Showing posts with label Monday Mischief Blog Hop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monday Mischief Blog Hop. Show all posts

October 13, 2013

Monday Mischief: The Girl's Got Vertical

Recently I posted about Rita being a Sheagle - she's half beagle, half shepherd (at least, as far as we know). But maybe she's got some springer spaniel in her too. Or sproinger spaniel.

She doesn't look like she'd have a lot of vertical (after all, she only measures about 20 inches tall)...
"Measuring tapes are scary, Momma!"
... but man, the girl can jump.

October 6, 2013

Monday Mischief: The Ball Is Always Greener...

Rita's not all that big on playing ball. But of course she wants the ball if it's in someone else's yard. 
Rita spies a lovely big, green ball in a neighbor's yard

September 29, 2013

Monday Mischief: Art Imitates Life or Vice Versa?

Rita had to go to the vet on Friday for her annual checkup. (And she was super healthy! Well... still waiting for her blood work results, but eyes, ears, heart, teeth, weight were all deemed "just great" by the vet.) Anyway, our vet's office has a sign posted with the Top 10 items ingested by pets.
Thanks to my sis for the photo.

September 15, 2013

Monday Mischief: "Rescue Me, Maybe" is Here!

It's here! After a long haul, the launch date for my second novel is finally here!

To celebrate, many of you know I hosted a giveaway on the blog last Monday. The winner of the signed copy of Rescue Me, Maybe and the matching doggy-themed bookmark is.... drum roll please....

September 8, 2013

Monday Mischief: Book Mischief and a Giveaway!

Remember when I showed you how jealous Rita was about not being on the cover of my new novel, Rescue Me, Maybe:
Look up "hangdog" in the dictionary and you'll find this face

August 25, 2013

Monday Mischief: Alarming Mischief

The other night, Rita started barking at about 2 am and woke us up. Since she quickly calmed down, I figured she'd seen a critter in the yard and we ignored it.

The next morning I found the problem: the smoke alarm in my office somehow fell out of it's little frame-thingy (sorry to get all technical on you there!) and hit the hardwood floor. How that didn't wake us up, I don't know, but it sure woke up Rita!

There was no battery in it, but I didn't really think anything of it since we'd had an issue last winter with the darn smoke alarms going off in my office/the hallway every time I took a really hot bath - which was, oh, about every night. So I knew we had dismantled a couple of them.

Later that day, I saw Rita freaking out about something by her toy basket. I thought, "Oh great, another unwelcome guest!" Turned out it was the missing alarm battery.

August 18, 2013

Monday Mischief: More Puzzling Mischief

Remember when I posted that Rita was puzzled by her puzzle toy (except she'd pull the pieces out with ease when there were NO treats in it)? Well, I tried a technique that SlimDoggy suggested and put the pieces in upside down so she could grab them easier.
"Well, heck, this is easy."

July 28, 2013

Monday Mischief: My Puzzled Puppy

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A few weeks ago, Rita and I participated in an online auction hosted by Dachsies With Moxie to raise money for the animals affected by the recent tornado in Moore, OK. Rita and I had the winning bid on a fun treat and puzzle toy combo pack, which was supplied for the auction by Bailey, Hazel and Greta of Idaho Pug Ranch. Hooray! We like to win! And, best of all, about $900 was raised for the Moore, OK animals!

Our prize package included some Zuke's Mini Treats, which Rita loves, and a puzzle toy which Rita... is confused by.
Hooray for Zukes!

July 21, 2013

Monday Mischief: We Do Have SOME Rules Here at The Spa

Things are pretty easy for spoiled pups who live here at our spa. They can get up on the sofa, sleep on the bed (although Rita mostly chooses not to), lick the plates before they go in the dishwasher (again, Rita doesn't always want to, because she's weird...), etc.

But we do have a few rules, and one of them is hard and fast: No sticks in the house!

Our last pup, Abby, (who was FULL of mischief) often flagrantly attempted to violate this rule:
"What, Momma?? I'm just practicing my Groucho Marx imitation."

July 7, 2013

The Worst (or Best??) Kinda Mischief...Puppy Mischief!

Today, we have a guest blogger! Since Reggie's always such a hit - and some even suggested we should highlight him every day (a suggestion which made Rita sulk for a while...) - well, we decided you should see more than just his unbelievably cute side. So, my sis is taking over today to reveal some Reggie-mischief! Take it away, Terry...

Happy Monday! Just stopping by Pooch Smooches as guest blogger. I am Jackie’s sister, Terry, and the lucky woman who owns and loves Reginald H. Dickenson, a.k.a. Reggie. I am just tickled that so many of you seem to appreciate the little devil. Because at times he can be a devil, and because Rita is almost always an angel, we are taking over Monday Mischief this week.

Rita has been so great teaching Reggie the joys of play dates. She’s got just the right blend of sweet and tough. He loves her! She does me the kind favor of leaving behind one of my favorite things – a totally exhausted pup. After their last session, this is how they settled in on our front porch. Cute, eh? (Please note Reggie’s ears standing up so nicely.  We will re-visit that later in this post.)

June 16, 2013

The Dog's Not Spoiled . . . Much

Rita turned two on Sunday so we did lots of pigging out celebrating this weekend!

Of course, since we knew we'd be pigging out celebrating a lot, we started both days this week with looong walks. (After all, it's K9 Kamp and we gotta keep Rita in good shape!) Saturday we walked down by the coast for almost an hour and a half. Sunday we stayed in the 'hood and did some 'sploring.
A gorgeous day at the coast.

June 9, 2013

Is My Dog Dumb, Or Just Not as Bored as I Thought?

... Or is she really, really smart?

Rita is usually fine with just a walk every morning and a bit of play time in the afternoon or evening. The rest of the day, she generally entertains herself checking things out in the yard, napping, and following me around. But she often has this bored-out-of-her-skull expression on her face.
"Ho-hum. Another day. Another 37 naps."

June 3, 2013

Monday Mischief: Cats Cookies for People for our Pup

I realize that title probably sounds a little confusing. Let me 'splain. 
Cats Cookies for People! And/or Pups...
About 6 or so months ago, Rita started having these brief episodes of head tremors.

May 13, 2013

Monday Mischief: Smoothie Mischief

If you've read my novel, What the Dog Ate, you know that Maggie, the main character, enjoys a smoothie for a post exercise recovery food. She always lets Kona, her chocolate Lab, have a go at her glass when
she's done.
Kona doesn't just eat undies. Lots of things make him lick his lips throughout the story.

April 29, 2013

Monday Mischief: I Met My New Cousin!

Rita here! I met my new cousin, Reggie, this weekend. Momma said I did really good! She took about a thousand pictures, so I will let the pics tell the story:

We met through some bars, but he looked like he wanted to kiss me, and I looked like I wasn't going to eat him, so they let us meet for reals.

April 22, 2013

Monday Mischief: Photo Mischief

I'm not super techy when it comes to messing with photos. I've never "shopped" a photo, as it were. (Why do they call it PhotoShop? It has nothing to do with shopping. Outta be PhotoTweak. Just my opinion...)
But recently I have played with made mischief with a few photos - and I think I might be addicted now. The photos I want to share also relate to two giveaways you can enter, so read on!

What the Dog Ate Giveaway
Thanks so much to Taryn over at A Tail of Two Cardis who wrote a lovely post about my novel, and is hosting a giveaway for a copy right now. All you have to do to enter is visit her post here before Thursday, April 25th and leave a comment about a funny thing that your dog (or another pet or even you) ate. It's open to folks beyond just the US, so hop on over there.

Now, when you do, you'll see that Taryn decided to "revise" the cover of What the Dog Ate, substituting one of her handsome pups for my usual cover model:
Too cute, right??

This of course made me wonder: "Why didn't I ever think of that?!?" So, here you go - Rita as cover girl:
She makes a cute cover girl, IMHO!
If you are wondering what the dog ate, that's a little spot of melted cheese on her nose.

Celebrate Jeffie's Birthday! 
Meanwhile, Jeffie over at the Talking Dogs blog is celebrating his 7th birthday, and stretching out the celebrating over the entire month of April. (You know how to pawrty, Jeffie!) Part of the celebration involves a giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card if you submit a party pic of your pup by April 27. Check out this post here re: entering. The winner will be chosen in a random drawing, so go on over and join the fun. 

I can't resist taking fun pics of Rita, so we had to enter. I was able to doctor up the pictures I sent with some captions using the free website PicMonkey. (Thanks to Taryn -again- this time for the heads up about PicMonkey!) There's a paid subscription version, but you can do some fun things even with the free version.

So, here are some outtakes of the pics I took of Rita, and at the end you'll see the final captioned shots I sent in for Jeffie's pawrty.
One outtake - she's drinking a "The Vixen" beer
Another outtake - the party "aftermath"
One more outtake - I put some cheese on the lid!
 And here are the 2 I submitted:

I had to put a treat in the lampshade to get her in there, of course!

Now go out there and have some fun with your photos! And enter some fun giveaways!

Happy Monday Mischief!

March 25, 2013

Monday Mischief: Some Bunny Loves You

I can't resist a dog in bunny ears. You? (I've been known to "friend" total strangers on Goodreads simply because their avatar is a photo of his/her dog in bunny ears. It happens more than you'd think.)