October 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Fall!

I love the fall - this is one time of year that I miss our east coast days. The fall was so great there! But, we really do have fall in San Diego. It's just that we have it in very small amounts. Sometimes you have to look pretty hard for it, but we have a nice little bit of it here on our street:
The neighbor's liquid amber trees. So pretty!

It was still TOO warm, but it's pretty!
And folks say we don't have fall here!
Also, this is not a great pic, but Mike went on his first wee post-op walk on Sunday. Only up to the next corner and back, but it was nice that he could get out and about! (I know, I said I wouldn't do a video of this first walk, like we did with Abby, but, hey - it's just a photo!)
"Momma, hurry up and catch up!"
Sorry - you know I'm bad at being wordless... But that wasn't that many words!


  1. Oh that is a beautiful tree! Glad you still get to see some fall colors! :) Happy WW!

  2. we are enjoying walking and looking at the fall leaves too. So beautiful!
    Barks and licks and love, Dakota


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