November 11, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Something Lovely with Something Icky

Do you ever wonder how your beautiful pups can stand to put some of the grossest things in their mouths??

This lovely girl is up for adoption at Helen Woodward Animal Center where I volunteer each week. There were plenty of nice, clean tennis balls to play with, but of course she wanted to play with the icky, muddy one! (Thank you to the genius who invented the ChuckIt! I never had to actually touch the thing!)

November 9, 2014

Monday Mischief: Puppy Mischief - What To Expect!

I wish I'd known about the Monday Mischief blog hop back when we had Abby. That girl was a master mischief maker!
Cutest puppy ever. 100% filled with mischief.

November 4, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Sending Good Thoughts

Today we have a special request for our friends over at The Three Little Pugs

Stella Rose, Margaret Mae and Angus McConnell have a human family member, Macey, who needs good thoughts and prayers. You can read about (and see super adorable pictures of) Macey here

November 2, 2014

Monday Mischief: "I am NOT a Rabbit!"

Did you know that Saturday, Nov. 1 was "National Cook for Your Pets Day"?! (That "for" is really important in that title...) I didn't realize it until I flipped our PetPlan calendar over to November - which I did a day late.

But even though I didn't know it was NCfYP Day, I did recently start cooking for Rita. She's always eaten a good quality, grain-free kibble, with some organic canned food of one type or another mixed in. Pretty much no matter what I buy, and no matter how much she loves it on day one, but day 3 she's bored of it. Plus I got tired of always having to pick up cans of stuff for her, so I started cooking for her, and stirring this mix of organic meat, root veggies and green veggies in with her kibble.

And she loves it.

October 28, 2014

I Love Halloween; The Dog Hates It

I love Halloween. I love seeing everyone's creative costumes; I love the spooky decorations; I love the candy. :)

Rita, however, hates everything about it.

She hates when Momma tries to put stuff on her (although she will tolerate it for a few seconds for a treat): 

October 21, 2014

Less Wordy Wednesday: Caption This Goofy Pic

I snapped this goofy pic the other day at Helen Woodward, where I volunteer, when 2 of my fave pups were playing under my legs. Wanna try and caption it?

I'm going with: "I dub thee Sir EatsALot!"