Showing posts with label Monday Mischief Blog Hop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monday Mischief Blog Hop. Show all posts

February 2, 2014

Monday Mischief: It Is Evil and Must Be Destroyed

Last week we brought something new into the house. A harmless BOSU ball (which the hubs wanted to help build strength and balance). 

However, the bosu ball was accompanied by a force for evil that we, obviously, did not recognize as such when it came into our midst. 

Luckily, Rita - Defender of the Realm - was at the ready and alerted us to the intruder.

January 20, 2014

Monday Mischief: When Bed Dogs Equal Bed Hogs

I totally jinxed myself.

A few months ago, Mrs. Taleteller over at Tales & Tails posted about her bed hogs (if you don't regularly read this blog, you should since it's always got amazing pics and great writing). She mentioned the battle for real estate in their bed. I commented that Rita "mostly sleeps curled up in one spot all night - next to the hubby." 

I should have known better.

January 5, 2014

Monday Mischief: Apparently Beggars CAN Be Choosers

The hubs took a day off in December, and we took Rita for a hike. Afterwards for a treat, we went to lunch at a local small chain called Bite of Boston for lobster rolls. (We had one of those Groupon type coupons, so they were not only delicious, they were a deal! I love a bargain!)

We decided to share a bite with Rita...
The beggar in question

December 22, 2013

Monday Mischief: Something's a Little Fishy Around Our Christmas Tree

Last week, I decorated our tree. Usually it's just a hodgepodge of ornaments collected over the years, but this year I decided I wanted to have a "dogs at the beach" themed tree, so I ordered some sand dollar ornaments and starfish, and I made some ornaments using shells. Then I decorated the tree with blue/turquoise ornaments, dog ornaments and all the shells. 

I thought it came out very cute and couldn't stop looking at it. Rita, on the other paw, was interested in it for other reasons... cuz it smelled like the beach.

December 15, 2013

Monday Mischief: Pooch Smooches Invaded by Cats!

Okay folks... We've got some SERIOUS mischief on the blog here today... We've been taken over by CATS!! I've had to restrain Rita (and it's not unlike when the gardener's here...). But because Rita has a love of cat toys...
Rita almost succeeds in eating my sis's cat's toy.
 ... and tuna treats, she agreed to allow the cats to take over for the day. So, please welcome Jane & Bingley, who own my fabulous writer pal, Laura Chapman. Laura just launched her first novel (**throws confetti**) and Jane & Bingley are here to take a lot of credit for that tell how they helped! 

December 8, 2013

Monday Mischief: What Rita is Reading

I was sitting out in the backyard this weekend with my book. (Sorry... a little mischief there... I know many of you could not sit out in your backyards at the moment for more than about 2 minutes without freezing...). Anyway, I hadn't started reading yet, and just had the book in my lap. Rita came over and kept shoving the cover open with her nose. She's never done that with a book before, so she must have thought it looked (or smelled) good!

December 1, 2013

Monday Mischief: Flea Infestation Turned Inspiration!

Pretty much every year, my sister (the excellent artist who painted my pups for my blog header) and I head over to my other sister's house to paint her windows for Christmas. (You can revisit previous windows in a guest post I did for Peggy's Pet Place last year, including tips if you want to paint your own windows!)

If you've seen the post I did for Peggy's blog, you know that my sister's dog Indy is always front and center ('natch!) for the paintings. 
Indy (She loves me. The feeling is mutual.)

November 24, 2013

Monday Mischief: Does the Gardener Taste Like Chicken?

Rita hates our gardener. Probably most dogs do. I mean, how often do strangers just wander into your yard, armed with sharp objects and loud machines?

I try to keep her calm, by closing her up in our bedroom and drawing the blinds. Unfortunately, we have these vertical blinds where all she has to do is shove them aside to see the intruders. Our usually fairly calm girl turns into the Tasmanian Devil: (sorry about the picture quality, but it was dark and I was just using my phone. And she was a moving target!)
"Hey you!"

November 17, 2013

Monday Mischief: Mischief-less In 7 Letters or Less

Today, while out on our long Sunday walk, a car with a vanity plate went by, so I asked the hubs to ponder what the 3 of us would distill our essences down to in 7 characters or less. With some collaboration, here's what we came up with for the 3 of us:

November 3, 2013

Monday Mischief: Ever Loved an Obedience School Dropout?

So... Have you ever loved an obedience school dropout? We have. Two of them, in fact. Both our angels, Bailey and Abby, were obedience school dropouts. Although that was the Momma's fault, not theirs. (Bailey's class was unorganized and we got bored, and Abby's class just wasn't a style that meshed with the Momma.)

But no more! We now have our first graduate from Obedience 1! Here she is practicing her down/stay. And she didn't even need to be coaxed into this position with treats!
She looks thrilled, yes? (She's actually just pooped!)

October 27, 2013

Monday Mischief: Rita's a Howl-o-Weenie!

Rita is not a fan of Halloween. She thinks it's even worse than Fourth of July!

First of all, she hates the decorations people put up:
Skulls with googly eyes have no appeal for her!

October 20, 2013

Monday Mischief: Even More in Awe of Betty White Now

Okay - I'm going to start right out by saying the mischief is all on me today. I am too beat to give you a full report on the Morris Animal Foundation Gala of Hope today! But... I'll give you some teasers and answer the Big Question.
Terrible photo - but that lady in red is Betty!

October 13, 2013

Monday Mischief: The Girl's Got Vertical

Recently I posted about Rita being a Sheagle - she's half beagle, half shepherd (at least, as far as we know). But maybe she's got some springer spaniel in her too. Or sproinger spaniel.

She doesn't look like she'd have a lot of vertical (after all, she only measures about 20 inches tall)...
"Measuring tapes are scary, Momma!"
... but man, the girl can jump.

October 6, 2013

Monday Mischief: The Ball Is Always Greener...

Rita's not all that big on playing ball. But of course she wants the ball if it's in someone else's yard. 
Rita spies a lovely big, green ball in a neighbor's yard

September 29, 2013

Monday Mischief: Art Imitates Life or Vice Versa?

Rita had to go to the vet on Friday for her annual checkup. (And she was super healthy! Well... still waiting for her blood work results, but eyes, ears, heart, teeth, weight were all deemed "just great" by the vet.) Anyway, our vet's office has a sign posted with the Top 10 items ingested by pets.
Thanks to my sis for the photo.

September 15, 2013

Monday Mischief: "Rescue Me, Maybe" is Here!

It's here! After a long haul, the launch date for my second novel is finally here!

To celebrate, many of you know I hosted a giveaway on the blog last Monday. The winner of the signed copy of Rescue Me, Maybe and the matching doggy-themed bookmark is.... drum roll please....

September 8, 2013

Monday Mischief: Book Mischief and a Giveaway!

Remember when I showed you how jealous Rita was about not being on the cover of my new novel, Rescue Me, Maybe:
Look up "hangdog" in the dictionary and you'll find this face

August 25, 2013

Monday Mischief: Alarming Mischief

The other night, Rita started barking at about 2 am and woke us up. Since she quickly calmed down, I figured she'd seen a critter in the yard and we ignored it.

The next morning I found the problem: the smoke alarm in my office somehow fell out of it's little frame-thingy (sorry to get all technical on you there!) and hit the hardwood floor. How that didn't wake us up, I don't know, but it sure woke up Rita!

There was no battery in it, but I didn't really think anything of it since we'd had an issue last winter with the darn smoke alarms going off in my office/the hallway every time I took a really hot bath - which was, oh, about every night. So I knew we had dismantled a couple of them.

Later that day, I saw Rita freaking out about something by her toy basket. I thought, "Oh great, another unwelcome guest!" Turned out it was the missing alarm battery.

August 18, 2013

Monday Mischief: More Puzzling Mischief

Remember when I posted that Rita was puzzled by her puzzle toy (except she'd pull the pieces out with ease when there were NO treats in it)? Well, I tried a technique that SlimDoggy suggested and put the pieces in upside down so she could grab them easier.
"Well, heck, this is easy."