Showing posts with label Dog walks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dog walks. Show all posts

October 31, 2017

August 15, 2017

A Pup & A Plant, Part Deux

Last month I posted about how I exercise my brain while Rita and I are out on our walks with my Instagram "A Pup and A Plant Series." On our walks, I try to remember plant names, then I take a photo of Rita next to the plant, and then attempt a little word-play for the caption.

I originally thought I could keep this going for maybe a week to 10 days, but I've managed to think up quite a few of them, so figured I'd share another batch here.

An African iris & an American princess. #sospoiled

July 18, 2017

Exercise For My Brain While We Exercise On Our Walks

I've been doing this thing over on Instagram. If we're connected there, you will possibly have already seen it. I call it "A Pup and A Plant Series." On our walks, I try to remember plant names, then I take a photo of Rita next to the plant, and try to do a little word-play caption.

I've done quite a few, so here are a chunk of them.

Rita and red roses.

June 13, 2017

A New Adventure in Old Town

The hubs and I are members with the Temecula Olive Oil Company (their oils are fantastic!), so once per quarter I get an email that our oils are available. Rita always comes along with me to pick them up at Old Town - a historic State Park, here in San Diego, considered to be "the birthplace of California."

We've been many times, and we always take a nice walk before stopping in at TOOC, which is dog-friendly so Rita always comes along in and gets a treat.

Well, this time when we were walking around waiting for TOOC to open, I noticed a shaded grassy area and, since it was a hot day, we headed over.

The first thing I noticed were the beautiful jacaranda trees. (So pretty! But so messy!)

May 30, 2017

May 9, 2017

My Dog Is A Walking Contradiction. Literally. Like, On Walks, I Mean.

Rita is... kind of odd sometimes. (Okay, a lot of the time.)

One thing that's odd about her is that she doesn't really like strangers... and yet, when we go on walks, she often turns up people's walkways as if she wants to go say hi. My normally antisocial dog starts acting social.

May 3, 2016

Making Our Walking Routine Less Routine

I/we take Rita for a walk pretty much every single morning. We have a lovely 'hood, with lots of different routes that we can take, but still... sometimes you need a change.

So, lately - maybe once every other week - Rita and I hop in the car and drive down to the next 'hood. It's fun because Rita gets to sniff new things, and I get to see new things. (And, since I started running again recently, it's especially good since it's flat, while our 'hood is super hilly!)

Sometimes I find pretty new places to pose Rita...

January 26, 2016

May 31, 2015

The Shortest Path To Treats

With our 2 previous dogs, they never wanted their walks to end. Bailey would dawdle along, sniffing and exploring for ages if'd you let her. Abby, who we used to always take to the bay, would dance out into the water just out of reach when it was time to get in the car and go home.
Abby evades capture just out of reach in the water
So with Rita, I taught her that getting home from a walk was a good thing by giving her a treat when we get home.

And now of course she wants to race home!

June 20, 2013

Mirth Watch Thursday: Connected (to the Dog) But Alone

Recently the hubs and I were watching something on TV where they were interviewing Sherry Turkle about her book Alone Together and her TED talk "Connected, But Alone." Turkle is a psychologist and sociologist who talks about how our connection to each other online and via our devices is shaping how we relate and communicate with one another in person.

It got me thinking about Rita, and how when I'm connected to her (out on a leash walk) I often still feel alone...

After all, she's obsessed with checking her pee-mail.
"Says here that Fifi got spayed!"