Showing posts with label Rita. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rita. Show all posts

December 12, 2013

Mirth Watch Thursday: Trash-Talk the Gardener Or Eat Treats?

A few weeks ago, I posted some photos of Rita doing her acrobatic jumping when the gardeners show up. Remember these? (Apologies in advance for the quality of these pics and videos... we always hide out in the dark when the gardener comes. I don't know why, but I have it in my head that she'll be calmer in the dark. Which doesn't seem to be the case...and yet I persist.)

December 9, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: Buy These Treats with a Clear Conscience

Rita and I were contacted by Clear Conscience Pet and offered a chance to try some of their yummy treats, so today we are joining the Tasty Tuesday blog hop!

I've said here before that we always read the labels on treats/food we buy for Rita and never buy things from China, so we were happy to hear that Clear Conscience Pet offers USA made and sourced treats. (Note that you have to be even more careful these days! Some treats will say they are "Made in the USA" - but they might be made with ingredients sourced from outside the US.)

All their treats are made using free-range, grass-fed, or organically raised sources. They are also grain-free, gluten-free, and very low in carbs.

December 8, 2013

Monday Mischief: What Rita is Reading

I was sitting out in the backyard this weekend with my book. (Sorry... a little mischief there... I know many of you could not sit out in your backyards at the moment for more than about 2 minutes without freezing...). Anyway, I hadn't started reading yet, and just had the book in my lap. Rita came over and kept shoving the cover open with her nose. She's never done that with a book before, so she must have thought it looked (or smelled) good!

November 24, 2013

Monday Mischief: Does the Gardener Taste Like Chicken?

Rita hates our gardener. Probably most dogs do. I mean, how often do strangers just wander into your yard, armed with sharp objects and loud machines?

I try to keep her calm, by closing her up in our bedroom and drawing the blinds. Unfortunately, we have these vertical blinds where all she has to do is shove them aside to see the intruders. Our usually fairly calm girl turns into the Tasmanian Devil: (sorry about the picture quality, but it was dark and I was just using my phone. And she was a moving target!)
"Hey you!"

November 17, 2013

Monday Mischief: Mischief-less In 7 Letters or Less

Today, while out on our long Sunday walk, a car with a vanity plate went by, so I asked the hubs to ponder what the 3 of us would distill our essences down to in 7 characters or less. With some collaboration, here's what we came up with for the 3 of us:

October 27, 2013

Monday Mischief: Rita's a Howl-o-Weenie!

Rita is not a fan of Halloween. She thinks it's even worse than Fourth of July!

First of all, she hates the decorations people put up:
Skulls with googly eyes have no appeal for her!

October 15, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: A Pup in the Grass

I've posted before about how Rita loves to flop down in cool grass on a walk.

Well, a neighbor planted some crazy tall grass, and Rita was only too happy to disappear into it this weekend on our walk when it was still kinda hot here.

October 13, 2013

Monday Mischief: The Girl's Got Vertical

Recently I posted about Rita being a Sheagle - she's half beagle, half shepherd (at least, as far as we know). But maybe she's got some springer spaniel in her too. Or sproinger spaniel.

She doesn't look like she'd have a lot of vertical (after all, she only measures about 20 inches tall)...
"Measuring tapes are scary, Momma!"
... but man, the girl can jump.

October 6, 2013

Monday Mischief: The Ball Is Always Greener...

Rita's not all that big on playing ball. But of course she wants the ball if it's in someone else's yard. 
Rita spies a lovely big, green ball in a neighbor's yard

September 19, 2013

Mirth Watch Thursday: You Need A Unique Breed!

Today on Mirth Watch Thursday I'm blogging about unique breeds. Rita is a marvelous mystery mutt... or is she a unique breed? That's right... I give you, the sheagle! 

September 13, 2013

Follow-Up Friday: Calendars, Captions and Questions

I'm busy busy busy getting down to the wire on the upcoming Monday launch of Rescue Me, Maybe, so I'm going to try to keep this Follow Up Friday post short(ish).

Yes, it's Follow Up Friday - time to answer those burning questions and follow up on the news.

September 12, 2013

Mirth Watch Thursday: Rita's "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" Report

You guys! It's me, Rita. Momma and Daddy went to Maui (again) and I was stuck at The Gulag* (again)!!!

This time, they even put me behind bars while I was there:

September 10, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Caption These Pups

The hubs and I just got back from 8 days in Maui. {insert day-dreamy sigh here}

While we were gone, Rita stayed at my sis's house - aka The Gulag; the place where they have {cue the dramatic music}... dun dun DAAAAA.... rules.  

But, now they also have a puppy to play with! Reggie and Rita had a great time playing together. Here is one of their play-time shots:
How I spent my summer vacation: Tried to eat a Corgi

September 5, 2013

FitDog Friday: Rita's Favorite Way to Stay Fit

As I've said on the blog many times, our main way to keep Rita fit is just a LOT of walking. But one of her favorite ways to stay fit is to have a play date.

This is Rita's best friend, Dakota:

August 29, 2013

Mirth Watch Thursday: Who Would You Save? Who Would Save You?

There was an article in the Wall Street Journal recently about our "unique" relationships with our pups. Yes, it's unique all right. Would any other species put elf hats on another species?
"Momma, I understand our relationship is unique and beautiful. But... really?"