March 8, 2015

Monday Mischief: When No Mischief Is Mischief

When I posted last week about Rita meeting Sugar, I mentioned that I was hopeful she'd like Sugar, since there's a sweet, calm, older golden in our 'hood that Rita likes.

Well, we ran into her this weekend, just hanging out on a sunny sidewalk all by herself. (She's so mellow, her pawrents just let her hang out in front of her house. I'd worry too much to ever let a dog do that, but then... I worry about everything!)
It looked like maybe she'd had a bath, so she was getting some sun to dry out.
"Whatrya' doin'?"
Rita was happy to see her...
"I love seeing my friend!"
....but bummed that she wouldn't get up and play.
"Why won't she play with me, Momma??"
She never wants to play, and that always bums Rita out, since she playbows and tries to entice her. But, nope, she is not taking Rita up on her offer of getting up to some mischief! 

Mostly she just wants to lay around; sometimes she'll get up and bring a toy over (not to play with, just to show us), and she'll get some loving, but that's it. We thought maybe she was old, but her dad told us she's only seven. Guess she's just a very mellow soul!

Does your dog get bummed out when another dog won't play?

Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief!


  1. We are frustrated with cousin Lena right now as she won't play chase, just wants her stupid tennis ball. Mom's last dog was like Sugar, never fenced in or on a leash. Stayed where she was. Mom could even drive away and she would be there when she came back. No chance of that with my sisters and I.

    1. Wow, that's impressive that your mom could even drive away! I can't imagine! Until Rita, we couldn't even trust our pups to stay put when the door was opened - they were runners!

  2. Wilson never plays with dogs other than Jimmy, and except for a couple of exceptions, Jimmy can't be trusted to play nicely with anyone! He's a very rough player!

    1. Rita can be pretty rough too! But luckily she sort of tailors her play to the playmate!

  3. Hi Y'all!

    Glad Rita and Sugar had a good meeting.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. I'm not sure Sugar would call it "good." It was okay. :)

  4. Oh, she's super cute and sweet, that red pooch.

    1. I know - isn't she so sweet? She's the mellowest dog I've ever seen!

  5. Wow, that is a mellow dog. Torrey would want to play too.

  6. Awwww, how cute! Miley is always ignoring play bows from his siblings! lol

    1. Oh, his siblings must get frustrated with him! :)

  7. We've never had the experience of having a dog not wanting to play. I suspect my dogs would just work them over.

  8. Awwwww a beautiful and mellow dog indeed. Have a marvellous Monday
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Aww so cute, I can see Rita dying to play with Sugar haha.

    1. Actually, I don't know this dog's name. (Unfortunately she didn't want to play with Sugar!)

  10. well, Cole is on the other side of that usually now that he's "mature" and by that I mean old and often crochety. Rita looks like she was checking for a pulse.

    Cole does the puppy bow thing now and then though, especially around his little schnoodle friend Zoey. He met his new girlfriend Noelle this weekend with a fence between them. They both puppy bowed, then sniffed, then peed then done. Face time.

    1. Oh, that's nice that he has a new little friend. "Face time" - cute!

  11. Awe poor Rita! Yeah, both of my girls get bummed out if their friends don't want to play!

    1. Of course, on the other hand, sometimes have friendly dogs that want to play on-leash, and Rita doesn't want to meet them. So, she can be frustrating too!

  12. I'm afraid Blueberry bums a lot of dogs out because she won't play with them. :)

    1. We often have to decline play/meeting so Rita frustrates and gets frustrated equally I think!

  13. Poor Rita! Luke was pretty bummed when Sheba couldn't play with him when she was recovering from her surgery (and trust me, she wanted lying around for that golden girl!). Cricket just won't play with him the same way, and she tends to get a little snarly with him when he tries to get her to.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. Oh, that's the worst when the other pup wants to play but isn't allowed to!

  14. Poor Rita! She looks heartbroken in that last picture! Barley has no idea how to play--I think she wants to, but she makes a lot of ugly noises when she plays, which makes other pups (and their parents) nervous, so we're always thankful for mellow dogs that don't get her riled up :)

    1. Lol. We had a beagle like that. She would snarl and bark while she played - but that was just her style of play. It used to freak a lot of dogs - but mostly their parents - out!

  15. What a life that Sugar has. I think I'd like to trade her.

    1. Oh, that's not Sugar - we met THE Sugar last week. This is another sweet older golden, but I don't know what her name is.

  16. Our pups Buzz & Missy both love to play ~ while Missy enjoys playtime with other dogs, her brother Buzz prefers playtime with his ball! Isn't it funny how all dogs are different?!

    1. It is funny. They have such distinct little personalities.

  17. Mr. N is sad when dogs don't want to play with him. Pretty sure he doesn't understand what being mellow is like.

    1. Rita definitely has her mellow side, but sometimes she wants to play!

  18. Glory gets bummed out when no one will play with her.

  19. Our dogs tend to play too rough so they don't get to do it much. Our Golden was a very mellow guy but he liked to play with other dogs.

  20. Sampson is not a big player either, but Delilah can usually be enticed. ;-)

  21. Weasley used to get bummed because as the youngest he had more play energy. Fry loves to play since he is a pup so they play together
    Retro rover

  22. Oh, my gosh. I would worry too much, too. What a sweet dear, though! Typically, when the big boys don't want to play with Cooper, he stands a few inches from their face and barks until they get so frustrated they give in and play. They have effectively trained him to be super obnoxious!!

  23. That dog's so laid back - literally!

  24. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay wel i am jenerally too afrayd of other dogs to play with them but i did yoozed to luv playing with my brother tucker and my sister trixie!!! of korse tucker is no longer with us and trixie sez that now that she is sixteen she is too old to play but i stil git my hopes up now and then wen she gits a berst of enerdjee that she will romp with me like she yoozed to!!! unfortchoonatly the bersts of enerdjee yoozhually only last a minute or too but a dog kan dreem!!! ok bye

  25. Awww. Rita looks so concerned for this pooch! Does she ever want to play? Maybe that's why Rita likes her so much because she' so calm. Regardless, they look so sweet together. :)


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