Showing posts with label Giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giveaway. Show all posts

November 29, 2016

Forget Puss in Boots; It's Pup in Socks!

My niece is a graphic artist (okay, technically she brands herself as a "professional weirdo"). Here we are snap-chatting at her wedding earlier this year. (I do not snap-chat, but my niece does and of course, knowing me as she does, she knew the dog filter would be the most appropriate.)

October 18, 2015

Attention Walmart Shoppers: A Giveaway! #GetHouseTrained

Tuesday is the big day - the official launch of HOUSE TRAINED! (Eeek!)

Apparently it's already on some shelves though at Walmart, because Rebekah from My Rotten Dogs sent me this:
Photo credit: Rebekah, My Rotten Dogs

August 23, 2015

Dog Normal or DOG CRAZY? Meg Donohue #Book #Giveaway!

Today for Monday Mischief, I have some exciting mischief. I recently read USA Today bestselling author Meg Donohue's DOG CRAZY. I really enjoyed it and I think you will too! So, today I've got an interview with Meg (#squee) and a giveaway of a signed paperback copy of DOG CRAZY!

Read on!
Isn't the cover adorable?!

November 18, 2014

November 16, 2014

Pet Cancer Awareness & A #Giveaway!

November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month. I know there's also a PCA month in May... but who am I to tell whoever organizes these things to coordinate their months?? Besides, the more awareness, the better, right?

So, today, to hopefully help make people more aware about pet cancer, there's no mischief on the blog... instead, we've got some pet cancer detection tips and a little giveaway!

Several years ago, the hubs and I did a canine cancer walk to raise money for Morris Animal Foundation. At that event they said that ~25% of all dogs will get cancer. 
Our familial unit back in 2011 at the MAF Canine Cancer Walk

October 21, 2014

Less Wordy Wednesday: Caption This Goofy Pic

I snapped this goofy pic the other day at Helen Woodward, where I volunteer, when 2 of my fave pups were playing under my legs. Wanna try and caption it?

I'm going with: "I dub thee Sir EatsALot!"

July 1, 2014

July Comes In Like a Lamb (Lung): Review & Giveaway

Okay, I know it's March that's supposed to come in like a lamb (or a lion...) but this month it's July! This month's going to come in like a lamb (lung ... or trachea) for one lucky winner!

When Flea at Jones Natural Chews (y'all know Flea right? If not, check out her blog!) approached us to do a treat review and giveaway, I said we're in!

June 24, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Caption These Cute Rescue Pups

I've been editing editing editing book #3 and am brain dead (and still 90 pages to go... ugh), so I'm going to be mostly wordless today. Shocking, right?

I took these pics of these cute pups playing at Helen Woodward, the shelter where I volunteer. The little one is Ricky, the big one is Gus. They have a great time together!

Since I'm brain dead, I can't even come up with captions, so I'm leaving that to you! Take it away... Pick a pic and hit me with your cute, funny, endearing, or clever caption! (Or if you're brain dead too, just comment on how cute these pups are!)

Pic 1: Ricky appears to be telling Gus what's what:

June 22, 2014

I Don't Wanna Walk! (And a Winner!)

Rita can be so weird sometimes. 

Like, today, it started with making waffles for breakfast, and she wouldn't take the bite I offered her. (She's super picky. What a nut.) 

Then I attempted to take her for a walk, and she insisted on dragging me back home after only 5 minutes. This from a girl who normally LOVES her walks.
Rita in her usual walk-loving-mode

June 15, 2014

No Monday Mischief Here - Just a Birthday Giveaway!

Monday is Rita's third birthday (Whoohoo! **blows noisemaker**), which is a Super Big Deal since our sweet angel Abby never even made it to 3. (Poor Ab.) So, to celebrate - we did lots of fun things on Sunday, and we are having a giveaway today!

We celebrated on Sunday since The Daddy has to work on Rita's actual birthday. (Actually... we have no idea when her birthday is. But the rescue guessed her birthday was somewhere in June. We were going to pick the mid-point, but that's my brother-in-law's bday, so we picked the 16th - which is her angel-cousin Lou's birthday, so a pretty special day!)

We went for a lovely walk. (I confess, this pick is from Saturday, but we did almost the exact same walk on Sunday...)
A lovely day for a walk!

December 3, 2013

Wordless (ahem) Wednesday: Giveaway! Gifts To Keep Or To Give!

Excuse me if I am a tiny bit wordy on Wordless Wednesday (you always do, right?), but I wanted to tell you about our special giveaway -- it's a gift from me to you, or for you to pass on to someone else! 

After all, who doesn't like a gift?
"It's a SQUIRREL! Just what I've always wanted!"

September 13, 2013

Follow-Up Friday: Calendars, Captions and Questions

I'm busy busy busy getting down to the wire on the upcoming Monday launch of Rescue Me, Maybe, so I'm going to try to keep this Follow Up Friday post short(ish).

Yes, it's Follow Up Friday - time to answer those burning questions and follow up on the news.

September 10, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Caption These Pups

The hubs and I just got back from 8 days in Maui. {insert day-dreamy sigh here}

While we were gone, Rita stayed at my sis's house - aka The Gulag; the place where they have {cue the dramatic music}... dun dun DAAAAA.... rules.  

But, now they also have a puppy to play with! Reggie and Rita had a great time playing together. Here is one of their play-time shots:
How I spent my summer vacation: Tried to eat a Corgi

September 8, 2013

Monday Mischief: Book Mischief and a Giveaway!

Remember when I showed you how jealous Rita was about not being on the cover of my new novel, Rescue Me, Maybe:
Look up "hangdog" in the dictionary and you'll find this face

June 20, 2013

FitDog Friday: The End of K9 Kamp?

Today is the last day of K9 Kamp. :(

Time to lower the flag, roll up the sleeping bag, track all the dirt into the car and head home.

June 11, 2013

Wordless (ha!) Wednesday: KONG Premium Treats Giveaway

If you've been around a while, you know I have a hard time being wordless... and this is going to be another one of those wordy-Wordless Wed. posts. But hey... you could win stuff!

We were approached by JAKKS Pets, partners with KONG for the KONG Premium Treat line, about doing a review and giveaway. Rita said, "Sign us up!" Momma said, "Hang on... let's read through everything."

Once the Momma found out the treats are USA-made (very important - don't buy treats made in China!) and use good ingredients (all-natural, no animal by-products, and no wheat, corn or soy!) she agreed with Rita.

So, the lovely folks from KONG Premium Treats sent us 3 treats of our choosing to try, and now THREE lucky winners will win the same - a prize pack with 3 fabulous treats:

A prize package with a trio of treats!

April 22, 2013

Monday Mischief: Photo Mischief

I'm not super techy when it comes to messing with photos. I've never "shopped" a photo, as it were. (Why do they call it PhotoShop? It has nothing to do with shopping. Outta be PhotoTweak. Just my opinion...)
But recently I have played with made mischief with a few photos - and I think I might be addicted now. The photos I want to share also relate to two giveaways you can enter, so read on!

What the Dog Ate Giveaway
Thanks so much to Taryn over at A Tail of Two Cardis who wrote a lovely post about my novel, and is hosting a giveaway for a copy right now. All you have to do to enter is visit her post here before Thursday, April 25th and leave a comment about a funny thing that your dog (or another pet or even you) ate. It's open to folks beyond just the US, so hop on over there.

Now, when you do, you'll see that Taryn decided to "revise" the cover of What the Dog Ate, substituting one of her handsome pups for my usual cover model:
Too cute, right??

This of course made me wonder: "Why didn't I ever think of that?!?" So, here you go - Rita as cover girl:
She makes a cute cover girl, IMHO!
If you are wondering what the dog ate, that's a little spot of melted cheese on her nose.

Celebrate Jeffie's Birthday! 
Meanwhile, Jeffie over at the Talking Dogs blog is celebrating his 7th birthday, and stretching out the celebrating over the entire month of April. (You know how to pawrty, Jeffie!) Part of the celebration involves a giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card if you submit a party pic of your pup by April 27. Check out this post here re: entering. The winner will be chosen in a random drawing, so go on over and join the fun. 

I can't resist taking fun pics of Rita, so we had to enter. I was able to doctor up the pictures I sent with some captions using the free website PicMonkey. (Thanks to Taryn -again- this time for the heads up about PicMonkey!) There's a paid subscription version, but you can do some fun things even with the free version.

So, here are some outtakes of the pics I took of Rita, and at the end you'll see the final captioned shots I sent in for Jeffie's pawrty.
One outtake - she's drinking a "The Vixen" beer
Another outtake - the party "aftermath"
One more outtake - I put some cheese on the lid!
 And here are the 2 I submitted:

I had to put a treat in the lampshade to get her in there, of course!

Now go out there and have some fun with your photos! And enter some fun giveaways!

Happy Monday Mischief!