November 1, 2015

The Dog's Nuttiness Trigger

Does your dog have a "nuttiness trigger"? You know... where one minute they're just walking along like a normal pooch, and then they hit that trigger and suddenly they're romping and bouncing and running like a nut??

With Rita it's getting her feet wet. When we're out on a walk and she walks through a puddle, we yell "Wet feet!" and she starts spazzing out. She often suddenly takes off running, dragging me behind.

With our angel Bailey it was "loose dirt." Don't ask me why.
Angel Bailey
We'd be on a hike and Bailey would just be trooping along on the packed dirt trail, and suddenly we'd hit an odd patch of sand or soft, loose dirt, and she'd turn into an absolute banana. We'd always yell, "Loose dirt!"

To this day, we still yell, "Loose dirt!" every time we hit a patch of sand on a hike, and up until today, Rita has just looked back at us like we're crazy.

But today, for some reason she channeled her angel sister and had a little spazz attack when she hit a big patch of sand on our hiking trail.

She immediately started digging furiously...

... she bounced around to try from another angle...
She's just a blur here!
...and grabbed a stick to try and bury.

Our little nut job. What a goofball. She reminded us so much of our Bailey today.
Love the splayed toes and the dirt all over her nose.
Is there anything similar that makes your dog get all nutty?

Thanks to My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief! Visit My Brown Newfies to see the other blogs in the hop!


  1. These two set each other off. One moment all is quiet the next minute I have two flying Shelties chasing each other over the house. I never know exactly what sets them off, but it is always a joy to see.

    1. Yeah, it's like that here when Reg stays over with us. Sometimes I catch him in the act of making these funny faces at her that set her off. He comes up to her and snaps his jaws really quickly and quietly at her. He keeps doing it until she can't take it and off they go!

  2. Whenever music comes on the TV - usually during a commercial, if we yell "Dance T" he will start his wiggle-butt moves. Everything is a trigger for Cassius and I am still looking for a phrase that will keep him calm :)

    1. That is so funny about Booker T! Cute! Too funny about looking for a phrase to quiet Cassius. Sounds like Rita's best friend - boxer, Dakota.

  3. Dogs are so funny and full of surprises. I don't know what triggers Toby but he'll be all calm and then start the zoomies for no apparent reason. It never fails to make us laugh!

    1. Yep, it never fails to make us laugh either. They're so funny.

  4. I love it when Torrey tucks her butt and just starts running!

    1. hehe. I can picture her doing that! So funny how they just take off all of a sudden. Wouldn't it be funny if people did that?!

  5. Oh my goodness this is funny. I can see you yelling loose dirt :) Cocoa is nuts in general :) She goes crazy over sticks. She picks them up and carries them and then drops them and tries to throw them up in the air and catch them and sometimes eat them!!

    1. Rita sometimes goes nuts over sticks as well! We'll be walking along and she'll see a stick that she just has to have and she'll grab it and start running. Dogs are so funny.

  6. Such adorable faces and so funny!

    1. Love that nutty face Rita is making in the last pic! :)

  7. cats...................................stella rose

  8. Rita is so cute! Phoenix is a big fan of sand. As soon as she finds some she takes off and has zoomies! It's so funny!

    1. Isn't if funny when they do that? Something about sand between the toes!

  9. Windy days get us all wild and crazy!

    1. Oh, that's funny. Luckily Rita is not excited by wind, cuz we get a lot of it here by the coast. Just last night it was really windy and she just stood there with her ears flapping. :)

  10. Rita is awesome! Our dog (Seriously--yes, that's her name) goes crazy at the beach. I think it's the soft sand that sets her off. Our beach is fairly isolated so she's usually off-leash, and she runs like mad, up and down the dunes, with the most crazed and pleased look on her face. It makes me quite happy to watch (oh, if only we could live our lives as simply as dogs!).

    1. Isn't that the truth?! Wouldn't it be entertaining - and refreshing - if we all FOUND and expressed our joy as readily as dogs do?

  11. Misty the alpha Poodle has this thing every so often where she barks furiously at the door. She is not a barker. When the dogs run to the door (i have learned not to) she comes in and chooses the coziest spot where another dog has lain. I'm glad I'm a little smarter than she is

  12. Rita you are funny! Bailey has this thing where sometimes he starts barking and will get right in Hazel's face to encourage her to "sing" with him. They will carry on for a minute or two then just stop
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

    1. That's so funny! We're going to need a video of that!

  13. Hmm... Mr. N goes all crazy whenever he sees Sage. Does that count?

    1. If Sage is Mr N's nuttiness trigger, than that counts! Pretty sure Rita might be Reggie's. :)

  14. Replies
    1. That's hysterical. Rita has never seen either, so when she does, I'll let you know!

  15. Where do we begin? Mom likes to say "Who's that?" when she sees someone we know, then when I recognize them I go nuts and have to run and say hi! Love Dolly PeeS: Then there was the MinPin, "There's that MinPin!"

    1. That's so funny, Dolly. You reminded me of our beagle, Barney, when I was growing up. We'd say "where's the kitty?" We didn't actually have a kitty, but I think he was convinced that the neighbor cat was stealing his food - an impossibility since he always snarfed it down in like 2 seconds flat - but still, when we'd say that, he'd run to the backdoor and look out the window for htat darn cat!

  16. It's great that you'll always have the pups' quirks as fun & silly memories.

    1. It is nice to remember the funny things they do. Happy happy memories.

  17. Our boy Bill loves getting his butt lightly slapped. Then he's off - running around and woo-hooing. Looks like a complete nut but he's happy. (the others stare at him)

  18. Blueberry's trigger is a really good BM. Yeah, I know...just imagine stooping down to pick up the BM and having your dog want to start running in joy from ridding herself of that load. I can totally picture her holding up one of those "I POOPED TODAY!!!" signs as she races down the trail. I always have to tell her, "Blueberry, I know you feel really happy right now, but there is no way I am running."

    1. Okay, I thought Bill liking to get his butt lightly slapped was a riot, but this one WINS. That is SO funny. I can't imagine what we'd yell out if that were the case with Rita, like we do with "Wet feet!" or "Loose dirt!"

  19. Don't you just love it when they do something that makes you think they must be channeling one of your angel dogs?
    Sometimes if I put my hands on my knees, bending over slightly, and stare right at Luke, right into his eyes, he'll go crazy and start doing zoomies around the yard! I like to do it when I know he has excess energy that he needs to burn off.

    1. That's really funny, and like you said a great way to get him to burn off that extra energy!

  20. That is funny. I can't think of anything specific. They do like to run, but they do that pretty much on their own.

  21. LOL that's adorable. Well Delilah of course chases leaves...dragging me along behind her. Sampson on occasion will get to digging somewhere on a walk, but not frequently. So there's nothing that really sets them off....but....I can't tell you why this works but for some reason if I yell, "Black Beans, Black Beans!" Delilah will lose it. She gets so excited and comes charging at me and I don't know why. It's not like I'm feeding her the beans. LOL

  22. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am not nutty at all!!! but my sister sayas nuttiness trigger seems to be waking up or going owtside or coming inside or ummm pritty mutch ennything!!! ha ha ok bye

  23. Right about now its leaves for Jax. He just about threw my arm out of its socket when the wind blew a leaf up in the air. After that - he's "Jumping Jax Flash" #blogpostcomingsoon


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