January 17, 2014

Follow Up Friday: Beggars Still Choosing, No 1, and Not My News But...

I had this post almost completely done. And then I hit some strange key combination on accident and lost the whole thing. Even though I'd already saved it several times. ARRRRRGGGGHHHH.

Anyway....... It's Follow Up Friday... the blog that lets you wrap up your week.

Beggars Are Still Choosers
I posted about Rita turning down an offering of some lobster. She continues her choosy ways in this video:
{Please ignore the dog hair on the floor. I bet you have no experience with that sort of thing...}

A Car Door Protector Review
In An Angel's Twin, I mentioned our new car door protectors. A couple of folks said they'd be interested in a review. I was going to do a quick one here, but was getting too wordy (imagine?!) so will post that next week.

Blog the Change for Animals Follow Up
I posted about Lilo on Wednesday. It's only been 2 days, so of course she's still at the shelter. But...at the moment, she's the only senior, so hopefully someone will come in who doesn't want to deal with puppy madness and she'll find a home. I'll keep you posted.

Also, I mentioned my book sale. It's been going really well! I've even hit No. 1 on the Kindle Dog books bestseller list. {***flails Muppet arms***}

I know it's fleeting, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts. (Oh to have the staying power of a Marley & Me. I confess, I didn't really enjoy that book that much - but look at it there. Still no. 3, even after all these years!) Anyway, thanks to everyone for your support!

Lest you think I'm rolling in dog biscuits here from the sale, the royalty on a 99c book is a mere 35c, and I had to pay to advertise the book on BookBub. But BookBub rocks. I'm hoping these new readers I'm reaching will enjoy the book - and hopefully leave a nice review and tell 2 friends. And then they'll tell two friends. And so on... (remember that ad? Am I dating myself?)

BTW, if you have an ereader you should check out BookBub - put in your preferences, and they'll email you daily book deals. I've bought some great books lately that I found through them, all for a buck or $1.99.

Not My News to Follow-Up On, But Still...
Did any of you vote in that Beneful Dream Dog Park Contest? I voted a few times for.... oh, dang, I forget her blog name... but anyway, I voted for someone who didn't win. :(  But through happenstance, I came across the winner yesterday.

Since my novel, Rescue Me, Maybe is set in Prescott, AZ, I got the idea to check and see if Prescott has a dog magazine like San Diego does. (Hoped maybe they'd be interested in reviewing the book.) When I googled "Prescott dog magazine," I found The Prescott Dog. And there was an article about how a woman from Prescott won the $500K (!) to put in a super cool firetruck-themed dog park in Prescott. It's supposed to break ground this spring. Check out the article and her cute design here.

This Just In...
Had to update the post - just found out it's Betty White's 92nd birthday today. I *just* sent a check to Morris Animal Foundation yesterday (remember my pledge to them re: my book profits? BTW... I've extended that pledge to 2014). If I'd known, I would have designated that it be part of the birthday celebration donations

That's it. That's all the following up. In fact, that's it for the Follow Up Friday blog. The main sponsor of the hop, Jodi of Heart Like a Dog has announced that this will be the final hop. (I might still post follow-ups though, since I enjoy them. Hope you do too. There just won't be a hop.) Check out her blog to see the new hop replacing FUF.

Thanks Jodi for all the hopping!!


  1. I don't know how blog hops work...can't somebody else just initiate the hop? I know how to join an in-progress hop, but have no clue how someone starts a new one....

    I still plan to feature your book, but I've needed to get past all the health/injury debacles! It shouldn't be too much longer.....(famous last words!)...2014 has gotten off to a much better start than the way 2013 ended!

    1. I don't fully understand how they work either... even though I co-host a hop. But my co-host Peggy is way more knowledgeable about this stuff so she set it up. I know you have to subscribe to the Linky service, which Peggy and I split - I think it was like $24 for the year, but I don't know how to actually start the thing up.

      I would learn and offer to keep the hop going myself, but I don't consistently post Friday follow-ups, since I don't always have stuff to follow up on.

      No worries on the book post! Whenever you get to it works for me!

  2. Rita's refusing the lobster is taking Choosiness to a whole new level! :)

    I've always had dogs that enjoyed fruit and veggies but HufflePup is a Chooser. He was also a beggar on the streets for a while before he was rescued and then came to us, so maybe that has something to do with it, but he will sniff anything I have in my hand, almost desperately, and then refuse to even try it if I offer. Cucumbers, pears, bananas, apple, nothing appeals to this guy :)

    1. Rita does the exact same thing - really sniffs at what I hand her, with total suspicion in her eye. Then (if it's deemed not worthy - which most stuff is) she turns her head with a completely disgusted look on her face. She even does this with peanut butter. What dog doesn't like peanut butter?!

  3. I guess my dogs don't want to hurt my feelings. The only thing they won't eat are green olives. They roll them around the floor like soft marbles..

    Congratulations on #1. You are beating out some real giants of dog books. But I don't understand why people are still reading about Marley after all this time. I mean it's about a poorly behaved dog that dies...not my kind of book.

    1. Yes, I'm sure it's that they don't want to hurt your feelings! How thoughtful of them. :)

      Yeah, that Marley book... all that dog needed was a Thundershirt and a bit of training!

  4. Hi
    We have your review on tomorrow and we are so sorry it took us so long. Pippin being the way she was ate into our time and we happily looked after her in her last months. Our bit is short but sweet we hope as we left room for your synopsis and bio as we did not want the post to be too long. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. No need to apologize about the delay for the review! IMHO, more people buy books in January and February (after getting gift cards for Xmas) so a January review is perfect! I'll look forward to seeing it! :)

  5. My dogs won't eat popcorn, and WOOHOO! at being number one! You should totally get a t-shirt that says "I'm #1". Totally.

    Off to see if your Amazon book pages have been liked yet on StumbleUpon ...

    1. Oh... I don't know nuthin' 'bout no StumbleUpon. So many social networks... so little time!

      Funny thing about popcorn... We used to eat the terrible microwave kind and our beagle, Bailey, wanted nothing to do with it. When we realized how bad microwave popcorn is for you, we got a hot air popper and started popping our own. Suddenly the beagle was all over it! It's like she knew the microwave kind is not good for you!

  6. We lost a post not long ago. I was almost done with it, somehow had never remembered to save the draft and went to save and the internet was out. Not thinking Mom forgot about her phone hot spot, so we lost the whole thing. So very frustrating!

  7. I did not like popcorn too but mom made it a catching game. Congrats! Love BookBub, mom gets her ebook bargain. My mom loves Prescott,AZ, beautiful area. Woof to Betty White :-) Happy Friday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  8. Congrats on that #1 spot! (And I'm not a fan of Marley & Me either). Love Book Bub, but I'd better check my settings since I didn't see a thing from them re: your book.

  9. Great follow up! Gambler will grab food like that too not knowing if he should take it or not. Great news for your book, I bought it this week have to get to wifi to download it. Happy Bday Betty White!

  10. Horray for being number 1!! You know I love the book. That's awesome about Prescott. That is such a dog friendly town.

  11. Ugh, nothing more frustrating than hitting the wrong keys and watching things disappear! I haven't lost a whole post yet, but I'm sure I will at some point!
    Our dogs LOVE popcorn, but they will do that same kind of thing Rita did if it's fruit or veggies.
    Congrats on being #1!! Enjoy it and celebrate a little bit!

  12. Congratulations on being #1! Very well deserved. Are you writing your next one yet????

    1. I am working on #3, but it's a struggle! I have to keep reminding myself what a struggle Rescue Me, Maybe was!

  13. I lost my entire post last Friday too. I wanted to cry. I was so tired from being at the show all day and I was almost done and it was brilliant and then it was gone. I had to write the whole thing over and it was not as brilliant. :) Congrats on your book being top of Amazon dogs. :) Marley and Me I bought for a Korean woman I was tutoring in English. She liked dog stories. I don't think she liked that one too much. :)


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