September 1, 2015

Our Dog is Calling the Drought Police - We Gave Her a Bath

Rita LOVES the drought in California. Because of it, she hasn't had a bath in ages! She was terribly over-due so we had to give her one this past weekend. (Siriusly, Rita - we had no choice!)

Since I knew we'd be giving her a bath when we got home, I let her indulge in one of her fave things to do on a hot walk - dunk in a puddle.
Filthy dunking puppy
Normally, I don't let her do that! I warned her that if she did the crime, she'd have to do the time, but she didn't even listen to me. 

She is blowing her coat somethin' fierce, so we used her "shedless shampoo" (which I reviewed last June - like, June 2014! That may or may not have been the last time she had a bath... The hubs insists we bathed her since then, but I'm not so sure...).

There was hair everywhere. 
She was NOT amused about getting a bath.

But afterward, she was a happy girl cuz she got a bully stick!
Pizzles make everything better.
Rita says she is going to call the Water Police on us to make sure we don't give her anymore baths until the drought is over.

In Other Sad News...
One of my sisters had to put her beloved dog, Roxy, to sleep on Monday. I was just at their house on Sunday, and Roxy looked great. (Like Rita, she wasn't a huge fan of having her picture taken, but she was a beautiful girl!)

Unfortunately, when my sis came home on Monday though, she had collapsed and my sis knew it was time. 

They don't know exactly how old Roxy was since she was a rescue, but she had a long, happy life with them. They were lucky to find each other. My sis said she was the "best dog ever." Roxy will definitely be missed.

Please send healing thoughts out to my sis. Thank you.

Happy Wordless Wednesday! Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting! You can check out all the blogs in the hop here.


  1. I'm sorry about your sister's dog. That's always hard.

    The "I hate you" picture makes me laugh! Poor Rita. Glad she got over it.

    1. Thank you for the condolences. It IS always so hard.

      The look on her face in that "i hate you" picture... Pretty certain that's what she's thinking.

  2. Oh no! Poor Rita, the girls sympathize they don't like baths, either!

    I am so sorry about Roxy! :( ~hugs~

    1. Thank you for the condolences.

      Funny cuz Rita loves to get wet - but a bath is something else altogether!

  3. Oh no! Mine don't enjoy baths either. But they enjoy running around once done!

  4. Baths are not fun because you smell so rotten afterwards! Yuck! Go out and find something good to roll around in! So sorry about Roxy. It is very sad, but it is good your sister knew it was the time to let her go.

    1. Yes, it was time. She'd had an episode about 9 months ago, so she had a good 9 months since then!

      And, yes, Rita hates how she smells now! But I think she smells fabulous! I keep smelling her. :)

  5. I'm sorry for your sister. I'm glad her rescue experience was such a wonderful one.

  6. Very glad we got to see Rox on Sunday. She was a sweet, funny, furry girl! We'll all miss her.

    And it was hot on Saturday so it was a good day for a bath, IMO. But clearly Rita didn't agree.

    1. Yeah, I'm glad we got to see her too and give her some loving.

      That's what we thought - good hot day for a bath!

  7. So sorry about your sisters Roxy. And sorry for Rita that she had to have a bath.

    1. Thank you for the condolences.

      And Rita says thank you as well.

  8. So very sorry for your sister and her loss. Sending her some virtual hugs.

    Jeffie was shocked to find out that you engage in torture of his beloved! Baths are evil and he's contemplating sending Rita some horse "apples" so she can roll around in something good!

    1. Thank you for the condolences. Rita would appreciate that care package very much!

  9. We loves our bathes, and mom usually gives us a bath each month or less, you must not stink as much as mom thinks we do. We are sorry to hear about your aunts loss, Rita, saying goodbye is always hard on the heart.
    stella rose

    1. Thank you for the condolences.

      Wow, I wish Rita loved a bath! She actually doesn't get stinky, which is nice!

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about Roxy and I'm sending good thoughts to you and your sister. I know when one of our family members loses a dog, it's always like losing your own dog.

    I hope Rita stays smelling sweet until some relief comes your way with the water situation. :)

    1. Thank you for the condolences. Yes, it's hard when the family loses a pet. We've all been there.

      Rita smells SO good! Don't think it will last until the El Nino hits though...

  11. I am so sorry to hear about Roxy. At least there is some comfort in her having a good life. My thoughts and prayers to your sis and her family. We have been threatening our dogs with baths all week but they keep escaping. Hopefully they will get one over the 3-day weekend. Love the bath pics!

    1. She did have an awesome life!

      Rita had gone so long without a bath that my threats were meaningless to her!

  12. I'm sorry to hear about Roxy, keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers!
    -Spencer the Goldendoodle

  13. Wow, it was time for a bath just look at all that dirt! So sorry about Roxy, sending positive thoughts your way and your sisters :)

    1. Thank you for the condolences.

      Yes, she was a very dirty (and hairy!) girl!

  14. I tell you, I have had enough baths in the last couple of months to last me a lifetime!
    Sorry to hear about Roxy, we are sending pug prayers to your Sis
    Bailey & Hazel too

    1. Thank you for the condolences.

      Rita feels your pain Mabel! She had to have the same treatment with countless baths when she first came to us!

  15. My heart goes out to your sister and the family on losing Roxy. She was such a beautiful dog! On another note, I think Rita should put the Drought Police on speed dial!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. Thank you for the condolences. She was a gorgeous girl!

      Rita says thank you for that good idea!

  16. BOL!!! Since we got her 4 weeks ago, Sugar got 2 baths already ... and this weekend, she's going to have another bath. Due to the weather, she's shedding too. For sure Rita smells good :-) Golden Woofs

    1. Wow, 2 baths already! Hope she likes them a lot more than Rita does!

  17. Bath times are best in the river, or when giving your humans a bath. PurrrRRRrrrs for Roxy.

    1. Yes, Rita agrees - best in the river or in the bay or in a stinky puddle!

  18. Oh, all the best to your sister on the loss of Roxy. It's so sad to lose them.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

    1. It is so sad, especially when they are such a constant, loving presence in the house.

  19. A bath! How rude! And we bet you took much care to get your bouquet just right. Condolences to Mom's sister about losing Roxy!

    1. Thanks for the condolences.

      She smells SO good still. I'm sure she's completely put out about that!

  20. Heeling thoughts to your sister. If only dogs lived as long as turtles. It's a price we pay to love a dog and not have to walk a turtle. I got the audio book. I will email you later about how it is going.

    1. Thank you.

      Lol. About not having to walk a turtle. :)

      Hope you'll enjoy the audio book!

  21. So sorry to hear about Roxy. Goodbye is the hardest word.

    We are teaching Phod to like a bath, but have given up on Hailey!

    1. Goodbye is the worst.

      Wish we'd tried to teach Rita to love them!

  22. My sympathies to your sister.

    So where did a puddle come from in a drought?

    1. Thank you.

      We hve a lot of idiot neighbors. Probably one of them has their sprinklers set too high. We're only supposed to run them twice per week/5 min each time.

    2. LOL! I hear you on the idiot neighbors! We have one whose sprinklers can be seen running on a rainy day! We might not be in a drought but it is still wasteful.

  23. Sorry to hear about Roxy. Rita would not like living at our house. Mr. N gets a bath probably every week and a half or so. Between playing at the beach and trips with Sage and therapy work, he needs baths fairly often!

    1. When Rita went to the beach a lot she got baths more often, or at least rinsed in the hose and rubbed down good!

  24. We kitties very rarely have to have a bath intervention from humans as we self-clean. Rita have you thought of having a species re-assignment?

    We are very sorry about Roxy! Sending purrs and kitty cuddles. It's always very hard to lose a furry xx

    1. Thank you.

      Rita definitely wants to know what it would involve to become a cat! We had a beagle who I used to call a "beagle in a cat suit" and sometimes i think Rita is channeling her!

  25. Dogs are complicated. They hate you, then they love you. Like Blueberry hates me when I clean her ears. Loves me afterwards when I give her treats. It's like living with Jekyl and Hyde.

    Aww, so sad about Roxy!

  26. bath once a year! I get one a month says Cole. Tell mom!!!

    So sorry for your sis's loss...

  27. My heart goes out to your sister....Roxy was a beauty.

    Love the Rita photos! I think she forgot all about her bath as soon as you gave her the pizzle stick! Two of ours are getting their baths this weekend, and Sheba goes to "the spa" on Tuesday. She gets some serious knots that I just can't get out, plus she has really thick nails that I have trouble trimming. Plus, the groomer makes her look much nicer than I can with a trim!
    Jan, Wag n Woof Pets

  28. hello rita its dennis the vizsla dog hay i do not blaym yoo for this at all!!! reeport water waysters wot do things like giv dogs kompleetly unessessary baths!!! i hope yoo git a reward!!! i am sorry to heer abowt roxy it is never eezy to say gudbye to owr frends!!! ok bye

  29. So sorry to read about Roxy. :( I am glad Rita survived her bath. :)

  30. With all that shedding, it was brave of you to bathe her in the house. My Golden Retriever got his summer bath in the back yard to help save our drains from clogs! Hopefully Rita really enjoyed wallowing in the mud puddle, and the bully stick. The bath....a necessary "evil". :-)

    Purrs for Roxy's family. Losing a furry family member is always so difficult.

  31. Bath time is fun here at our house, I bet you look and smell wonderful Rita. So sorry about Roxy. My sympathies.


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