June 30, 2015

A New Cover, Some News, and a Thank-You

A New Cover
About a month ago via my quarterly author newsletter*, I shared the new cover for Rescue Me, Maybe (due to be re-released on Aug. 25). I just remembered I never shared it here! So, here it is:
Final New Cover
I really wanted to keep our angel Abby on the cover, since she was on the original and since she was the inspiration for "Maybe" in the book, but the designer just wasn't able to make any of my Abby photos work and came up with the image above instead, which I love.

The original photo, below, was a plain blond dog, so I think she did a great job photoshopping the pup to look like Maybe/Abby.
First Draft of the New Cover
The funny thing about the cover is that the woman looks like me! For comparison, here is the real me kissing the real Abby:

I might have to try to recreate the cover shot with me and Rita. But I'm pretty sure she won't smile if I hug her like that. :)

An Audio Book
In other news, an audio version of the book is also coming on August 25 and is available for pre-order. I think I'm actually more excited to hear the audio version than I was to hold the paperback in my hands the first time.

The actress who is reading it has been tweeting about it, which has added to my excitement! Can't wait to hear my words! (hashtag squee.)

Thank You, Dolly!
Rita and I owe a thank-you to Dolly and the Lady she rescued! I won a Dolly the Doxie T-shirt (I'm wearing it as I type this!) and they sent some goodies along for Rita. Rita was VERY happy about that!

I let Rita pick which sample she wanted to try first. 

She opted for the Power Patties.
I'd show pics of her enjoying the Power Patty but they're all nothing but a blur. The Power Patty was a huge hit!

Thanks again to Dolly and her Lady!

* My quarterly author newsletter promises to include giveaways and other fun stuff AND is 100% spam-free, so if you'd like to sign up you can do so from my author site home page.

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting. You can check out all the blogs particpating in the hop here.


  1. Exciting book news! I dunno... I like the new cover, but absolutely adore the original cover. Congrats on your winnings. Looks like Rita likes the prizes.

    1. I love the original as well (of course, since it's my angel) but the new one is really growing on me!

  2. The cover looks good and we thought it was you! We would want Abby on it if it was our book, but you have to do what the "big guys" want.

    1. Yeah, sometimes you have to bow to their expertise. They thought the book should also have a woman on the cover, since really it is more of Jane's story than Maybe's story, and I thought that was a good point.

  3. That cover photo does look like you! I thought it was!

    So will your audiobook just be on MP3, not a CD? I am old fashioned and still use those ;-) I would love to listen to it in my car!

    1. We far as I know it will only be MP3. We love to listen to books in the car as well. For long trips, we put the MP3 on the iPad and then listen via Bluetooth.

  4. Wow, I just assumed that was you on the cover! I think the new cover looks great. Congrats on the re-release!

    1. Funny, huh? Even my sister-in-law thought it was me!

  5. I love the book cover! I'll look forward to reading it.

  6. psst I think the original cover was much better. :) Congrats on all of your success and your winnings.

    1. Aww, thanks. Since I designed the original myself, that makes me feel good. :) But I love the new one too.

  7. Your designer did a great job on that cover.

    I see so many photoshop fails on the internet, it's a nice reminder to see how well it can be used.

    1. I thought she did an amazing job turning the dog into "Maybe." All I'd asked was for her to darken the coat a little, and when I saw the next version, it was "Maybe"! Very impressive!

  8. How exciting. She did a great job with the cover, and an audio book will be way cool.

    1. Didn't she?! I'm so excited about that audio book!

  9. Beautiful cover, such a heartwarming picture.

    1. Isn't it sweet? Love that she's kissing the dog and the dog is smiling.

  10. Love the cover - thought it was you until you spoiled it for me in the following paragraph #shameonyou How exciting - an audio version. I'm intrigued to hear more about it - so don't leave us hanging. So proud of you my friend, so deserving. Enjoy all of this!

    1. Oh, sorry! Maybe I should have just let people think it was me! Wish it was! Thanks for the nice sentiments! :)

  11. I often judge a book by its cover and that cover totally rocks, so sweet.

  12. Both are lovely covers. Wishing your book success.

  13. We love all of them...congrat's....stellie rose

  14. Those are gorgeous covers. They would definitely grab my attention if I were browsing at our bookstore.

    1. Hopefully the cover will grab lots of folks' attention. I know I'm a sucker for a dog on the cover of a book myself!

  15. I have to agree that I like the previous cover better but great Photoshop job!

  16. I like the previous cover! That's too bad they weren't able to make any of the photos of Abby work!

    Congrats on winning Dolly's giveaway!

    1. Yeah, it would have been nice if Abby could be on the cover. I was sad about it at first, but I'm okay with it now. I get their point of wanting to have a woman on the cover as well. And now it *looks* like Abby and me on the cover, even if it's not! :)

  17. Congratulations on your new cover! I changed mine after a year and the new cover has made a huge difference. I really think you have a winner. ☺ Good luck!

    1. That's great that you had a good experience with the new cover! Hopefully this will be similar! :)

  18. Fabulous cover and I LOVE that the book is on audio!! I may have to check that out. Loved it when I read it, but would love to "hear" someone's interpretation of it!

    1. I know - I can't wait to hear her read it! (She tweeted today that she was listening to the "rough cut" in the car and her son laughed out loud at it. I think that's a good endorsement!) :)

  19. I like the new cover, though I loved the original too. I think the new one looks very much like you and Abby!
    I won one of Dolly's t-shirts too....now we're dressing alike as well! LOL

    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. Thanks!

      LOL. How funny that we'll now be dressing alike as well! My twin!!

  20. Love the new cover and yes I thought it was you!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

    1. It's just a bizarre coincidence that the gal ended up looking like me. The other three covers they proposed had women that looked nothing like me on them. Glad we went with this one!

  21. First of all, congratulations on the book cover its beautiful and touching and a great tribute. Second, thanks for the shoutout I didn't expect it! Love Dolly

    1. Thanks!

      You're welcome - we know you weren't expecting us to but we wanted to say thanks and I wanted to let you know how crazy Rita was about the treats! Very sweet of you to send them along with, Dolly!

  22. Hi Y'all!

    Oh that cover had us fooled!

    Tomorrow on Barks and Bytes we reply to your comment about our visitor.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  23. I love the cover. I recently worked with my friend on the cover for her book so I know how much goes into making an awesome cover!

  24. Can't wait to hear the audio!

  25. The new cover is great! Congrats on the winnings.

  26. I love the photo on the cover of the book and if you hadn't mentioned it, I would have sworn it was you~

    Congrats on all the good things that are happening!

    1. So weird how much that woman looks like me. Thank you!


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