August 22, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Lovely Rita

For this week's (mostly) Wordless Wednesday, I figured we'd focus on the cuteness of Rita. (And, okay, I admit... there's some book-related wordiness at the end.) But mostly, there are a LOT of cute pics - and even a painting! - of Rita:

"This is cute enough, right? We can stop now, right?"

"Momma! How much longer do I have to wear these??"
"Enough already, Momma. Seriously."
"Ciao, baby."
An Awesome Surprise
Yesterday, my very talented artist sis sent me this painting she did of Rita. I didn't even know she was doing one! I think it totally captures the usual expression I see on Rita's face, which seems to say, "What are we going to do now, Momma?" So cute!!

Lovely Rita
Quicky Book Stuff
1. What the Dog Ate was named as one of the "Five Dog Books You Should Be Reading" by! Thank you FidoseOfReality!

2.  I got two new lovely reviews: one on Good Book Alert, which gave it 5 stars (and the reviewer wrote, "I would read this book again, because I liked the way it made me feel not just in sections, but all the way through. That is the highest praise I can give a book." Wow!) and on ChickLitPlus which rated it 4 1/2 stars and said they would "highly recommend [it] to any dog lovers or to anyone looking for a heartwarming story." Thank you Good Book Alert and ChickLitPlus!
3. One last reminder... until Thursday at midnight, you can enter the giveaway for a copy of Dieting With My Dog! Just leave a comment and enter using Rafflecopter (you don't have to enter using your Facebook account if you don't want to - you can enter with just an email address). If you are still hoping for a signed copy of What the Dog Ate, there's also still time to enter the giveaway on Peggy's site


  1. I am impressed that Rita wore those doggles that long. Way to go Rita! Now, embrace your "monkeybutt-edness" and hide them (Buster told me to write that). She did look cute, in my opinion.

    Jenna, Buster and Finchy

  2. Woof! Woof! COOL! Happy Blog PAWS WW Blog Hop. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. Jenna, I'm trying to train her so she'll wear them in the car on the way to the beach - she loves to hang her head out the window. I know it would be much safer for her to do that with her Doggles on. (Plus how freaking cute would that be??)

    She's up to only a couple of minutes... But I'm hoping once we try in the car she'll see that they are actually a good thing! (Abby would never keep them on for more than a few seconds!)

  4. Love the doggles! Looking good on Rita! We loved her portrait too, really captured her essence!

  5. That is adorable! Love your shades Rita!

  6. I want those doggles for me, not for Lulu! I love those things.

    Christie from

  7. I like the doggles! Does Rita like them? Does she wear those on car rides?

  8. Colby - we're working on it! She will tolerate them for a couple of minutes in the house. Haven't tried them in the car yet - because I'm afraid she'll manage to wiggle out of them and fling them. Trying to work up to a few minutes in the house and then we'll try the car. I'm hoping she'll see the benefit and like them for car rides!

  9. Oh. My. Dog. Rita, you are too cute! What's next? Bunny ears???

    P.S. MBRocket says you are too cute for words,so he has none.

  10. Hey Rita,

    You look cute in anything - I bet you'd rock some pink ones too :)

    Love that picture of you :)

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  11. What a cool dog! And what a pretty dog painting!

  12. Cute pictures! Looking cool in those shades :) I love the painting too! I hopped on your blog via Blog Paws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! :)

  13. I am not yet brave enough to try and dress up my pup. Relay would be a gentleman about the whole thing, but the hubby strongly objects, lol.


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