August 25, 2015

Less-Wordy Wednesday: A Little Library

I found a little library in our 'hood. So fun!

I was out walking Rita the other day, and someone had put a "little library" on one of the side streets by our house. It had just started, so there weren't too many books then, but I did get Room, which I've been wanting to read.

The other day, we walked back over there so I could add one of my copies of Rescue Me, Maybe to the collection. I still have some copies with the original cover, so I took one of those.
Rita says, "Momma, why are you getting rid of that?"

In Other News...
The *new* Rescue Me, Maybe just officially re-launched on Tuesday the 25th, and it hit the #1 spot on the "Literary Humor" list. Yay!

AND.... if you haven't already, be sure to check out my interview with Meg Donohue and enter the giveaway for her novel DOG CRAZY!

Do you have any little libraries in your neighborhood?

Happy Wordless Wednesday! Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting! You can check out all the blogs in the hop here.


  1. I've always wanted to find a LittleLibrary! They're never near where I live. But i just found one near me in New Mexico (just moved here)!

    1. I've actually found a couple more just a bit further from our house.

  2. Nothing in our neighborhood, but for a while my old job had a spot in the break room. I used to add books to it all the time. Even better, my dog training school has an audiobook shelf where people can share. Since agility trials can be a long drive away, audiobooks make the ride to/from so much better. I had been listening on my work commute as it really eases the frustration of the traffic!

  3. I love all the little libraries springing up all over the country! Our area is so rural that I've never seen any here, but the closest village has a library and it is pretty small. lol Congrats on that #1 spot! Well deserved.

    1. Lol. Well, almost like a little library!

      Yeah, hit #1, and then got a mean 1-star review. Just to make sure I don't get a big head. :)

  4. What a cute little library. I think that idea is so cool and I believe there has been some talk in our community about getting a few set up. Congrats on the #1 spot.

    1. They made it out of some wood crates. It's really cute.

  5. We are starting to see them around the bigger towns here in Iowa also...they are cool. stella rose

  6. Very nice - I just saw my first one over the weekend before I read this. They had built a little house with a door to put the books in. Then two silver drums for children's books. Nice idea.


    1. Oh, very nice. There's one a little further from our house that's really nice and looks like a little house too.

  7. Sad to hear in the news that they are "removing" some of the "made-up libraries" It's a great idea :-) and we've seen many on our walks too. Golden Woofs

    1. Oh, no. I hadn't heard that! Had to go google it. Can't believe some people are so crabby and negative about everything they have to gripe until the little libraries come down! Ugh. People!

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you! Hopefully it lasts more than 1 day. :)

  9. Yes we do people are always leaving books and boxes of free stuff on their front lawn and even at the park. How nice to leave your own book! Love Dolly

  10. Congratulations on your #1 spot! We don't have any little libraries around here. I saw one somewhere once, but now I can't remember where it was! At the time I thought it was so cool.

    1. Hopefully people are really using them. Ours is pretty full!

  11. Little LIbraries sound pretty cool. Congrats on your book!

  12. I love those little libraries. They make neighborhoods seem much more, well, neighborly!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

    1. Yeah- and our 'hood has a lotta jerks so it could stand to feel more neighborly! :)

  13. The little library - what a neat idea!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

    1. Isn't it fun? Good way to find new authors and clear out some old books.

  14. Love the little street libraries. You have reminded me to look for some near me. Congrats on the success of oyur book. That is so cool as humour is a tough category.

  15. This sounds like a great book! Your little library is really cute. It looks like Rita was having a good time at the library too. Have a happy National Dog Day!

  16. Little libraries are great! I'm sure people will be delighted to find a copy of Rescue Me, Maybe!

  17. I've heard about those little libraries from our friends who live in the city. We don't have any here. However, the vet hospital where our Angel K had her bone cancer treatments had a little library. I brought a book to trade into the circulation every three weeks when we went there for her treatment. It was a great idea for a stressful waiting room where many pet owners had to sit for hours and hours.

    1. Oh, that's a good idea to have a little library at the vet hospital. So stressful waiting around in those places.

  18. We know of a couple around our area. People really take time to build them nicely and they seem to be real weather proof too.

  19. Congrats on being #1. Better save the copies with the original cover. Might be a collector's edition one day. :)

  20. A little library would be great. Some campgrounds do the same thing. And woo hoo on the release of the book, again.

  21. I just heard of little library a couple months ago, how very cool and so cool you took your book down there.

  22. There's tons in our neighborhood. New ones seem to pop up all the time.

  23. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay my dada red that buk!!! he sez it mayd him thankful that he cud just git up and go owtside enny time he wants to!!! ok bye

  24. We have a Little Library in our neighborhood, too! It's such a great idea.

  25. I love your library. What a good idea. Cute Rita :)


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