October 21, 2014

Less Wordy Wednesday: Caption This Goofy Pic

I snapped this goofy pic the other day at Helen Woodward, where I volunteer, when 2 of my fave pups were playing under my legs. Wanna try and caption it?

I'm going with: "I dub thee Sir EatsALot!"

You might remember Gus and Ricky from when I shared this funny pic of them a while back.
"Dude, this seat's taken!"
Unfortunately they are both still looking for their furever homes, but in the meantime they get lots of love from the staff and other volunteers. Here's hoping they find good homes soon! 

In the meantime, let's hear your caption!

In Other Shameless Self-Promotion...
Did you know I have a quarterly author newsletter? Well, I do!

It's pretty new, but the next issue is coming out soon. I am going to try to have a giveaway and/or other fun things each time I send one out. For the upcoming issue, author Pauline Wiles has generously offered to giveaway 2 e-book copies of her debut novel Saving Saffron Sweeting! (I read it and very much enjoyed it!) It's got 133 reviews with an average 4.6 star rating. (A note for my dog-book loving friends - there is a dog on the cover, but it's not a dog book. The dog is a minor character.)

If you'd like to sign up for my newsletter, visit my web site here and all I need is your email address. I promise not to spam you!

Thanks to Blogpaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday!


  1. "Wait! I want to put bunny ears behind him!"

  2. Sir EATALOT BOL funny. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. "Why did you put that dog treat in your ear?"

  4. Hope they find their forever home soon. We signed up to your newsletter and receive the 1st one a while back :-) Have a great Wednesday. Golden Woofs

  5. I hope they get adopted real soon. They look like lots of fun!

  6. BOL...I like your caption about Sir Eatalot! Happy WW

  7. I'm no good at captions :-( However, I did sign up for your newsletter ;-)

  8. What fun to make our own caption! Mine: "Awww, come on! Let's play!"

    1. It looks like he's flicking Gus's ear to get him to play, doesn't it? :)

  9. Hahahaha...funny pic and great timing

    1. Just wish I hadn't cut off Ricky's head! But it was partly under my leg!

  10. Hold real still....there is a kibble in your ear, I almost have it.

  11. "Don't my nails look FABULOUS!?!? I just had them done!"

    1. That's perfect. It does look like he's showing off his nails!

  12. My new acrylic nails are perfect for digging.

    I would love to get your newsletter.

    1. And he does like to dig a bit! Thanks for signing up!

  13. Mom says she's terrible at captions! But we love the pictures and hope the dogs find forever homes soon. Love Dolly

  14. Reminds me of Forrest Gump. "Seat's Taken"

  15. A cute pair, hope they find furever homes soon!
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

    1. I hope so too. But I'll be sad if one of them goes and the other is still there for a while. They're such good buddies.

  16. Replies
    1. He does usually go for Gus's head. And then Gus will put Ricky's whole head in his mouth!

  17. I left my comment on Facebook, but I'll do it here too.

    "How big is puppy? SO big!"

  18. It's sad they don't have a forever home yet, but on the other hand, they have each other at least.

    1. Yeah, they love each other. I'm going to be sad if one gets adopted but not the other. Oh well, hopefully if that happens, we'll find whoever's still there another friend. Lots of pups to play with.

  19. I like your caption! I can't believe those two cuties haven't been adopted yet.
    I'm going to sign up for your newsletter now!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  20. "Wait, you have something on your ear..."

  21. "Let it go, bro. There are like 300 squirrels over there, and only two of us."

  22. Everyone deserves a pat on the back. :)


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