May 6, 2014

Give Cancer the Paw: A Tribute Post

This post is a brief tribute to these two beautiful girls that we lost to cancer.

Those of you who have been around the blog awhile know we lost our beagle, Bailey, to cancer several years ago. Well, now we have also lost my mother-in-law Simone to cancer.

The only "good" news in any of this is that these two are hopefully together again now. My MiL loved Bailey so much! She would always talk about the connection they had - she said it was "in her eyes" and that when Bailey would look at her it was like she was seeing into her soul. 

Hope these two souls are together now. They both had a great sense of humor and I hope they are having a good time! 

The blog will be quiet for a while longer. Miss you guys and hope to be back soon. 


  1. Sweet memories and we so wish the evil C did not exist. Miss you too. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Sending my deepest sympathy to you and your family in the loss of your mother-in-law. Take care of yourselves - stress is a greedy devil.

  3. So very sorry for your loss. That is a beautiful picture of the two of them x

  4. So very sorry for your loss. That is a beautiful picture of the two of them.

  5. Jackie, I'm sorry for the loss of your mother in law. I hope picturing them together, playing, and your MIL looking into Baily's soulful eyes, will give you some comfort.

  6. So very sorry for your loss. Cancer has been brutal to our family as well. I wish you peace as you walk forward on this journey.

  7. So very sorry for your loss. May they both be together again. Miss you too!

  8. I believe they are together, holding and loving each other strong. We are so sorry.
    stella rose

  9. I'm so sorry for your loss. My sincere sympathy to your husband and your family. That picture is so dear.

  10. Sorry to hear about this, Jackie. Thinking of you!

  11. So sorry to hear that Jackie. I am sending good thoughts your way.

  12. we are so sorry to hear about your dear mother in law.
    Sending lots of pug hugs your way.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel, Greta & Mom

  13. We're so sorry about the loss of your mother-in-law. Cancer has affected so many lives, and continues to cause unending amounts of pain in all our hearts. We're sending lots of fuzzy-beard nuzzles and Corgi cuddles your way in hopes that it helps just the tiniest bit.

  14. Jackie, so sorry for for your loss. Love Never Never Ends.

  15. Your mother-in-law looks like such a happy, loving woman, it is not fair that cancer took her. What a wonderful photo memory to have, and I am sure she and Bailey are snuggling again right now. So sorry for your whole family for this loss.

  16. I'm so very sorry for both your losses! It's never easy to let those who hold pieces of our hearts go. I hope they're having a great time together!

  17. I am so very sorry for your losses. Cancer sucks.

  18. I am sorry for your losses!

  19. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad to cancer and its a terrible thing

    retro rover

  20. My condolences to you and your family, Jackie. Thinking of you.

  21. Gosh Jackie, I'm so sorry. If you need anything, let me know.

  22. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mother-in-law, and my condolences to you and your family. Sharing this tribute must have been difficult. I see how happy your MIL and Bailey looked together in the photo, and it is nice to envision them together again, smiling down over you.

  23. Jackie
    We are so very sad to hear of your loss...the photo you have is priceless of the two of them...we are sending hugs and ♥ to you and your family.
    Cat and Jozi


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