July 7, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: Headrest

The hubs and I both like to lie on the floor when we watch TV. (Yes, we are a little weird. But we stretch, and do tennis ball massage therapy*, etc.)

Usually while we're on the floor, our spoiled pup is on the sofa or in her comfy memory foam bed. But sometimes she'll come and hang out on the floor with us. Like the other day when I looked up and saw that she and the hubs were hanging out together. 

Those two make me laugh.

Just as an aside... that bone she is chewing on is the same Benebone I reviewed last year in March. The same one, not the same kind. Yeah, she's not exactly a heavy chewer (which I like).

Did your pet make you laugh today?

*As a second aside... thank you for mentioning in the comments on my prior post that tennis balls are bad for pups' teeth. We now actually do our therapy using special "self-massage" balls - and they have a heavy rubber smell, so Rita's not interested in them and no longer steals them. So it's win-win. :)

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday. You can visit all the blogs in the hop here.


  1. Dogs are beneficial in so many ways! A good headrest is hard to find.

    1. Much better than the yoga block he usually uses! :)

  2. I use "The Miracle Ball Method" balls that the dogs fortunately have no interest in. I bring them EVERYWHERE. I actually tell all my Pilates students to watch TV, read, knit, etc on the floor. You and the hubs must have rockin' good posture!

    1. I didn't know you taught Pilates. Cool! And that's good to know that we are doing something right by hanging out on the floor! (Not sure my posture is that good though... Working on it.) We take the balls with us everywhere too.

  3. Hi Y'all!

    I might not make my Humans laugh, but I can always make them smile!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  4. Very cute! They both look quite happy.

  5. Looks cozy. Mom lies on the floor with us all the time. I often wonder why she has furniture in the living room.

  6. Having Cardigans guarantees a laugh every day. They strive to be comedians!

    1. One of their best features! (That and their supreme cuteness!)

  7. LOL If we get down on the floor our pups think its an invitation to party!

    1. LOL. Yes, I've known dogs like that too. Sometimes it's the pups we dog-sit. They'er like "Hey! You're on the floor!!! Pawrty!!"

  8. Nothing much better than lounging on the floor with the dogs! I do find that the dogs like a human as a headrest instead.

    1. True - that is the more normal way that it's done!

  9. She makes the perfect headrest.

    1. You couldn't ask for a better one. Although a bit impermanent.

  10. When I stretch out on the floor, Haley thinks it's playtime. She comes running with a toy and wants to get rowdy, haha!

    1. Cute! Once in a while Rita will do taht, but she's so used to us hanging out on the floor that it's old-hat to her now.

  11. When I do yoga, Barney likes to join me and lick my face... it always makes me laugh and stop whatever pose I am doing... Gotta luv 'em!

    1. Our Abby used to do that to me. Sometimes I'd be doing Downward Facing Dog and she'd come lay down under me. Such a funny girl.

  12. I love tennis ball massages too! This is such a funny pic, I bet she makes a comfy pillow.

    1. Tennis ball massages are great! Really work those muscle knots out!

  13. Hey, I didn't know tennis balls were bad for their teeth. I missed that one. Harley would never lie on the floor! He's a sofa dude LOL

    1. Yeah, apparently brand new tennis balls are very rough and can be hard on a dog's teeth. (I'm assuming the ones specially made for dogs don't have that problem!)

  14. That looks very comfortable and the bone looks even better! Love Dolly

    1. She loves that bone! And man have we gotten mileage out of that thing!

  15. I used to do that with Norbert, I sure miss it

    retro rover

  16. So cozy! Our boys make us laugh every day!

  17. Cute. Now I can see why you like hanging out on the floor. You couldn't do that on the couch.

    Mike and Honey take turns using each other as headrests.

    1. That's nice that they take turns! Rita doesn't use us all that often - we would like it if she did it more! Usually only when it's cold out!

  18. We do the ball thing, too! My husband is really mad because we can't find ours. I put them away somewhere and I can't remember where. Oops! That's awesome Rita isn't a big chewer. I'm sure it makes life slightly easier. LOL

    1. Uhoh. My hubs gets so annoyed with me when I put things away and then can't find them back! He's more of a "leave everything out so it's always right there when you need it" type. :)

  19. That is so cute! We don't get down on the floor too often, so when we do the dogs think it's play time and attack us!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. You have a big crew too, so that must be quite the attack!

  20. Another reason to own a dog...the dog as furniture. Rita looks like she just enjoys contact with your husband. When the humans get on the floor around here they are toys.

    1. I guess Rita's just so used to it she doesn't see us a playthings on the floor anymore. She's hep to our weird ways!

  21. My brother in law use to love to lay on the floor so much. He didn't have a dog headrest but he bought himself a dog bed. That always made me laugh.

    1. That's so funny! I did lay in Rita's bed once (pictured in the background) and it was super comfy - if extremely hairy...

  22. That is SO cute! When we lie on the "floor", we share our dogs' memory foam beds with them!

    1. Those memory foam beds (Rita has one - pictured in the background) are really comfy!

  23. This is so adorable! Daddy and puppy time like this is priceless.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  24. cute picture, my guys are chews of real bones.

  25. That's a great picture. Brown dawgs kill bones so they don't get many.

  26. That's super cute, neither one of my dogs would let me do that. Well Sampson might, for a few minutes. LOL

  27. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay puppy pillos -- they are not just for other puppies!!! ha ha ok bye

  28. That's cute. Our Golden Retriever, mellow as he was, would never let me do that to him. It made him nervous.


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