October 3, 2013

K9 Kamp is Back!

Hey K9 Kampers - get yer booties on cuz Kamp is back and it's time to rise and shine! And walk! And hike! And do whatever else it is you like to do to get up off your butt with your mutt!
So, the challenge for this month is (in a nutshell): DO MORE. Out of a nutshell, it's to aim for 30 minutes of EXTRA activity with your pup, 3 or 4 times a week.

The theme for this session is "fitness fun & games," so that's what Rita and I will try. You might remember from the last round of Kamp that we walk every morning for about an hour, give or take (a little less if we're in a hurry or it's hot, or a little more on the weekends). Well, when we get home from our walk, we're going to try to add on 10-15 minutes of play time. Then we'll add another session at night. 

The timing for all of this is perfect, because:

1. It's National Walk Your Dog Week until Monday, the 7th. So get out there and walk! 

2. It's National Pet Obesity Awareness Day on October 9th. According to APOP (the Assoc. for Pet Obesity Prevention) over half of all dogs and cats are overweight in the US!
Can you see your dog's waist? (You might also look for your toes.)
3. Our copy of The Dieting with My Dog Guide to Weight Loss & Maintenance just arrived! Just in time!

Rita and I will be consulting the book for ideas on how we can DO MORE together!

4. This all dovetails nicely with SlimDoggy (the host of FitDog Friday) and their partners' recent launch of PetsMove.org - all kinds of fun stuff going on over there, like... you could get a fun "Move your mutt" wrist band! (Move your mutt. Love it! Where can I get a t-shirt with that??)

Hope you'll join in the K9 Kamp fun! Try adding some more fetch, tug, or monkey-in-the-middle to your day! Your pup will love you for it! 

But wait... there's MORE... You can enter a Rafflecopter giveaway HERE for these fun prizes:
Thanks to Kol's Notes, Peggy's Pet Place, and You Did What with Your Wiener for sponsoring K9 Kamp! 

And thanks to SlimDoggy for sponsoring FitDog Friday!


  1. We have been keeping fit by hunting those pesky tree rats. Best form of keeping fit ever in our book. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Thanks for the shout out about my bracelet donation :-) The weather is perfect for us to get moving with our pups!

  3. We are having a last blast of summer weather! Upper 80's and humid. Ugh! I guess we could swim! LOL! (and of course poor Jim will be sitting it out for a few days!)

  4. That bracelet is gorgeous! Sue is so talented!

    We just started a personal challenge to get active throughout October and I'm so thrilled in matches up with K9Kamp! Have fun getting active!

  5. We have not yet participated in K9 Kamp or FitDog Friday. We really need to get off our butts and do it! More walking!
    Hubs keeps talking about building a lure course in the backyard. I wish he would! The dogs would love it and it would be awesome exercise! Our backyard isn't huge, but we could set up a short course.

  6. Its been nice and cool, so nice for getting out and walking more.

  7. Nice motivational post. We are finally having rainy weather but we are still out moving along on our walks, enjoying puddles, getting dirty, and just having fun. Why not! Happy Kamping!

  8. So much going on, huh? It's hard to not be active and healthy with all that motivation! I need to get Peggy's book for some more ideas. We're going to do our best to add some play time to our other routines!
    Oohh...isn't that bracelet beautiful? I bought some earrings from Sue and I just love them.

  9. Wrigs and I can't wait to get out walking and hiking again! We are counting the days.

    Susan and Wrigs

  10. Gizmo loves K9Kamp cause it's when i try to get more creative with our activities and we try new fun stuff...Go kampers!

  11. Lots of great ideas here. See you around the kampfire. :-D


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