September 20, 2015

Muchas Pooches Equals Muchas Mischief

We are dog-sitting Reggie right now. (If you're new around here, Reg is my sister's corgi). When Rita and Reg get together there's always plenty of mischief! Here's a recap of some of it from this past week. Sorry about the quality of some of the pics. My phone doesn't take the best pics in bad lighting. Or maybe it's operator error!

First of all, I never met a dog who resists going on a walk. If he sees me coming with the leash, he takes off running. He seems to like it once we're out, but I have to corner him to get the leash on him. Funny boy.
Today he came in with this mysterious orange blotch on his fur. Have NO idea what it is.

The other day I was doing sit ups and he came and sat under my legs. He's so silly.

Okay, now Rita. I found her sleeping in Reg's bed. It's too small for her, but I'm pretty sure that's not the point. She just wants to be sure he can't get in it. She's such a brat.

These are the usual spots Rita and I occupy on the sofa when we watch TV. Reg insists on getting into the space between us. Even when it's way too hot for snuggling!

Today, I suggested we go take a nap. Then I went to the bathroom, and when I got back, my side of the bed was full of puppies. Brats.

This is just the tip of the mischief iceberg, but these were the only things we caught on camera!

Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief! Visit My Brown Newfies to see the other blogs in the hop!


  1. Looks like you had quite a mischievous week!! Reg and Rita would make excellent partners in crime ;)

    Your last photo reminded me of a bed spread I once saw. 3/4 of the bed was white and in black writing it said, Dog's Side. A thin black strip on the other side of the bed said My side in white! Dogs always seem to get the best of both worlds!

  2. LOL! You are learning the joy of living with a corgi! They are extremely opinionated and bossy so it is no surprise about the walk. Wilson will often plant his feet and refuse to go.

    1. OMD, yes, he is SO bossy! And Rita's is SO the opposite, so we're used to her. Didn't know that was a corgi thing! We had a beagle though and they are the same, so we should be used to it!

  3. LOL Reggie not wanting to go for a walk really surprises me! At our house if a human is on the floor, he/she is fair game for laying on/under. The dogs are sure it's an invitation to play.

    1. I know, the walk thing... I don't get it! Every dog I know goes ape over going for walks. Not this boy!

  4. It's so good that Rita is having a sleepover/extended play date. They look so cute together. We finally ended up buying a bigger bed last month because 2 humans and 2 boxers make for some tight sleeping quarters.

    1. Sounds like you definitely needed a bigger bed! We moved up to a king about a year or so ago and we are so happy we did!

  5. Love the pic of you all on the couch. Reggie's ears frame your face so lovely.

    1. His ears are so funny. They're like beings of their own.

  6. Haha - having house guests is always fun!

    Monty and Harlow

  7. Replies
    1. They are pretty darn cute. Been taking a lot of pics!

  8. Hi Y'all!

    Too funny and cute!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  9. LOL great recap. I love how Rita squeezed into Regs bed. How that's comfy beats me.

    1. If you look at her face, I'm pretty sure she doesn't find it comfy either! Just doesn't want him to have it!

  10. Almost everynight Mabel gets right in my spot on the bed - silly girl. I have to move her or I can't even get in bed
    Bailey, Hazel & Mabel too

  11. well, that is one cute corgi. Rita is doing great allowing him in the house, bed and sofa. You did say nap... so they're being obedient! Did they tell you to curl up around them? Pile on puppy style? LeeAnna

    1. In the winter, okay, but it's too hot for puppy pile sleeping here right now!

  12. It looks like Reggie is making the most of his visit, and that he feels completely at home there!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. Yeah, hopefully he's not missing his peeps too much!

  13. Muchas Poochas!! LOL! I wonder if the orange splotch is from a flower? Sometimes certain flowers have long stamens that can stick up out of the flower. I've seen my cat get orange blotches from flower stamens before.

    Reggie looks like he is wearing a black and white fur suit!! I mean he IS, but you know what i mean! hahaha

    1. That's all I can think is that its some sort of pollen. But Rita has never come in covered in orange splotches. But then, she's not as... curious as he is.

  14. It's very important to stake out your territory. That is a mysterious stain! Did you ever figure it out?

    1. Yeah, they both like to have their territory! As Kathleen theorized above, all I can think is that it's some pollen of some sort. No other ideas!

  15. Oh Rita, we so LOVE watching the mischief when Reggie comes a visiting! You are both too cute!! I'm with Kathleen, the mystery stain it looks like pollen. Did it come off easily?

    1. yes, there's always good mischief when Reg is around! It seems like pollen, but it's still not completely gone. Of course, I didn't try any water though yet. I just tried rubbing it off. I figure with Rita chewing on him regularly, it will be gone in a day or two!

  16. Hahaha! Reg is like me having to live with Taffy so I really feel for Rita! Love Dolly

    1. She loves to have him come, but she's always exhausted by the time he goes home!

  17. That is so awesome they have each other to hang out with now and then! Nothing like mischief with family and friends.

  18. I can see mischief in their eyes!! They are having so much fun!!!

  19. whole lot of trouble going on there but the good kind of trouble.

  20. This post had me laughing. Reg is so silly.

  21. I love the mischief and I'm quite thankful mine haven't learned nap yet. :-) Sometimes if I get up during the night to use the bathroom, Delilah will steal my spot. Then I climb into a cold bed.

  22. hello rita its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that is sum gud bed hogging yoo and reg ar gitting up to!!! wel dun!!! hay reg sort of luks like a corgi verzhun of a border collie in that first pikcher!!! maybe he shud try flyball!!! ok bye

  23. I love the Reggie and Rita series. They are so comical together!


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