February 4, 2014

Less-Wordy Wednesday: Rita's Super Bowl Sunday

Did y'all watch the Super Bowl? Or just the commercials? We watched, and since the Broncos are a sworn enemy of the Chargers, we were quite happy with how the game went down. In fact, I may have yelled a time or two: It just keeps getting better! (Sorry, Denver fans...)

As for the commercials, on the whole, I found them disappointing (and some were downright annoying). We agreed with Rita, that the Budweiser commercial was the best one. 
Rita rooting for the horse & puppy to get together

Most years, the best thing about Super Bowl is the eats. I made sort of an easy-peasy carnitas this year, and Rita was very interested while the shredded pork was getting all crispity-ed (that's a word) under the broiler. 

In Other News...
Thank you to my sis who went with me to the annual Local Author Exhibit at the downtown library. We basically went in, found my book in the case, took a few snaps and we were outta there. (I'm not so good at the networking stuff....)
My book in a case in the library!
Anyway, it was fun to see my book in the case, especially since they had Rescue Me, Maybe displayed with the other dog books and some ceramic dogs. Very cute and clever! 
Me and my baby

That wasn't toooo wordy, was it??

I hope you'll come back this Thursday to join in the Give Cancer the Paw hop!!


  1. We muted the commercials but the game... Oh THE GAME! And we soon get to go to THE PARADE. Can't wait! But your book display is definitely cuter than the Lombardi trophy display will be... Still excited, though. SO EXCITED!!!

  2. Not wordy at all... the best part was about the crispy-ed item you were cooking... WOOF~!

  3. Congratulations on your book Jackie!! We think that is just terrific!! Our favorite was the puppy and the horse too!

    1. Yeah, that one was pretty darn cute and hard to beat.

  4. We loved the Bud ad. Nice one with the book and we hope the display is a success. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. The Bud ads are usually the best. (Although we don't actually like their products....)

  5. So pawsome to see the book displayed. Congratulations!

    --Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  6. Love the way they displayed the books. I skipped watching the super bowl this year. I have no interest in either team and the hype wears me out. :)

    1. The hype is exhausting! Most years I just watch the ads, hoping for cute ones with animals.

  7. It must be so satisfying to see your hard work on display!

    1. Yes, it's very fun! The other fun thing is that once the local author exhibit is over, folks can check the books out as they'll go into circulation.

  8. #BestBuds is our favorite too. Golden CONGRATS! Happy Wednesday. Enjoy Sunny CA. Golden Woofs

    1. Is that what that commercial was called - BestBuds? Too perfect!

  9. #BestBuds is our favorite too. Golden CONGRATS! Happy Wednesday. Enjoy Sunny CA. Golden Woofs

  10. No TV, no game viewing. I was glad to hear that Denver...ummmm....lost.

    1. I applaud your TV-less lifestyle. We watch so many movies and sports, I don't think we could go more than a week without one. It's terrible.

  11. I'm so proud of you! You've really cut back on your Wednesday word count! ;)

    Love the book and dog display. You really do have a lot to be proud of. :)

  12. I just laughed out loud at the picture of Rita watching the Bud commercial!! I'm with you... not good at the whole networking thing! Too bad you live so far away, we could car pool (or something).

    1. She loves anything on TV with animals. And, yes, the fear of networking is what's keeping me from signing up for BlogPaws. Still contemplating it....

  13. Rita really does look like she's watching TV! We haven't had a dog that does that since our Maggie, who used to bark when she saw other dogs on there.
    We're not really into football, but my family is, and we play in the gambling pool my sister has. We picked Denver for the pool, and watched some of the game until it looked hopeless. :( But on the good side, I still came in 2nd for the year in the pool!

    1. She loves to watch anything with animals - even cartoon animals. She will even watch if it's humans barking or acting like dogs, but as soon as animals are off the screen, she's no longer interested!

      Congrats on winning 2nd place!

  14. Great pictures. Congrats on your book in a case! I have to get on reading both your books.

  15. You're doing great with the book promotion!

  16. That display is so FUN! Congrats! I agree re: the commercials. Bud gets me every year, though. This one totally had me sniffling from all the cute!

    1. Bud gets me too - last year I was totally crying at the one w/ the guy seeing his horse! So sweet! Luckily this one was just cute so I didn't cry at it!

  17. No football fans here, but your "eats" sure sound good! Love that library exhibit :-)

    1. The eats were very good! And we had leftovers, which is always fun!

  18. We watched the commercials until the Downton Abbey came on! :P I thought there were some cute ones, and also some duds, but such is life!

  19. Great post! Congratulations on your book being featured in the library!! How exciting for you. : )

  20. I guess we should/could cheer for the Chargers...but we're still New Yorkers at heart I guess. Cool to see your book display like that!

  21. We liked the one with the horseys and the lab puppy best

  22. Oh I loved that commercial too! Glad that I saw it because I really wasn't watching the game.

  23. Did you fiest around during the ad? I sure did. Caused a ruckus!

  24. For me I was more interested in the supper bowl than the super bowl!! ;)

    Must be cool to go and see your own book on display like that :)


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