Showing posts with label Keeping dogs fit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keeping dogs fit. Show all posts

April 4, 2014

FitDog Friday: Creative Games From the Mind of a Beagle

Happy Anniversary to the FitDog Friday blog hop! There's lots going on for the celebrations, so check all that out at the end of this post.
I haven't joined in the FitDog hop for a while, partly because I've been trying to focus on getting book no. 3 done and partly because you can only write so much about walking the dog. We're boring, Rita and I. We mostly just walk and walk and walk. She's not much of a one for games. She'll play for a couple of minutes, but then she's done. 

It makes me fondly remember our beagle, Bailey, who was a great lover of games. 

Oh, she enjoyed the usual stuff too, like walking and hiking, ...

November 22, 2013

FitDog Friday: Counting Paws & Steps

The hubs and I recently added pedometer apps to our smartphones. We thought I'd easily hit the suggested goal of 10,000 steps/day (since I walk Rita every morning for 45-60 min, plus run errands, etc.), and we figured the hubs would have a hard time since he's often stuck in endless meetings and works 10-12 hour days.
The Unit enjoys a good walk

October 30, 2013

Mirth Watch Thursday: The End of K9 Kamp (for Now!)

Another session of K9 Kamp has come to an end. The goal was to add some extra activity to your normal routine, especially by adding some "Fitness Fun & Games." 

Mostly we went for our usual walks, walks and more walks, which isn't exactly "fun and games" but it was fun to walk around the neighborhood at night this month and check out the spooky displays for Halloween. Also we were aided in that effort by a package we received from Miss Flea of Jones Natural Chews

We won a reflective leash from a giveaway on Flea's blog, and she sent it with some Jones chicken and beef taffy in the box, as you could have probably guessed from Rita's reaction to the box:

October 24, 2013

K9 Kamp: Are You and Your Pup Keeping Up?

It's time for a check in on how K9 Kamp is going. You might remember that I posted about this month's challenge a few week's back, which is to add an EXTRA 30 minutes of activity with your pup 3 or 4 times a week. 

October 3, 2013

K9 Kamp is Back!

Hey K9 Kampers - get yer booties on cuz Kamp is back and it's time to rise and shine! And walk! And hike! And do whatever else it is you like to do to get up off your butt with your mutt!

September 26, 2013

Q&A With Peggy Frezon for FitDog Friday!

Today, we welcome Peggy Frezon, of Peggy's Pet Place, and author of Dieting with My Dog, and Heart to Heart, Hand in Paw. I read both books and they're pawesome! Peggy's a fantastic writer, and I can't wait to get my paws on her new book: The Dieting with my Dog Guide to Weight Loss & Maintenance.

Pooch Smooches is excited to be part of Peggy's blog tour, spreading the word about the book and about doggy (and human) fitness! Today we've asked Peggy to join us here for a little Q&A about the book.

September 5, 2013

FitDog Friday: Rita's Favorite Way to Stay Fit

As I've said on the blog many times, our main way to keep Rita fit is just a LOT of walking. But one of her favorite ways to stay fit is to have a play date.

This is Rita's best friend, Dakota:

August 29, 2013

Keeping Up With K9 Kamp: A New, Old Hike

Since it's the last Friday of August (where did the summer go?) it's time for the Keeping Up With K9 Kamp monthly wrap up.

Koach Jessica at You Did What With Your Wiener said this month's Kamp challenge was to "try one new activity with your dog." Suggestions included: hiking, nosework (like hide & seek), agility, running, geocaching, kayaking, swimming, or walking a brand new route.

June 20, 2013

FitDog Friday: The End of K9 Kamp?

Today is the last day of K9 Kamp. :(

Time to lower the flag, roll up the sleeping bag, track all the dirt into the car and head home.

May 31, 2013

FitDog Friday: Rise and Shine Kampers!

Rise & Shine K9 Kampers* - It's Time for K9 Kamp!
If you've been following the blog for a while, you probably remember last spring when Rita and I joined in the fun of K9 Kamp, with 4 weeks of fitness challenges sponsored by Koly of Kol's Notes and Kelly of Peggy's Pet Place.
k9kamp canine fitness blog challenge

We were so honored last year to receive two awards (Gopher Wrestling Champions** and the Beach Babes Award!), not to mention we won swag! This time, you can win swag too! Fun, right? Read on!