January 7, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: An Angel's Twin?

I told y'all about my new car. Well, since it's also Rita's ride, I decided this time I'm (hopefully) going to keep the car a little less dog-ified. (Seriously, no human rode in the back of my last car for years! It was dog hair central back there! Even with the seat cover that I washed... oh... infrequently.) 

So, I ordered a new seat cover and also this time thought I'd try door protectors. I ordered a set from Kurgo.** Here's the cover of the box:

Does that remind you of anyone? Like, oh, maybe our angel Abby?
Our angel in the snow. (A snow angel?)

Here's the side-by-side:

Naturally (because I'm hugely biased), I think our girl is the more gorgeous of the two, but, dang - they could be littermates. 

The funny thing is that there's also a dog on Facebook that I'm "friends" with that looks even more like Abby. (I don't want to thief his pics, but if you look up "Cash Muhe" on Facebook you'll see what I mean! He's so cute and funny - you should totally friend him.)

And one day we saw a story on the Yahoo! page about soldiers helping bring some dogs back from Afghanistan. I swear, they could have been related to Abby. (Cash was also rescued from Afghanistan.) 

All we know about Abby is that she came to the shelter where I volunteer from a shelter in Arizona, but I wonder if she got there by way of Afghanistan. 

Some day I'd love to find another dog that looked like Abby to adopt. She seems to have so many doppelgangers out there, maybe it's possible... Or would that be weird? What do you think?

Thanks for letting me be my usual wordy self on Wordless Wednesday!

**If anyone actually wants to know how the door protectors end up working out, let me know and I could do a review later. Only had them in 1 day, but so far so good. 


  1. They are very like! We just take the easy route and get dogs that don't shed (or barely).

  2. Wow not one but a few doppelgangers. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Human passengers never ride in my car. It's been that way for decades! How fun that Abby has so many "twins!" Our heart dogs always find ways to live on, don't they?

  4. I'd love to hear how the door protectors work out.
    I actually thought it was Abby and you were getting very clever with photo shopping :)..... Miss Ruby's mum

  5. That's so cool. Now you'll think of her every time you get in the car.

    BTW, this is one of the pleasures of having a mixed breed as a family member. Every once in a while, you find someone who looks like a long-lost cousin.

    We once saw a photo of a dog that looked just like my Rosie. The picture--in People magazine--was of Orlando Bloom's sister's dog. Somehow, we thought that highly amusing.

    Two out of my 3 mutts often run into doppelgangers. One looks like a generic Benji terrier. The other is a solid black mini version of a border collie. The third? Kind of looks like a cross between a Lab, a Shepherd and an AT-AT (Think Star Wars--those elephant-looking vehicles with long legs used in the Battle the Hoth--that cold, snowy planet.) Sorry, my inner geek is showing.) We rarely see anyone that looks like him.

    Apologies for my own wordiness on Wordless Wednesday. Have a happy day!

    --Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  6. Twins for sure! I don't know if you would want to find another Abby look-alike. It might set expectations.....and variety is, after all, the spice of life!

  7. I agree, Abby was definitely cuter, but I can totally see the resemblance! It would be cool to find another dog that cute. I'm thinking about getting a hammock for our back seat for similar reasons!

  8. They are the spitting image of each other! BOL Happy WW, Oz

  9. That's pretty cool to find Abby's twin like that. It happens with Tino all the time - and when we first rescued him, there was actually two of them (his brother Bernie later passed from the distemper) but it was really hard to tell them apart. I see dogs and photos that look like him all the time. One of the joys of a mutt is looking for that cousin. Although - same happens with our Labs. Maggie and Becca look so much alike - guess it makes more sense for them though doesn't it.

  10. A future in modelling perhaps...?!

    I know what you mean about keeping cars clean... or trying. When I drove a car and had to cart Moses around in the back seat, it was futile to try to keep the hair and drool at bay. Passengers just didn't happen.
    When we adopted Alma, I traded in for an SUV (Newf-mobile) shortly after out of necessity. Now the dogs have their own space in the back blocked off with a grate, and our middle row is actually passenger-friendly!
    You sure get funny looks shopping for cars with two giant dogs, though ;)

  11. Wow, they really do look like twins. You will love that seat cover too.

  12. Door protectors! That's brilliant! We LOVE our seat protector! I buckled in a six year old human child last week and it went off without a hitch!

  13. How could you NOT buy that product?!
    Kelly has a few twins out there too, it's always fun to see.
    Enjoy the new car!

  14. Some mixed breed dogs do seem to have strong or dominant genes that result in many little doppelgangers hanging around. Our generic dog, Chamois, is one of those dogs too. We can see the possibility of many purebred dogs in her and the result, we think, is a pretty dog.

  15. That is so cool that you found so many look alikes for Abby. I think Cash definitely looks the most like her (Abby is the cutest of them all though of course).
    It's also very interesting to think that she might have been from Afghanistan!
    When we were picking out Luke, we originally were thinking we wanted a black dog with some white like our best dog Maggie. My hubby wasn't sure about that though, and there were no males that color anyway, so we decided against it. But I don't think it's weird if you wanted another dog that looks like Abby.

  16. That is super cool, if you hadn't said it wasn't her we would all think it was Abby doing some modeling work!

  17. WOW on the resemblance, even the SMILE. You will always remember Abby and you have an angel in your car (with Rita). Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  18. holy cow they look alike. hope your enjoying your new car.

  19. I think everyone is a little more wordy than they intend to be on wordless Wednesday. I am a serial offender :P That is interesting that you keep finding dogs that look so much like yours. Abby is a beautiful dog.

  20. Wow. It's hard to believe that's not Abby! I don't think it would be strange to look for a dog that looks like Abby at all. Though you might compare the two, that's not necessarily a bad thing. (And I had no idea they made door protectors - brilliant!)

  21. It's a case of multiple cuteness!

  22. Wow they do look alike! I would like to hear a review. :)

  23. Funny. We've seen Scooter's twin running around the neighbourhood before. The kids wanted to stop & load the dog into the car even though we all knew it couldn't be our dog - very freaky to see duplicates.....


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