Showing posts with label Rita. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rita. Show all posts

November 10, 2015

Okay, The Dog Snuggles Sometimes

Last week, I said Rita's not huge on cuddling, but my sis reminded me of this other sweet photo of Rita and Reg almost having a cuddle a previous time that Reg stayed with us:

November 8, 2015

What Does the Dog Think When You're Sick?

I've had a terrible cold for almost a week now - the worst cold I've had in a while. Rita has been very sympathetic. And very interested in my chicken soup lunches. (Actually, maybe she wasn't sympathetic. Maybe she was thinking, "She's in a weakened state. I can probably take her and score that chicken soup!)

November 3, 2015

Speaking of Nuttiness... Cuddles & Close Ups

In my last post, I wrote about "nuttiness triggers." Today we have more nuttiness! I finally got around to pulling pics off my big camera, and I found these pics of Reggie's recent stay that I'd forgotten about.

Rita was minding her own biz in her usual spot on the couch in my office. 

October 25, 2015

An Impromptu Take-Your-Dog-to-Work Day

Recently the Dog-Daddy had to go in to the office to pick up a report on the weekend, so we took Rita along with us for a little Take-Your-Dog-to-Work Day. Since she doesn't always like strange men, it's best to go on a day when no one else will be there, rather than on the real TYDtW Day!

She had a good time checking out where the heck Daddy goes for such long stretches of time every weekday!

September 27, 2015

We're Walking Here... Or Not

As I mentioned last Monday, we're dog-sitting our nephew, Reggie the corgi, at the moment.

Here's a pic of Rita and Reg on our walk the other day. Of a twenty minute walk, about 13 seconds of it looked nice and organized like they are in this photo.

September 20, 2015

Muchas Pooches Equals Muchas Mischief

We are dog-sitting Reggie right now. (If you're new around here, Reg is my sister's corgi). When Rita and Reg get together there's always plenty of mischief! Here's a recap of some of it from this past week. Sorry about the quality of some of the pics. My phone doesn't take the best pics in bad lighting. Or maybe it's operator error!

First of all, I never met a dog who resists going on a walk. If he sees me coming with the leash, he takes off running. He seems to like it once we're out, but I have to corner him to get the leash on him. Funny boy.

September 15, 2015

Balancing to Build Up the Dog's Confidence

I wanted to try to do a pictorial of our vaca with Rita to Cambria in Central CA today, but I didn't have time to get organized, so instead I'm sharing a subset of Rita balancing on things while we were on vaca!

I'm always impressed by Mr. N., the adorable Tenacious Little Terrier and the Adventures of Zoe & Phoenix and all the other talented dogs out there who can hop up on trees and whatnot and pose for photos. Since Rita has a lot of fears, I figured we'd try some hoping-up-and-posing pics, too, to build up her confidence - but we started small!

Here she is on a bench. (I know: easy-peasy. But they had all these cool benches made of logs and driftwood so it was mostly for the photo op and to practice her "go to your bed" command. That was the command I used to get her up on all these things. If I pat something - sofa, her bed, bench, whatever - and say "go to your bed" she'll get on it.)

September 13, 2015

A Puffy-Faced Puppy

We were away last week on vacation so took a little bloggy break. Missed you guys! Catching up on recent mischief today, and hopefully I'll get around to sharing our vaca pics soon!

Some of you may have seen this on Facebook, but recently, Rita was happily hanging out on the deck outside, as she often likes to do...

September 1, 2015

Our Dog is Calling the Drought Police - We Gave Her a Bath

Rita LOVES the drought in California. Because of it, she hasn't had a bath in ages! She was terribly over-due so we had to give her one this past weekend. (Siriusly, Rita - we had no choice!)

Since I knew we'd be giving her a bath when we got home, I let her indulge in one of her fave things to do on a hot walk - dunk in a puddle.
Filthy dunking puppy

August 25, 2015

Less-Wordy Wednesday: A Little Library

I found a little library in our 'hood. So fun!

I was out walking Rita the other day, and someone had put a "little library" on one of the side streets by our house. It had just started, so there weren't too many books then, but I did get Room, which I've been wanting to read.

August 16, 2015

Mad Dogs, Englishmen, and Us

Do you know that saying that "only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun"?

Well, you can add us to that list.
"I wouldn't say I'm *mad*, just annoyed."

August 11, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: Wild-Eyed

As you know from Monday's post, Rita's cousin Reg was here for four days last week. Usually he is the one trying to get Rita to play, but sometimes she tries to entice him first, which is what she was doing here when she flung herself into her bed and struck this "come and get me!" wild-eyed pose. 
Nutty girl.

August 9, 2015

Monday Mischief - Busted for Pooch Smooches

Back long ago when I first started this blog, we had a very kissy dog.

This girl right here, angel Abby:
"Turn the camera off so we can make out."

August 2, 2015

Monday Mischief - Custom Bedding for the Dog Part II

Remember when Rita took it upon herself to customize her own bedding? (In a nutshell, she purloined a no-longer-needed twin mattress topper that I didn't know where to store and "customized" it to fit her fuzzy little form.)

July 26, 2015

Monday Mischief: Rita and the Breadsticks

From the title of this post you might suspect Rita got into a package of breadsticks and ate them.

Nope. Our girl would never do that. Siriously, never.

She won't even eat one breadstick.

Here is a (not very good) picture of her enjoying a bite of a breadstick.

But she won't eat a whole one.

July 14, 2015

Less Wordy Wed: The Dog Doesn't Want To Be A Bother

Usually Rita sleeps later than I do and I'm up before her, but the other morning I came around the corner and here she was, waiting patiently by the backdoor to go out:

This is what she does when she wants to go in or out. She waits.

June 28, 2015

An Experiment Goes As Expected

Last week, Jodi at Heart Like a Dog, who frequently writes cute posts about the funny or sweet things her dogs do that make her smile, wrote about how her boy Sampson stops eating his Kong and stares at it, "knowing someone will help [him] get the goodies out..."

She said that he will "either bounce the Kong until he gets the pineapple out, or he just stops all together. "

I commented that "Rita would look at me like I was insane if I put fruit in her Kong." Jodi asked if I'd ever tried pineapple, conjecturing that Rita might actually like it. I said I was "100% certain Rita will give me a look of disgust if I offer her a piece of pineapple." And an experiment was born.

June 16, 2015

Less-Wordy Wed.: Celebrating the Dog's Birthday!

Rita turned four on Tuesday. Well, we don't really know her exact birthday, but June 16th is the day we celebrate. Based on the age Baja Animal Sanctuary guessed at for her, we figured her birthday was around mid-June, and since 6/16 is her angel-cousin Lou's birthday, it seemed like a perfect day to pick for Rita.

Rita wanted a party with pony rides and a clown (to bark at) for her birthday but we decided on something a little more low-key.

We started the celebrations on Sunday night, when the whole unit went to In-N-Out burger and Rita got a Flying Dutchman! (Which is 2 burger patties with cheese. Yes, I know - so decadent, but she only gets one on her gotcha day in January and her bday in June.)

June 14, 2015

Monday Mischief: Pom Wonderful - and Pom Confusing

This weekend the hubs came in and said we had 7 pomegranates growing on one of our trees.

This was news to me, for 2 reasons:
1) I didn't know we had a pomegranate tree. We've lived here almost 5 years and never seen any fruit on the trees so we didn't know what they were. Turns out we have two pom trees! Yay! Pom wonderful! 

2) I thought pomegranates were only in season in winter, since we always only get them from our CSA in January. (I Googled it and according to the Pomegranate Council they usually only grow in No. America during late summer and early winter. Maybe our tree is confused since our weather was so hot in winter and has only just lately felt like early winter!) Pom confusing!

We all went outside to check it out. (I apologize that these are blurry!)
"Hmmm. What's this?"