August 16, 2015

Mad Dogs, Englishmen, and Us

Do you know that saying that "only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun"?

Well, you can add us to that list.
"I wouldn't say I'm *mad*, just annoyed."
Personally, Rita and I would be happy to stay home and out of the noonday sun, but the hubs drags us out there, even though he is neither a mad dog nor an Englishmen.

We have pretty lazy mornings on the weekends around here. The hubs and the dog sleep in, while I lie in bed and read. Today (Sunday) Rita stayed in bed even after we got up. She didn't get up until 9:45 (!) when she finally smelled the eggs we were about to enjoy.

With such a lazy start to our weekend days, we often are out walking at noon, which is fine usually since it doesn't get that hot here. But, like most of the rest of the county, it was hotter than usual this weekend (although not nearly as hot here as some other places).

With a black fur coat, Rita has some tips for keeping your cool if your dad also likes to drag you out on a death march in the noonday sun.

Stick to the shade! She's pretty smart about sticking to the shady bits on our walks.
Make your sherpa carry water for you!
Find a nice fountain to rest next to.
Have a roll in some nice, wet grass!

Was it too hot to walk in your 'hood this weekend? How did you and your pup beat the heat?

Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief! Visit My Brown Newfies to see the other blogs in the hop!


  1. Oh Rita! We agree with you! We did a death march in the noonday sun and none of us came out of it very well. I'm the worst sunburnt I've been in YEARS.. and the dogs had some minor irritation on their paws. All of a sudden it just got HOT.. like the weather was not bad we were fine and then boom 95!

    1. Ooof, 95 is hot! It was only mid-80s here for our death march, so not SO bad. Yikes on the sunburn! Hope you have some aloe vera!

  2. Replies
    1. She loves that - she rolls until she's almost all wet. You can kinda tell in that last pic how wet her head is there.

  3. It was too hot yesterday so we spent the day by the pool. Mom even had to hose down the patio because it was too hot for our paws! Looks like you found some relief! :)

    1. A day by the pool sounds nice! Although Rita would never go in a pool! Maybe a kiddie pool...

  4. Oh, Rita. The things dogs have to do for their humans! Our weather is decidedly strange. It should be over 100 degrees, but it's in the 80s. After the weeks of rain, rain, and more rain, we're now getting rain about every third day (when usually we'd be in drought mode.) Crazy. Mother Nature has something going with Mr. Climate Change.

    1. It's crazy how much rain you've gotten. Wish we could get some more of it from you. We had that one insane weekend, but nothing since. And it'll probably be months before we get anymore.

  5. It's been about 75 ish here, so no heat to worry about. Lots of outside play time.

  6. Rita knows the tricks to staying cool out there. We usually skip the daytime walks when it's that hot and opt for a star gazing stroll around the neighborhood.

    1. We skip them if it's up into the 90s but that is pretty rare here. It was "only" mid-80s here, but that's hot for us on the coast.

  7. I dragged Mr. N into one of those kid fountains and wet him down before we continued our walk.

    1. Perfect! Funny cuz Rita loves to dunk in some standing water (she'll dunk in the grossest of puddles) but she won't go into a fountain or sprinkler. Wish she would! I'd have to drag her like you did w/ Mr. N.

  8. Way too hot and humid to go anywhere here! We spent the afternoon in the house and then out for short periods of time. Forecast for the week is sunny with temperatures in the 80's but feeling into the high 90's because of the humidity.

    1. We are supposed to cool down this week. Strange weather today - it's super gray and breezy, the humidity is crazy high, which isn't normal for us.

  9. Our thermostat topped out at 103.2 yesterday. It was MISERABLE!!! We took the boys swimming in a nearby stream. It was the only way to be outdoors!

    1. Wow - that is WAY too hot! Good thing you have access to that stream! It only VERY rarely gets that hot here - thank heaven!

    2. I would KILL for 103.2 right now. You don't know how good you've got it, Taryn!

  10. We don't venture out past 11 and each of us has a spot where it is soft and the central AC hits us. I read and the dogs plot the conquering of the Earth.

    1. That sounds like a lovely way to spend an afternoon! We come home from our death marches, make a nice cold smoothie and then all take a nap! (so lazy.)

  11. Every time I even think I want to complain about the heat - I think back to those late winter / early spring days when the temps were below freezing and little Jax had to go out every 90 minutes.It changes my whole perspective about the sun LOL

  12. It was way too hot! Bailie has a new favorite habit. She will only poop and pee in the shade. I guess that "extra" work is just too much in the sun for her! Mom finds it quite amusing!

    1. That's so funny! And smart! Rita will drag me across the street to get to some shade, but she doesn't insist on doing her biz in the shade. :)

  13. It was pretty darn hot here! We all napped during the worst of it.

  14. How does 114 grab you? With a low of 95? We've had an "excessive heat warning" for the past 5 or so days now. Today is supposedly the last of it and then we will "cool down" to around 108 tomorrow. Time to break out the sweater! (NOT)

    1. Wowza - that's crazy. Good grief - when 108 is a "cool down" that's saying something!
      It was only 84 here and is supposed to be back to the 70s tomorrow. They were also calling it an "excessive heat warning" here - but it was a lot hotter inland than it was at our house.

  15. Gah, we live in FL, where it is brutally hot at noon. We also get a lot of rain, so thankfully that usually takes the sting out of the heat. But still, the humidity is awful here, too. We always carry water, and some days we just fill up the kiddie pools with water and splash around to cool off. :-)

    1. Not sure we could handle both the heat and the humidity. I'd love to try a kiddie pool with Rita, but right now she has the run of the house - goes in and out and hops up on her 'spot' on the sofa as she pleases. Couldn't do that if she was going out and dunking herself in the pool! We just go to the beach when it's time to dunk!

  16. We are out of the house by 6am to avoid the heat. I am a black dog too and get overheated really easy. On weekends we walk a bit later, at 7am, and it gets too hot, I'll just lay right down and won't move, drives mom nuts. We think people are crazy to walk their dogs during the day personally. Love Dolly

    1. I guess you're saying we're crazy then.

      It was only 84 and we did cut the walk short.

  17. what a nice walk you had and great tip about the shade

    1. It was a nice walk, even if we did have to cut it a little short.

  18. It looks like Rita has it all figured out! We are having a hot spell here, and we do sometimes go play in the yard early afternoon on days I have to work (on the weekends we get out in the mid-morning). Luke and Sheba stay in the shade when they're not standing in the pool cooling off their toes. Cricket just jumps in the pool and lies right down in it to cool off in between chasing the ball!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. Cricket sounds like Rita - she loves to just plunk down in water to cool off. One of these days maybe I'll break down and get her a kiddie pool...

  19. LOL Rita is a smart doggie. Hubby and Freighter had a hunt test. He was also working the test and he said it was unbearable. I was stuck at home in the ac...poor me. :)

    1. Ugh - "unbearable" is no fun! Especially if you're out there in a fur coat!

  20. I always got a kick out of that saying! I'm glad you found a way to enjoy your noonday walk. It was really hot here as well, but a walk around PetSmart greeting the staff and other customers took the edge off being unable to go for a long walk!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  21. Oh my!! It never gets that hot here! That's why Englishmen go out in it! They haven't a clue how hot is hot! MOL

    1. That's what I figured about Englishmen. Either that, or I figured since it's often gray there, they are determined to get out in it and enjoy it when it's sunny - even if it's hot as blazes!

  22. I was thinking you might like to rest IN the fountain! But those are great tips for staying cooler in hot weather.

    1. Personally, I wanted to romp in the fountain, but Rita doesn't like splashing water. (Hates sprinklers!) She only likes standing water!

  23. Good advice!!! We walk very early or very's been over 100 here almost every day!!!

    1. Wowza - over 100 is crazy hot! It almost NEVER gets that hot here, although we are supposed to get up to 90 this week. Ugh. That's really hot for us!

  24. hello rita its dennis the vizsla dog hay this is gud advice!!! i always mayk mama or dada or both kerry water for me!!! hay menny yeerz ago we hiked sumthing calld the old banner rode or the old wilcox rode or wotever ennyway it went frum the mithikal sitty of julian down to the warlock mine and nice peepul had left bowls of water owt for us dogs the hole way down!!! or at leest all the way to the point wen we ternd arownd!!! ok bye


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