November 17, 2015

Wordless Wed. - When You Ask the Dogs If They're Ready


They look ready to me!

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday! Thank you for letting me be wordy! You can check out all the blogs in the hop here.


  1. Dogs are always ready, it's the humans that take way to much time to get ready!

    1. I was getting ready to bounce the ball for them, so I was ready! (but, yes, for walkies time it does take me way too much time to get ready!)

  2. All mine have to do is see us heading to the door and they are ready - whether it's to go for a walk or we are just headed out for work. I had a 14 hour work day Monday and when I finally got back in town, mine were jumping out of their skin!

  3. Haha I know that look! Mom can't even say "go" because its always followed by "walk" or "car"! Love Dolly

  4. They're definitely ready! "Ready" is one of those trigger words around here too, just like "go" and "walk". We've had to resort to saying "depart" instead of "go" when we're leaving the house so Haley doesn't get disappointed if she can't "depart" with us.

    1. Rita has some odd trigger words. I migth have to do a blog post about that at some point. She really doesn't care about "go" or "walk". She's funny.

  5. Hi Y'all!

    Oh yes! We all know "ready" and "go"!!!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  6. Dogs are always ready, and waiting.

  7. I always used to say "ready" like the robot voice at the track events just before I threw a toy for Indy to catch. I'm sure she was like, whatever, just throw the damn thing.

    1. Mike and I use that track meet robot voice all the time. Too funny.

  8. You'll never catch a cat ready for anything except maybe a nap ..... or noms! ;)

  9. I don't have to say a word. I just grab the harnesses. Sometimes if I'm putting on my coat and shoes, they all get ready to go.

  10. I don't dare use words like "ready" or "go" unless I've got my feet planted firmly on the ground.

  11. Ready is a fun word!!!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  12. That is the same look our boys give us at walk time!

  13. And totally happy to go wherever you might take them! Love those smiles!

  14. They are so cute! I love how happy they look! :D

  15. They certainly look ready for a adventure :) Milo & Jet

  16. Yes, they are READY! That's the kind of look I get when I mention the "w" word (walk).

  17. Ready for a great adventure and fun!

  18. It's so hard to be patient with those slow-moving humans. We wait while they mess with shoes, jackets, hats, keys and other assorted unnecessary stuff.

  19. It's so hard to be patient with those slow-moving humans. We wait while they mess with shoes, jackets, hats, keys and other assorted unnecessary stuff.

  20. They look ready to me too! My guys are usually 'ready' for a walk. :-)

  21. Blueberry usually goes into creeper mode when she sees me getting ready to go out. She knows that certain clothes can either mean a hike or me leaving her behind if I am going grocery shopping. So she'll lurk down the hall and watch me from a dark corner. It cracks me up every time. Once she realizes she gets to go too - then I get the happy eyes and ears.

  22. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay just like the faymus minstrels republica wunse sed us dogs ar ready to go!!! ha ha ok bye


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