June 16, 2013

The Dog's Not Spoiled . . . Much

Rita turned two on Sunday so we did lots of pigging out celebrating this weekend!

Of course, since we knew we'd be pigging out celebrating a lot, we started both days this week with looong walks. (After all, it's K9 Kamp and we gotta keep Rita in good shape!) Saturday we walked down by the coast for almost an hour and a half. Sunday we stayed in the 'hood and did some 'sploring.
A gorgeous day at the coast.

Goodies-wise, we started with birthday kale chips on Saturday. I know. Not the usual bday fair, but Rita LOVES them.
"Kale chips! Nom, nom, nom!"
Kale-chip-eating action shot
For dinner on her b-day eve, we had the ultimate b-day treat - a Flying Dutchman!
"I can't stand the anticipation!"
"Oh beef and cheese, you heavenly combination!"
"Nom, nom, nom!"
It was a big hit.

Then, on her b-day morning, she helped play sous chef while Momma made spiced pumpkin waffles.
Sous chef Rita

She didn't get a whole waffle (we're not that bad about spoiling her), but there's a rule in our kitchen that any little nubbins at the edge of the waffle are the dog's, as depicted in this photo:

Do you think she likes the waffle nubbins?
"Give it to my NOW, Momma! Please...."

Finally, she got a new giraffe toy for her b-day.
Yet another cultural reference that shows my age...
"I'm going to thrash this giraffe if it's the last thing I do!"

Okay, so we spoiled her a bit this weekend, but after all, a girl only turns two once!
"Thanks for the pawesome bday, Momma & Daddy!"
No mischief on Rita's part this weekend, just lots of birthday spoiling!

If you haven't already entered - don't forget to go enter our KONG Premium Treats giveaway!


  1. Happy Birthday Rita!! The waffles look extra yummy. I think we'd like to have breakfast at your house.

    I remember that shampoo! Which got me thinking of Body On Tap. Remember that?

    1. Oh, you got me now with that one... I don't remember Body On Tap. Might have to go Google that one.

  2. Happy birthday Rita, not a bad haul. :)

    1. It was a pretty good day! But then, most days are pretty good for Rita!

  3. Happy, happy birthday, Rita! Looks like it was a really good one!

  4. Happy 2nd Birthday Rita. Looks like you got just the right amount of spoiling. Love your giraffe toy. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Oh! A Happy Happy Brrkday to you Rita. What a PAWsome Yummy Tasty Barkday you had. LOVE that new toy, Enjoy. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    1. It looks like a pretty rugged toy, so hopefully it will last a while!

  6. Very cute! Love the waffle bits being dog bits. Also love the sound of your hike along the water. Ahhh!!!
    (I'm kind of jealous. The pumpkin waffles sound delicious!)

    Happy 2nd birthday Rita!

    1. I'm sure all dogs would agree about those bits on the waffle!

  7. Oh, I forgot that Rita and sweet Lou had the same birthday! Glad she had a good one. I made peanut butter cookies yesterday in Lou's honor -- his traditional birthday treat. (It's not all bad here at the gulag.) I have until Feb. to figure out what Reggie's b-day treat will be. Cassy's was flan from Ponce's. Happy Belated B-day, Rita!

    1. Yes, we thought of Lou yesterday. And then I remembered about Cas and his flan. That's nice that you made the PB cookies. Can't wait to hear what Reggie's treat will be.

  8. Happy b-day, Rita. I have that same giraffe and it's matching zebra (from Costco) stashed in my closet for Indy's birthday/Xmas.

    1. Yep - Costco. I bought them a while back. Decided to only give her the giraffe and stashed the lion (ours came with a lion) for Xmas.

  9. Happy Birthday to Rita!!! What a fantastic birthday weekend...long walks and lots of treats! Just purrfect!
    *Cairn cuddles*

    1. Rita says it would have been *more* purrfect if a Frosty Paw had been involved!

  10. Yay Rita!!

    Happy Birthday sweet girl!!

    Sounds like such a fun weekend, especially with the pumpkin waffles!!

    I heard sometimes you can drag your birthday out for a whole week! Tee Hee

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

    1. Oh, don't give her ideas! She's spoiled enough! (Although my friends and I always like to drag our bdays out. We call that a "Hannukah Birthday"!)

  11. Everyone deserves to be spoiled sometimes. Sounds like you had a wonderful celebration.

  12. Love that you celebrate Rita's birthday so fully! All dogs needs birthday spoiling I think.

    1. Yes, we agree! Or adoptaversary day spoiling - either or both!

  13. Happy Birthday Rita!! I love waffles. Looks like a great celebration!

    1. Thanks! It was very fun. Oh, and there was birthday napping as well!

  14. There's a very naughty joke about that shampoo commercial.

    Rita, I like your giraffe. You need an elephant so they can be friends and play together while you're out walking with mama.

    1. Gosh, don't know the dirty joke. Going to have to go look that up.

      The giraffe came with a lion (hmm - not sure they'd be friends though...) but cheap-o Momma stashed the lion away for Xmas.

    2. I don't blame your mama for stashing him away.

      The joke is simple. Why did the midget get slapped? You know the rest.

    3. hehehehehe. I realized on our walk this morning that I'd forgotten to google that, so thank you for coming back. I kinda figured it would be something along those lines. :)

  15. I always feel so guilty when I read birthday posts because I never remember doggie birthdays. I barely remember human birthdays unless they remind me. The dogs don't seem to feel deprived though.

    1. I barely remember human bdays too - but the dogs!

      And yes, I'm sure your dogs don't feel too sad about their lot in life. :)

  16. You really crack me up. I love your 'dated' references because I get them! LOL I also love to see other people spoiling their dogs for their birthdays. We booked a vacation for Sampson for his birthday this year. ;0

    1. I'm glad that you "get" me. :)

      Wow - a vacation! That's a pretty awesome bday present!

  17. Happy B-Day, Rita!

    Jackie, Are you a Ricky Recardo fan...? What with all the 'splaining and 'sploring :-)

    1. Heehee - yes, that's definitely from I Love Lucy. :)

  18. Happy Birthday, Rita! Looks like you were spoiled rotten!
    PS I remember that shampoo fondly! :)

    1. I don't think I ever used it, but I sure remember the commercials!

  19. that is what momma and daddies do best!
    stella rose

  20. Happy belated birthday Rita! Looks as though you had a great celebration weekend!

    1. She wouldn't mind extending the celebrations if it means more treats!

  21. I think I missed Rita's birthday too, HAPPY HAPPY BELATED!!

    1. Well, who knows when her bday really is, so maybe you're not late. Maybe we were early. :)

  22. Happy second birthday to Rita! It sounds like she had a wonderful birthday. It's perfectly ok to spoil her on her birthday ;)

    1. We kinda spoil her every day though, I'm afraid... :)

  23. Happy belated second birthday! Sounds like a super fun weekend! Mom loved that hair comment...something about bringing back a memory she had totally forgotten about ;)

    1. Oh, good - I'm glad someone else gets my old references. :) I knew you'd be too young for it, Emma!

  24. Happy Birthday Rita! You get a lot of great things for your birthday! I'm going to have to come over when its mine!

    1. Yes! We'll make you waffles and hand-feed you a Flying Dutchman. :)

  25. A belated Happy Birthday! It looks like you all had a great time.

  26. Happy Belated Birthday, Rita!
    Jozi and I hope you had lots of fun!

  27. Happy Birthday Rita! That giraffe is really cool!

  28. All that spoiling is exactly as it should be! What a wonderful birthday for Rita. I think I'm jealous, I didn't have nearly that much fun on my last birthday (a walk on the coast would have been awesome). :)


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