July 19, 2015

Weather Mischief - But We'll Take It!

Doesn't it seem like the weather's crazy everywhere lately? It certainly was here in San Diego this weekend. Everybody knows California is in the midst of a terrible drought and we've been hoping for rain while others are getting pummeled.

Just the other day Sue at Talking Dogs was wishing she could share some of their excessive rain with those of us praying for rain. Well, it seems like her wish came true!

Saturday morning we woke to a rare sound here - thunder! Rita was a little concerned, but not too bad.

However when the rain meant we had to cut our usual Saturday long-walk short, she wasn't thrilled.

We got over an inch (!) of rain on Saturday - which is a TON for us, especially in July. It almost NEVER rains here in July. We broke the single-day record of 0.83 inches, and also the record for an entire July's rainfall, which was 0.92 inches, both records previously set in July 1902. It was the wettest July day since data collection in the area began in 1850.

While we are very happy to have the rain, there was a bit of mischief - beyond Rita missing out on her long walk. We recently redid our front yard to put in water-wise plants.
Our new and improved front yard
My friend helped me figure out the layout and she and I put in all the plants (and all those rocks!) ourselves!

Well, unfortunately the rain carved out a substantial chunk of our front yard and washed it away down the hill.
Bye-bye, rocks.
Bummer, man. Another little fix-it project for the to-do list.

We are getting more rain today, Sunday, while I type this. It is so muggy, which isn't normal here.

Rita snuck into the guest bedroom (which she's supposed to stay out of) and I found her in a dark corner in there. Couldn't blame her!

How was your weather this weekend? Did it cause mischief for you and your pups?

Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief!


  1. That's a lot of rain!! We're in the PNW and we haven't gotten any! We're in the middle of another heat wave. It's terrible!

    1. Too bad some of it hasn't come up your way! So weird that the PNW is in drought too.

  2. What a great load of rain. We need rain, but sometimes, when we just want some walkies, it can be so annoying.


  3. Wow! I am so glad you got some rain! It's so dry in California that Rita probably forgot all about rain and thunderstorms. We had a couple of days of sunshine (yay!), but storms seem to find us every day again. Crazy. Totally crazy.

    1. It IS totally crazy. Thank you for sending it our way. :) Glad you got a few sunny days. Hope you get some more!

  4. Hi Y'all!

    Our weather has been beautiful. It's cloudy today and supposed to shower and thunderstorm the next three days. We're in drought areas in both the low country and the high country, so rain is very welcome.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Hope you get some! So many areas in drought while other areas are drenched.

  5. So glad you guys are finally having rain. Maybe it went from here, to there. We have had a lot too.

  6. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay i gess the faymus minstrel albert hammond jingleheimer schmidt wuz rite and wile it never rains in suthern kalifornya man it pores!!! i am sorry yore yard washed away down the hil!!! we spent part of the afternoon yesterday watching frum owr frunt yard as the poleese and fire department tried to reetreev a car wot had gawn over the side of el camino real and erlier dada had seen another car that went over the side of a rode and down a hil so it seems like it wuz the day for things going down hils!!! ok bye

    1. Oh goodness. Well, if I had the choice, I'd definitely rather have a chunk of my yard disappear down hill rather than my car! Yikes!

  7. WE either have extreme heat or rain, no in between, we saw that you guys got rain in CA today on the news.....weird weather for sure....stella rose

  8. We had 30+ weather here in Toronto and it felt like 110% humidity. Rain would have been nice lol

    1. Ugh I hate humidity. It was muggy here too, which is so unusual for us. At least it wasn't quite that hot!

  9. I just read the news about the additional rain CA got yesterday! I hope you didn't have a major wash-out of all the pretty stone and soil. Your new yard design is really nice!

    1. No additional washout on Sunday, so that was good at least. And I'm sure this means the weeds will be attacking! :)

  10. We've had the wettest summer in years. We had a full year's worth of rain by the end of June. Now it is bruttally hot. Summer isn't always that fun outdoors!

    1. Yeah, summer is my least fave season. At least here, it's probably the worst weather for being outdoors.

  11. Glad to hear you got some rain, but sorry your lovely yard project was damaged. Our weather in the Pacific Northwest was warmer than normal so instead of a nice day-long hike we walked a few miles in the early morning and then chilled out at home.

    1. That's what bums me out about the summer - it's almost always too hot for a nice long hike!

  12. Our weather seems to have normalized - Hot but not too hot with occasional afternoon thunderstorms and rain. Glad you got some rain but bummer about it washing away your rocks
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

    1. That's good that your weather seems normal! One of the few places, maybe!

  13. We are literally baking over here. June we thought we needed to build an Ark. Your ears is gorgeous. I love it - so sorry about the washout.

    1. Ugh, baking is no fun - unless it involves flou and sugar and frosting afterward!

  14. We need rain here too. Portland has been wickedly dry and hot!

  15. Up in NY it's either been blistering hot or raining! Definitely need to get another AC unit before we bring home our pup on August 1st!


  16. We had huge storms Friday night which took down one of our favorite trees. Lots of trees in our area were toppled and many folks lost power. Bummer with your new landscaping disappearing.

    1. Oh, no. Hate to see trees get knocked down. Some folks here lost power too, but luckily we didn't.

  17. So glad that you got the rain you needed but bummer about your new yard! We had high temps this weekend, thunderstorms and tons of humidity!

    1. Such a bummer. That gaping hole is taunting me every time I go out front now.

  18. Our weather is pretty average right now. But we spent the spring getting LOTS of rain and cool weather.

    1. Our spring was insanely hot - so was our winter. I think I heard the other day our June was the hottest on record, or something nutty like that.

  19. Your new xeriscaping looks great and is such a smart move. We had heat advisories every day this weekend and again today with heat indexes over 105 degrees, humidity 75-80%. Climate change isn't going to be a picnic :( I hope the rain helps with the drought a bit. Just read a serious article about it in the Smithsonian.

    1. OMD - 105 w/ that much humidity?! I'd wilt away to nothing. They were saying on the news today how much rain CA needs to really help the drought and then laying the odds on getting that much rain. Luckily the odds were better than I thought they'd be - although still not great.

  20. Oh I love your front yard! Having so many dogs, our grass just takes a beating. I love love love what you've done with yours! And I'm so glad you got some much needed rain. We are so used to it raining pretty much every day here in Florida. Last time I went out to CA I was surprised at how brown everything was. :-(

    1. Rita is very bummed that was have NO grass, but it's just not a smart thing to have here with this crazy drought. And, yes, everything is so brown - but the rain has really perked the plants up!

  21. I'm so glad to hear you got some much needed rain. Although, as your landscaping proves, too much rain after a long dry spell has its own problems.

    We're staying with my sister in Maryland, where I grew up. And I'm having to get used to high temps and humidity (it's 78% humidity now). It's amazing to realize that the weather here is hotter than I experienced in Panama.

    Glad Rita found a cool spot to relax. Honey likes concrete floors herself.

    1. I'm surprised Rita doesn't go lay on the slate floor in our bathroom. That's probably the coolest spot! Although maybe not that comfy.

      We used to live in Bermuda and in Philly - those high temps with humidity are no fun!

  22. Congratulations on the rain. We live in Missouri like Sue and yea, it has been very wet and unfortunately the mosquitoes love it!

    1. Oh, mosquitoes are evil little things! Luckily we very rarely have a problem with those here. (When we were in Hawaii recently I really got bit up and was miserable! Of course the hubs didn't get a single bite!)

  23. I'm glad you finally got some much needed rain, even though it did mess up your landscaping! It has been crazy here too. For example, we went to the coast on Saturday and it was cloudy and cool - sweatshirts needed. Sunday was hazy, hot, and humid....hotter than heck! It's impossible to plan a wardrobe or when to walk these days.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. That is crazy that it's sweatshirt weather one day and super hot the next. Even with the rain and clouds here it hasn't been cool though - for us it's pretty warm and muggy!

  24. oh rita you poor thing, and another honey to do list. our weather was hot hot hot

    1. Here it is a week later and we still haven't gotten around to fixing it...

  25. Your yard came out very nice. I hope it won't take too much to repair. We were at a hunt test that weekend and it was hot. But this test is always very hot (usually hotter) so I guess not too bad.


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