, which used to be no big deal back when we had Bailey, who was close in age and temperament to their corgi, Lou. But now that we keep insisting on getting these darn puppies, and since Lou has become a distinguished older gentleman, well, it's a little more complicated.
Abby used to pester Lou relentlessly trying to get him to play with her - and driving him into a state of...let's call it extreme dismay. So we decided on a trial run with Rita, so see if she'd be an improvement in Lou's books over Abby.
This was the first time since we got Rita back in January that we'd be away from her for a night. And she looked a little concerned when Momma left.
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"Wh-where are you going, Momma?" |
August 13, 2012
Pancake Catching Fail
Hi all - Rita here. Today it's time for Monday Mischief. Momma thinks I am a good girl, so she doesn't really think I get up to much mischief. (She's soooo wrong!)
Momma made this video of me yesterday -- it's supposed to be a game of catch with Momma using pieces of a leftover pancake from their breakfast to get me to learn to catch. (You can't really hear the sound very good - but it's mostly just Momma saying "Are you ready?" and then laughing at me. Nice, Momma. Real nice.)
Momma made this video of me yesterday -- it's supposed to be a game of catch with Momma using pieces of a leftover pancake from their breakfast to get me to learn to catch. (You can't really hear the sound very good - but it's mostly just Momma saying "Are you ready?" and then laughing at me. Nice, Momma. Real nice.)
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