March 30, 2013

A Limerick & *Another* High

I don't normally post on Saturdays, but I had to post today because I wanted to share that Rita had a special limerick written for her!

Oz the Terrier has been posting the cutest, funniest, most adorable doggy limericks all month long and Rita and I were a little worried that we weren't going to make the cut - but we did! We got the slot for today. Whoohoo! Check out Rita's limerick here. Thanks, Oz, for the great limerick! Anybody who knows Rita, Rita, gopher eate', knows how perfect it is for her!

Oz the Terrier

Also, remember the other day when I posted about the highs and lows of being a writer - the high being finding out someone wrote a lovely blog post about my book? Well, I'm on another high, since I found out Max, the Best Pup in the World, and his mom ALSO wrote a lovely post about my book. I had no idea they were going to do that! So sweet!

Hope you have a lovely weekend!


  1. We just saw it. Oz is just terrific. What fun. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. You are one lucky pooch, lovely Rita!

  3. Congrats on both the limerick and the good book review :-) Heading over to read both now!

  4. So glad you love your Limerick! I will have to pop over and see the review of your book. I am off....!
    Have a great weekend.

  5. Lucky, lovely Rita...Oz's limericks are the best :)

  6. Barharhar, that was a very good one, sure made us giggle, that Oz is good.

    Your Pals
    the Mad Scots

  7. Loved Oz's limerick about Rita!!! Glad you liked the review too - I really enjoyed the book!! Can't wait to see what you come up with next and waiting for the newest book...hurry! (Please).

  8. Great news on the book, and a great limerick too.

  9. Hm. I'm thinking gophers and peach margaritas would be ... *shudder* kinda gross. To each her own. I'd be more inclined to chase a gopher with a gin and tonic. Anything else would be like spraying air freshener at a fish market. At least the gin and tonic is more like using bleach.

    1. LOL. That's hysterical. Yes, you are so right.

      I suppose I should have explained in the post what some of the references meant... Maybe I'll do that in Thur's post. I may borrow your comment and include it there.


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