March 22, 2015

Off The Wall Mischief

About once a week, I try to get Rita over to her BFF's house for a playdate.  They play like crazy, and then we all go for a nice long walk.

I've shared a photo of her BFF before - she's a boxer named Dakota. She will kiss you with that big ol' tongue if you let her.
Well, Dakota is very, uh, high-energy. When we go to their house, she'll often run up the hill in their yard and come flying off the wall. I'm usually too slow to catch it on video, but I finally did the other day. (The video lasts all of 2 seconds... and you'll hear me emit a weird sound, which... well, I don't even know what it means. It's either my impression of the sound I think Dakota makes as she goes careening past me, or some kind of high-pitched warning to Rita to "get out of the way, ya' dummy!")

So... did you see how my crazy Rita stands right below the darn wall, right about where Dakota lands?!

Dakota even landed on her a couple of weeks ago (luckily neither of them were hurt, since Rita ducked down so that Dakota sort of landed OVER her, rather than right ON her). But even after that narrow escape, she still stands right in Dakota's flight path. Sometimes, they'll do this over and over again.

That is not smart mischief!

Hope you've gotten up to smarter mischief than that this past week!

Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief!


  1. That is "off the wall" crazy mischief! Holy bully sticks!

  2. Wow, we love your off the wall crazy! BOL!!!!

  3. Hi Y'all!

    Landing on top, I can attest, is a problem. It can be a serious problem. Especially if it is the larger landing on top!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  4. haha! Rita is living on the dangerous side!

    P.s.-Happy Birthday Jackie :)

  5. Looks to me like it's a game to them. Maybe Rita's role is to act like a hurdle. And please tell me about that sound you made in the video.... LOL

  6. That looks like so much fun! Rita is just waiting to chase her! Love Dolly

  7. Oh, that looks like such FUN!

  8. Aha mischief usually doesn't come from the smartest decisions.

  9. My dogs will run at my cat like that just to annoy her. It's easy to annoy a cat though.

  10. So much fun, nobody cares if anyone gets hurt.

    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  11. a crazy boxer lives across the street from us and he can jump straight up on all fours to about face level. LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  12. Dogs are crazy. I've seen Mr. N get run over, roll and run back into the fray.

  13. That is crazy!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  14. BOL! Nice sound...of surprise?! ;-) I love me a clowny Boxer!!

  15. LOL looks like they are having fun. Freighter would love that wall.

  16. Awesome! I just love Boxers with all their crazy antics.

  17. Definitely a bit off the wall! MOL

  18. Too funny! Sorry it gives YOU a heart attack, but it sure looks like they're having a grand old time of it! :-)

  19. LOL I can't stop laughing. Not at the dog running but the sound. Oh the sound. It cracked me up.

    Delilah jumps clean off our wall too, bout gives me Angina, but she does it anyway. And I haven't caught it on video yet either.


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