Showing posts with label Wordless Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wordless Wednesday. Show all posts

February 4, 2014

Less-Wordy Wednesday: Rita's Super Bowl Sunday

Did y'all watch the Super Bowl? Or just the commercials? We watched, and since the Broncos are a sworn enemy of the Chargers, we were quite happy with how the game went down. In fact, I may have yelled a time or two: It just keeps getting better! (Sorry, Denver fans...)

As for the commercials, on the whole, I found them disappointing (and some were downright annoying). We agreed with Rita, that the Budweiser commercial was the best one. 
Rita rooting for the horse & puppy to get together

January 28, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Dog-crazy Spam

You know you're a dog-lover when one day's junk mail looks like this: donation requests from the ASPCA, the local Humane Society, and Best Friends.

January 21, 2014

A Wordy T-shirt on Wordless Wednesday

Today I'm belatedly sharing one of my "surprise" Christmas presents. (And by "surprise" I mean: I ordered it, checked it out when it arrived, then pretended to forget about it until Xmas morning. But the hubs did wrap it. And by "wrap it" I mean: stick it in a gift bag. Lest you think that's laziness, no! It's just being green. Okay, and maybe a little lazy. We have these dog-themed gift bags that we've probably been using for a decade or more!)

Anyway, here it is!

January 7, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: An Angel's Twin?

I told y'all about my new car. Well, since it's also Rita's ride, I decided this time I'm (hopefully) going to keep the car a little less dog-ified. (Seriously, no human rode in the back of my last car for years! It was dog hair central back there! Even with the seat cover that I washed... oh... infrequently.) 

So, I ordered a new seat cover and also this time thought I'd try door protectors. I ordered a set from Kurgo.** Here's the cover of the box:

November 19, 2013

November 12, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Tiny Hats and Fond Memories

Y'all know Flea, right? If not, go subscribe to her Jones Natural Chews blog now, cuz she's funny and she gives away yummy treats and fun things. (Like the leash Rita won!)

Anyway, you should also be friends with her on Facebook, cuz she's funny and she gives you ideas for things to post about on your blog! Like the other day when she posted this picture of this fine, tiny hat, and said she was going to put it on her duck Jimmy the next day.

October 29, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Outtakes, So-Cal Fall & A New Hop!

I'm going to be a tiny bit wordy today (quelle surprise, right?), because I want to tell you more about the new blog hop that Peggy from Peggy's Pet Place and I are starting! More on that at the end, after I share a passel o' pics. 

So, last week I shared this selfie of Rita and me in my new SlimDoggy gear that I won.

October 15, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: A Pup in the Grass

I've posted before about how Rita loves to flop down in cool grass on a walk.

Well, a neighbor planted some crazy tall grass, and Rita was only too happy to disappear into it this weekend on our walk when it was still kinda hot here.

October 8, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Sending Out Golden Thanks!

If we're friends on Facebook, you may have seen this already (and if we're not friends on Facebook... why not? Look me up on there!). Anyway, for those of you who haven't seen it - the lovely Sugar the Golden Retriever, with a little help from her mom, made me a video trailer for my new novel, Rescue Me, Maybe!

I was so thrilled that they offered! I sent them the words and the pictures, and they turned it into this:

October 1, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: What's With the Waiting?

Rita has been enjoying some samples we received from I and Love and You of their dehydrated raw food.

She loves it! But in the immortal words of Tom Petty, "the waaaaaiting is the hardest part!"

September 17, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Pups and a Pledge

First I want to show you some special pups today:
{Wait... we interrupt this post to first apologize if you subscribe via email and get this twice. Somehow this posted with a back-dated timestamp. (?) Had to hunt all over to find it and repost it as today. Sorry for the dupe. Now... here are some pups:} 
My mom's angel beagle, Sugar

September 10, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Caption These Pups

The hubs and I just got back from 8 days in Maui. {insert day-dreamy sigh here}

While we were gone, Rita stayed at my sis's house - aka The Gulag; the place where they have {cue the dramatic music}... dun dun DAAAAA.... rules.  

But, now they also have a puppy to play with! Reggie and Rita had a great time playing together. Here is one of their play-time shots:
How I spent my summer vacation: Tried to eat a Corgi

August 27, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Does Your Dog Have a Spot?

I don't mean a spot of color, or a favorite spot to lounge in. I mean a spot that when you itch it, you can count on their leg to start involuntarily scracthing along in time with your hand. That kinda spot.

August 13, 2013

Less-Wordy Wednesday: Origins of the Pooch Smooches Name

So... Did you notice the new banner, tagline, and (slightly different) layout?? Whaddya think?

When I finished making the new banner, I realized I should probably update my About Us page, since I didn't mention Bailey on it before. (What a terrible dog-mom I am!)

While I was adding Bailey to the About Us page, I got the idea to post a This Day in History photo today.
Bailey & her fave person, Daddy. Aug. 14, 2009
(Okay, I know I'm posting this on Aug. 13, but Wednesday - as in Wordless Wednesday - is Aug 14, so I'm sharing an Aug 14 shot. Sheeeesh. Technicalities.)

August 6, 2013

Less-Wordy Wednesday: Oh PicMonkey, You Marvelous Time-Suck, You!

Today we have an ode to PicMonkey, inspired by Taryn and her recent post on Tail of Two Cardis. I have to start out by saying a lot of the things I've done below can be done using the free version of PicMonkey, but I subscribed (because it's pretty cheap - I paid for 1 year so it works out to like $2.75/month - and because I love it so).

There are some fun things you can do with PicMonkey, like add captions, thought bubbles and/or frames to pics:

July 30, 2013

Not-So-Wordless Wednesday: What's It About?

When you tell people you're writing a book, they usually ask, "What's it about?" Sometimes when you are in the midst of it, it's hard to answer. "Well, it's about this woman, and there's this dog, and... stuff happens."

As I said last week when I shared the cover for Rescue Me, Maybe (coming in September!), my short answer to "What's it about?" is to say, "It's a love story... for dog lovers." But you need a longer blurb than that (for Amazon, for the back cover, for sharing with bloggers, etc.) so you have to distill your 100,000 words down to a few sentences. I know I'm supposed to be wordless today, but I wanted to share those few sentences with you, plus a few photos of Abby (since the book has a fictionalized version of her in it). It just wouldn't be a Pooch Smooches post without pup pics!

Our gorgeous angel:

July 23, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Cover Reveal for "Rescue Me, Maybe"!

Here it is - the cover for my new novel, which will be out in mid-September. I hope you like it!
Rescue Me, Maybe - due out in September!