September 15, 2015

Balancing to Build Up the Dog's Confidence

I wanted to try to do a pictorial of our vaca with Rita to Cambria in Central CA today, but I didn't have time to get organized, so instead I'm sharing a subset of Rita balancing on things while we were on vaca!

I'm always impressed by Mr. N., the adorable Tenacious Little Terrier and the Adventures of Zoe & Phoenix and all the other talented dogs out there who can hop up on trees and whatnot and pose for photos. Since Rita has a lot of fears, I figured we'd try some hoping-up-and-posing pics, too, to build up her confidence - but we started small!

Here she is on a bench. (I know: easy-peasy. But they had all these cool benches made of logs and driftwood so it was mostly for the photo op and to practice her "go to your bed" command. That was the command I used to get her up on all these things. If I pat something - sofa, her bed, bench, whatever - and say "go to your bed" she'll get on it.)

Here she is on a rock. Unfortunately in this pic you can't tell, but it was pretty high up, so she had to be brave to jump up there.

Here's her best feat... posing on an old driftwood log! She doesn't look so sure in this first photo... (although she does look darn cute)

...but she was warming up to the task in these next two!

Next up for building up her confidence, we're going to do a bit of nose work! Blog posts to come!

Happy Wordless Wednesday! Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting! You can check out all the blogs in the hop here.


  1. Replies
    1. She usually hates the camera in her face, but she did good on these shots!

  2. Fantastic photos, but then how could they not be (since they feature the beautiful Rita!)

  3. She looks great! Nose work sounds like tons of fun too.

    1. We've done one VERY easy session. Hoping she'll like it.

  4. Love seeing the transformation with Rita's confidence photos! Isn't it the best thing in the world, watching your dog learn new things and conquering fear and apprehension? That smile says it all! :)

    1. Yes, it is great! We're still working on her fears of the broom! :)

  5. Great shots of Rita. I think the one with her on the rock is my favorite. My dogs have plenty of confidence, but they won't hold still! Well, unless it's storming, then their confidence goes into hiding - right alongside them.

    1. We very rarely get storms here, but luckily that is one thing Rita's actually NOT afraid of - unless the thunder sneaks up on us and hits while we're outside, but that is super rare here.

  6. Lovely pictures. I miss the beach and I bet my guys miss it too.

    1. It's funny cuz we live by the beach, but we don't go that much. We love to go when we're on vacation though! :)

  7. Great job Rita!
    Mr Bailey, hazel & Mabel

    1. Thanks! She was well rewarded with praise and treats!

  8. Are you taking a nose work class? It really does build a dog's confidence. We have seen it with other dogs who have been in some of our classes.

    1. I'll have to see if I can find a class around here. For now we're just starting out doing some things at home. We've only had 1 session so far! :) And, like the posing, we started out very easy!

  9. Oh, that's a good idea! Luke loves jumping, but I've never really tried him on different things like that.
    I need to get back into the nose work too...he had fun with that (Cricket liked that too). Can't wait to see how you do with Rita!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. I bet Luke would take to this no problem! And, hey, it's more blog fodder! :)

  10. Rita is doing great I think, love her sad face on the log. It didn't take me long to learn to jump up on things and pose for pictures, as long as they DON"T move! The problem we have now is me jumping up on anything and climbing up high, for treats. Love Dolly

    1. Yeah, I'm not sure Rita will ever be able to jump up on something that moves. That would be very very scary!

  11. Awww! Rita! Me and the human love you to bits!! That's saying something as far as I'm concerned, you know, being a cat and all! MOL

    1. Awww, thanks! And Rita and this human love you guys right back! And again - yeah, with you being a cat and all that is saying something for Rita! :)

  12. Well done, Rita ! You look great ! Purrs

  13. I love benches like that. They have them at Mohonk Mountain House, one of my favorite places to go. And good for Rita, jumping up there. One step (jump!) at a time...
    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

    1. Wow! I just googled Mohonk Mountain House - what a GORGEOUS place!! Another one for the bucket list!

  14. I'm glad Mr. N is serving as an inspiration! Good job, Rita!

    1. Rita wishes she could be more tenacious like Mr. N! :)

  15. Not only does it build confidence it's good exercise too!

  16. I'm thinking about doing nose work with Zoey. I've been told my several people that it will build confidence so I'm saving boxes to create a game of it for her. It's supposed to be a nice weekend so I want to give it a try.

    I'm hoping our game will also help her overcome her new fear of the clicker. But I may have to just reward with praise.

  17. NIce work, Rita! Lovely pictures and I love the driftwood bench.

  18. Great pictures and nose work, what fun. Can't wait to hear about it.


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