March 10, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: Our Minx, the Sphinx

Remember I told you about Rita's artwork/custom-bedding project? I didn't have the heart to throw it away, so it's in our bedroom and she sleeps on it every night. (Sometimes I hide it under her blankie but she's not crazy about that.)

Here she's our little minx in her custom bed, doing her sphinx imitation:

March 8, 2015

Monday Mischief: When No Mischief Is Mischief

When I posted last week about Rita meeting Sugar, I mentioned that I was hopeful she'd like Sugar, since there's a sweet, calm, older golden in our 'hood that Rita likes.

Well, we ran into her this weekend, just hanging out on a sunny sidewalk all by herself. (She's so mellow, her pawrents just let her hang out in front of her house. I'd worry too much to ever let a dog do that, but then... I worry about everything!)

March 3, 2015

My Goofy-Foot Girls or What Do Dewclaws Do?

A while back, my blogger buddy Jan wrote a very interesting post about dog's feet called Barking About... Canine Paws & Toes. (You should check it out. Did you know dogs have either "cat", "hare" or "webbed" feet?) Her post made me think of some of the odd things about angel Abby's and Rita's feet.

When we got Rita, we said she seemed to be a mix of Abby and our other angel Bailey. Bailey had no dewclaws in the back, but Abby had both.
Our long little doggie with both back dewclaws

March 1, 2015

Monday Mischief: If Only Rita Was as Sweet as Sugar!

You guys! We met a celebrity this weekend! As fun and exciting as it was, there was a lot of mischief too...

I was super excited to get a chance to meet Sugar (!!) from Sugar the Golden Retriever fame on Saturday!

February 24, 2015

Love To Go To the Dog Show But Not For the Dog Show

Today for less-wordy Wednesday, I'm sharing some of the (really terribly blurry*) pics I took at the recent dog show here in San Diego. Two of my sisters and I go pretty much every year, but I don't even care about the actual dog show.

You might wonder why someone would go to a dog show and not watch the show, but there are lots of other things to do. 

First of all, we love to walk around and see all the cute pups, like this adorable beagle getting ready to go in the ring:
Every bit as cute as Miss P!

February 10, 2015

Wordless Wed.: A Walk in the Fog with the Dog

We've had some super foggy mornings here lately. Rita's not a huge fan of walking in the fog. She seems to be on high alert, as you can tell from her perked up ears in this pic.