September 15, 2013

Monday Mischief: "Rescue Me, Maybe" is Here!

It's here! After a long haul, the launch date for my second novel is finally here!

To celebrate, many of you know I hosted a giveaway on the blog last Monday. The winner of the signed copy of Rescue Me, Maybe and the matching doggy-themed bookmark is.... drum roll please....

Congrats to Roxy!

Now, you are probably wondering where the mischief is today... well, it's good mischief! Well, good for one person anyway...

I decided that since it was so nice that so many folks entered the giveaway (there were 50 entries, once I took out the names of folks who already read the book and weren't really entering) that I decided to draw a second name to also win a signed copy. (Sorry, I've only got 1 bookmark, and that goes to the grand prize winner!) I used to select both numbers, and the 2nd winner is...

Bailey from Bailey Unleashed!

Congrats, Bailey!
For those who didn't win, the book is now available from Amazon in paperback and in Kindle format, and also from Barnes & Noble in Nook format. (I hope to also have it available for Sony ereaders soon.)

The ebook version is $3.99 and the paperback is starting at the introductory price of $9.95, although Amazon has it marked down at the moment to only $8.96 (plus the usual Amazon free shipping if you order $25 worth of stuff). I have no idea how long that lower Amazon price will last so if you want to buy a print copy, now's the time!

This new book is from my heart, so I hope you'll enjoy it.

I have one more bit of news related to the book that I'll share on Wednesday!

Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief!


  1. Congratulations on your book launch and to the winners!

  2. Yay sounds like you are off to a really good start. Congrats to the winners!

  3. Congratulations to the winners. We know they will enjoy it. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Congratulations to the winners!

  5. Hooray for Roxy's mom! This is a good read.

  6. Congrats to the winners - how nice of you to give away 2 copies!

  7. Congrats to the winners! We can't wait to read it too
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  8. Oh congrat's on your book, I know you have to be very excited!!!!!!
    stella rose

  9. Horray, I am so excited. I need a good read, and I'm sure this will be one.

  10. Congrats Roxy, and congrats Jackie! Everyone, go out and get this book, it's excellent. I had the pleasure of reading an advance copy to help out Jackie while she was awaiting the launch. You're gonna love it!

  11. Congratulations! It must be so satisfying to have TWO published books!

  12. Yay!!! Congrats to Roxy and Bailey and congrats to you on the launch!
    Can't wait to get my copy!

  13. REALLY?!? that is so awesome. thank you so much! i can't wait to find out what jane decides to do.
    wags, bailey unleashed

  14. Congratulations on the launch! If you have any clue how Amazon figures their pricing, please let me know. I officially release my book Thursday but since it has been on Amazon it has had four different prices, really don't like that!

    1. I really have no idea how they figure out their pricing. With my last book, they put it on sale right away, then stopped for a while, then months later they marked it down and it's stayed at that lower price. I know that even when they mark your book down, you get the same royalty %, but I don't know if you get the same royalty *amount*. Think it depends on your price/the sale. I mostly sell ebooks (and they never mark those down on their own) so haven't honestly paid as much attention to my print sales.

  15. congrats to Roxy and Bailey...Now I have to get over to Amazon and order the Kindle copy

  16. Congratulations on your launch, and congrats to Roxy and Bailey....they're going to love it!

  17. Congrats and best of luck with your book! Congrats to the winners.

  18. Thanks everyone for the congrats messages, and thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway!

  19. whoo hoo the wait is finally here. Congrats to the winners of your book and to you for your journey in writing and publishing the book.

  20. Congrats on your book launch!! I am looking forward to reading it!!

  21. Congrats on the book release Jackie - My Mum love What the Dog Ate and she's just purchased the ebook now to take on vacation!

    Well done,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  22. Just wanted to pop back to this post and let you know that I finished reading Rescue Me, Maybe - and I absolutely loved it. Not sure which I enjoyed more, this one or What the Dog Ate. :-)

    Reading both of them back to back makes it hard to choose - but I love the theme of finding your true self and following your passion, once you figure out what that passion is. Well done! Looking forward to any future works you write. You've got another fan here. :-)


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