June 17, 2014

Can You Find Happiness at the Drive-Thru?

Rita is not a super smiley dog. Mostly she just sits with her mouth shut and observes, so when she looks smiley I love it!

Monday was Rita's 3rd birthday so to celebrate we went to the In-N-Out drive-thru and got her a Flying Dutchman. This made Rita HAPPY.
If you don't live in an area with an In N Out Burger, well, that's a bummer. They have a very basic menu of yummy burgers, and a famous "secret" menu that you can easily find online. One of the "secret" items is the Flying Dutchman for dogs - 2 beef patties and 2 slices of cheese. I know - totally decadent. But it's only twice a year. (Gotcha Day in January and Birthday in June.)

Here's another shot of the whole familial unit at the drive-thru:

And a few shots of her back home enjoying her extra-special treat:

It was a GOOD birthday! If you didn't already enter our giveaway celebrating Rita's big day, you can enter here.

In Other Wee News...
I was on author Barbara Barth's "Writer with Dogs" blog the other day. Stop by if you have a minute and you can read about my cover models. (If you don't already know, they're total dogs!)

And... Thursday we go to the San Diego Fair to see if our felted dogs won anything!! Fingers and paws crossed!

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting!


  1. You all are having too much fun! If all car rides are like that for your family, I want you to have a live feed camera on your dashboard that I can watch whenever I need a smile!

    Looking forward to seeing this years fair ribbons...!!!

    1. I hope you are right and there will be more than one ribbon! (is that greedy??) :)

  2. Lucky you. We wish we had car rides like that. The last one I got was to the groomers. It sucked. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Wow Rita sure did have a great birthday!

  4. I loved hearing that Rita is a low-smiling pup. My last dog, Shadow, was like that too. And it does make those loose, smiley faces so special.

    You certainly know how to bring out the happy in Rita. So glad she enjoyed her birthday.

    1. Our last dog wasn't a huge smiler either, unless we were out and about. Around the house she looked serious! So, yes, when they do smile it's super special!

  5. Happy Birthday Rita. What a great treat. Good luck at the fair.

  6. Rita certainly does look happy...but who wouldn't with some good In 'N Out burgers!

    1. I know, right?! That's why I look so happy too!

  7. Wesa gonna tell our Mom to go to the drive through for us...geeze we nevers even knew. Well Mom is still working on that dog...it is to black and to hard to see what she is doing and she is very inexperienced so it is not even looking like a dog, she may haf to start all overs with a bunny or seal or a ball...Yep, I suggested a plain ole round ball may be good for her first project. Can you believe hers has not even stuck herself one time...I wonder if she is using the wrong end???
    stella rose

    1. Yes, your mom should take you through the drive thru! I left you a comment re: your felting! :)

  8. The drive-thru is a wonderful place indeed!

    The suspense must be killing you for the results at the fair. I can't wait to hear how it went!

    1. The suspense is totally killing us... ONE MORE SLEEP!

  9. Oh...In-and-Out Burger...I think Ma is drooling. BOL Good for Rita and Happy Birthday!

  10. How cool they have a "secret" menu for dogs! Can't wait to hear about the fair! Good Luck
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

    1. The secret menu is for humans too - lots of good stuff on there. The "real" menu in the restaurant is basically "hamburger, cheeseburger, double-double - 2 meat/2 cheese, fries, shake" but the secret menu has tons of stuff on it!

  11. We are drooling!!! Happy belated birthday!!!

  12. *Sigh* We don't have In & Out Burgers, White Castle, or Crystal Burgers. A Carl's Jr. just opened though without special dog burgers but delicious ones for humans! Haha! I love Rita asking her dad to "hook her up with some fries!" That made me laugh. : )

    1. I've never been to a White Castle! We don't have those here. Must go next time I'm on the east coast.

  13. That is quite the birthday treat! Good luck at the fair.

    1. Rita thought so! Thanks for the good luck wishes!

  14. What a great birthday treat! Good luck at the fair.

  15. I like to get them ice cream from Dairy Queen. :-)

    1. Our DQ doesn't have a drive thru! But I've been meaning to take Rita there for a little cone. Maybe for our next special occasion... have to come up with something!

  16. I have a friend in Oceanside who goes on and on about In N Out Burger! lol I think she definitely got to celebrate in grand style!

    Good luck at the State Fair!

  17. well you sure look happy

    retro rover

  18. LOL - I was hoping you were going to explain because I've never heard of a Flying Dutchman! Hope you have some happy surprises today at the fair :-)

  19. We don't have those, but at the Galaxie drive in by my Gramma, dogs get a free ice cream cone. Love drive ins!

  20. I just love these photos...the selfies in the car are priceless!

  21. Oh - thanks for letting me know! (You must be the only one who clicked on it!) :)

  22. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay yum in n out burger!!! at leest it smells yum sinse wenever we go their i hav to sit on my mat and git dog fud treets for not beeing skayrd of the peepul going by wile mama and dada git to eet delishus burgers!!! krool krool mama and dada!!! at leest trixie brawt me sum in n owt burger wile i wuz in jail this last time!!! ok bye

  23. Great bday snack, my gang loves the drive thru


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