November 3, 2015

Speaking of Nuttiness... Cuddles & Close Ups

In my last post, I wrote about "nuttiness triggers." Today we have more nuttiness! I finally got around to pulling pics off my big camera, and I found these pics of Reggie's recent stay that I'd forgotten about.

Rita was minding her own biz in her usual spot on the couch in my office. 

When Reg saw I was paying attention to her, of course he wanted in on the action. 

He wanted to have a little cuddle, but Rita's not huge on cuddling - unless it's cold out. (Beast.)

Then Reg wanted ALL the attention for him.

I was sitting on the coffee table while taking the pics, and he wanted to be sure I didn't miss his close up. So he stood on my knees. Got the shot, Reg!

As I said in one of the comments on my last post, I'm pretty sure Rita is a "nuttiness trigger" for Reg. (He's away right now with his parents and Rita is missing him!) 

Happy less-wordy Wednesday! Go out and get a little nutty today!

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday! Thank you for letting me be wordy! You can check out all the blogs in the hop HERE.


  1. Hahaha Rita's expressions are priceless!

  2. Looks like the three of you are having some fun times and he is a camera hog like me!

  3. Cardis are just so silly!.....spoken from 30 years of experience!

  4. Some dogs love to steal the scene. Kelly is like that whenever a camera comes out...she thinks she should always be in the shot. Reg is so cute with those short little legs!

  5. Those are awesome pics. Tell Rita Booker T can catch a plane and protect her next time Reg infringes on her space....and then smother her himself :)

  6. Bailey always has to get in on the action if Katy's getting attention.

  7. Aw, those two are hilarious together. I love Rita's expression in the third photo, lol!

  8. Oh it is like that everyday at our house, every day, those other two crazies are always in ours mom face and crowding me off the couch...........I do fink that little guy is a cutie though.
    stella rose

  9. LOL, He is all about the "close up". What a nut!

  10. Reggie your so damn cute too, you can't help it you got little legs and have to use other things to get close.

  11. Haha!! Rita's expression says it all!! Great pics!

  12. Love these photos! Poor Rita, that Reg is so pushy!

  13. too Funny!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  14. Fantastic shots! So adorable! I wish Storm liked the camera on her. She won't look at it when you're trying to take a pic. She is such a brat! Lol

    Jenny & Storm

    1. Rita does that a lot too! She looks away when I point my camera at her. She's a brat too!

  15. poor Rita, can't live with them or without them

  16. Mr. N thinks he should be the center of attention at all times too. Poor Rita!

  17. Those two are just hysterical and adorable together! Their personalities seem so different, opposites definitely attract! :)

  18. Boy that's what it looks like when mom gives Taffy attention or vice versa! Love Dolly

  19. Great series!!! The dogs' thoughts made the series very funny!

  20. Such a great series of pictures that truly tell their story! Especially with your added "dog th!

  21. That is so cute. It is the sibling version of "He's touching me!" or the "She's looking at me!" Haha!

  22. Hi Y'all!

    Great photos!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  23. Your thought bubbles match perfectly the dogs' expressions. Have you ever considered a movie career for Rita? She is a natural..talented .besides being gorgeous


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