Showing posts with label Rescue Dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rescue Dogs. Show all posts

September 12, 2017

HOT Dog & the #RememberTheRescue Contest!

It's been pretty hot here - the temps aren't that bad here at the coast, but it's been unusually muggy.

Rita's not a fan of overly hot weather so we got her a little pool this summer. As I've mentioned here before, she hates to swim, but loves to dunk!

July 26, 2015

Monday Mischief: Rita and the Breadsticks

From the title of this post you might suspect Rita got into a package of breadsticks and ate them.

Nope. Our girl would never do that. Siriously, never.

She won't even eat one breadstick.

Here is a (not very good) picture of her enjoying a bite of a breadstick.

But she won't eat a whole one.

July 21, 2015

Wordless Wed.: To Sleep, Perchance To Dream

Sometimes the pups at the shelter just want a little loving during what should be their roaming around, sniffing, and playing time.