November 17, 2013

Monday Mischief: Mischief-less In 7 Letters or Less

Today, while out on our long Sunday walk, a car with a vanity plate went by, so I asked the hubs to ponder what the 3 of us would distill our essences down to in 7 characters or less. With some collaboration, here's what we came up with for the 3 of us:

The hubs: GUD4GLU. Poor hubs. Normally he would want his to be something like "TRIGUY" since he loves to swim, bike and run, but since his knees have been a mess for a long time now, he's only been able to swim. It's no fun when your parts start to wear our and you feel like you are now only "good for glue." Maybe he could be "TRI'DGUY." (And hopefully some day that will be present tense again...)

Me: DGWRITR. Hopefully folks would understand that it said "dog writer," and not think it meant "dig writer." I don't write about archeology. My paw-print license plate frame and pupkus-covered windows should help.
"Pfffbbbt! You can't make me be mischievous!"
Rita: MSTLYGD, or "mostly good". Rita's a really, really, really good girl - most of the time. She does have her issues with strangers (especially tall men in hats and glasses) and motor scooters and the FedEx guy and a few other things, but other than that she's simply a really good girl. (Which is great for living with, but not so great when you need a topic for Monday Mischief. Curses!)

What about you? Can you distill yourself down to 7 characters or less? It's fun mischief to try!

Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief! (Hop links are below the infographic!) 

In Other News
Please check out this great infographic we were sent from BlogPaws about we can help the animals affected by the typhoon in the Philippines.

Also, I'll be taking part in a big raffle with some other authors coming soon, with all proceeds going to help the people in the Philippines. I'll be sure to let you know when it's up and ready!


  1. I guess mine is pretty easy S'DOGGY.

  2. Mine would be 2hot4u. HAHAHAHA. Just kidding. Mine would probably be something like ASNDRVR. That way, if I cut someone off or anything, they just have to take one look at my license plate and go "ooooh ok. That explains a lot."

    Yup..... (I'm hilarious, ok)

  3. We have the flu thingy here so the brain isn't up to coming up with something but great game.
    Looking forward to the raffle.
    Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. I don't have the flu to blame, and don't know how you can turn Molly the Wally into 7 letters... Hope you are feeling better soon!

  4. LOL those are cute. I am not sure what I would make up. Have to ponder on it. :)

  5. Virginia is the personalized plate capital! I haven't succumbed yet, but would probably have AGLCWCS or AGLTYDG....Agile Cardigan Welsh Corgis or Agility Dog.....or in the future MACHJIM when we get our championship.

    1. Oh, love MACHJIM! People would probably think your hubs was named Jim. :)

  6. I'm terrible at coming up with names so I'd try ADOGMOM. Maybe I'll see if it's available here.

    1. That would be perfect. I wonder if it's taken here in Cali??

  7. I am actually going to get a plate for the RV that says RLIFE2GO

  8. Think mine would have to be TROUBLE or that's what Mum would choose, I tried to use the word mischief, cos I think it sounds better, but I came up with MIS CHEF, not sure that gives the same impression of my mischievous nature, more that I'm some great female chef! Doh!

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  9. Hmmm, I think I would be GR8OZ...or is that too short?

    1. I think (at least in CA) you don't have to do 7 letters. Not sure what the minimum is, but I think 5 is okay. Of course, you could always do GREATOZ!

  10. I like your and Rita's names, but feeling badly for your poor hubster. He couldn't be glue if he wanted to, unless you secretly married a centaur.

    Mine would be GOODFLEA. Unless I'm only allowed seven. I can't be GODFLEA. That would be wrong. Maybe GOODFLE. But no one would understand that. Hmm. FLEABYT. Maybe.

  11. Hi Y'all!

    Hmmm....being a dog I have no use for a license plate and the Humans always take whatever the DMV gives them...sigh...but if I did guess it would be brwndog. If someone else had it I'd have to go with brwncbr. Guess I have no imagination...

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  12. Is DOGSLUT already taken? :)

    Personally, I'm too cheap to ever consider paying extra for a special license plate. But I'm tickled that other people get them. :)

    1. Ha! DOGSLUT would be awesome. I wonder if they'd let you do "slut" though. My dad wanted to have OLDPOOP, and they wouldn't let him put "poop" on his license! He went with OLDOPPO instead.

  13. Can't get anything down to 7 letters, so I will just settle for GBGVLVR (GBGV lover)

  14. Those were cute, I have yojojo on my plates. That's me! I hate being called jojo when young so what do I do I put it on my plates. crazy

  15. I've been trying to do this for years and I never come up with anything good! Maybe SLBRLVR. (slobber lover:)

    1. Love that! And your car windows would probably make it obvious what that meant!

  16. What a fun challenge!

    For Bella: LTMESLP (Let me sleep)

    For Tavish: CHWBCCA (Because that's what he sounds like when he wants to go for a walk)

  17. I love yours....poor hubby though. I interpreted what it stood for but had no idea what that meant at first! lol I actually do have a vanity plate "WAGWOOF". People still ask what it means....even though I also have "golden mom" and "beagle mom" stickers in the back window. It gives me a chance to share my blog though, if they're pet people!


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