March 11, 2013

Monday Mischief: Helping *AGAIN*

I've been needing to paint our hallway ever since we moved in to this house over 2 years ago. I finally got my act together and painted it last week while the hubs was away on business.

Of course, my little helper was right there doing what she could to make the job go more quickly, as evidenced by the paint on her tail:

She also got a bunch of paint on her side and her ear, but I wiped it off before thinking to take a picture. Maybe it's not a bad idea though... maybe it's not mischievous to get your tail in the paint... after all, all that wagging just helps get the paint slapped on quicker!

In Other News...
Have you heard of Pup Culture Magazine? It's an online magazine that you can subscribe to and read for free, and my novel, What the Dog Ate, got a lovely little review in their March/April issue (on pg. 64) that you can check out here. It's a special food issue, so I think that it's appropriate that they included What the Dog Ate - even if lavender thong panties are seldom considered "food." Thanks again to Pup Culture Magazine for including my book in their latest issue!

In Other Other News...
Come back for Mirth Watch Thursday, because I'm going to announce a giveaway to celebrate the 1st birthday of What the Dog Ate, published last year on March 18! Yes, it's my baby's birthday, and you can get a present!

Happy Monday Mischief!


  1. Ha-ha! Sometimes a little paint happens. We are in the process of redoing our basement and the Newfs are always getting into something!

    1. And when a Newf gets into something, they GET INTO it I bet!

  2. DIY is impossible when I'm around. I think it is all a great game. Will pop over and look at the mag. Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. DIY becomes DIO - Do it Ourselves - she's always gotta "help"!

  3. That's very helpful! Maybe you could dip the tail into a pretty color for a complimentary border treatment.

    1. A border treatment. Maybe a border collie treatment! (Okay, groan, that was bad...)

  4. I just checked out pup culture magazine; it's gorgeous! I got a lot of great ideas from that magazine that I applied to my blog.

    We're going to be painting this summer; I'm curious to know how the dogs will do; they'll be outside for most of it, but I'm sure they'll be inside at some time before the walls dry - LOL

    1. Isn't it a good-looking magazine? Glad you got some good ideas from it!

      With your pack, painting should be very interesting!

  5. Think of the cool texture you can get with that tail.

  6. Dogs have a built in paint brush...their tail. Who doesn't love to help out and get in a little mischief??

    1. Oh, she does indeed love to "help." Always has to be right in my face: "Whatcha doin' Momma??"

  7. I don't think we've ever painted anything without a little help from some dog fur ;-)

    1. And your guys have such big bushy "paint brushes"!

  8. Congrats on the birthday! No worries about the paint job - if you're like me you'll ding it with the vacuum within a week anyway!

    1. Ugh, for sure! I'm constantly running into the walls with the vacuum. I'm kinda a klutz!

  9. Congratulations! Did I write a review? I don't think I did. Will have to remedy that in the near future.

    Dogs love to help paint. Our babies chicks can help paint, since their tiny baby feathers soak up so much paint. They're like little sponges, really.

    1. Oh, I don't think you did, but I would sure love it if you did. :)

      Heehee about the little chicky sponges!

  10. I've had plenty of painted pups over many years or renovations. If only I could teach them to wag some paint on and really help!

    1. Yeah, I've yet to come up with a home improvement project where the dog's "help" is actually helpful!

  11. do you know what? I thought the paint was actually your real coloring! lol
    Thanks for the "paws up" about Pup Culture...just subscribed!

    1. Only the tip is white - her little beagle "flag"!

      Hope you enjoy Pup Culture - it looks like a good magazine!

  12. That's the best kind of helper - I bet there are even little fur marks in the paint. =) And, congratulations on the first birthday of your book!

    1. Thanks! Hope you'll stop back sometime between Thur & next Monday for the giveaway!

      And, yes, fur marks in the paint, not to mention all the times I had to stop and fish a hair out of the paint!

  13. Best helper in the world...besides...if ya messed up at all...blame it on the pup! :) I swore I wouldn't paint after repainting my son's lovely neon, lime green room after he moved out. It took about a million coats!!!

  14. My three cats tend to want to help with painting more than the dog :) It's so sweet that they want to help, right? Congrats on the first birthday, I'm off to read the review!!

  15. We've been painting and doing renovations and of course all the dogs (and the cats) are interested. The dogs were banned from the rooms being painted but somehow, Forest got paint on him. As I saw that I wondered why I didn't paint a color to match the dogs?!

    Thanks for sharing the link about the magazine, I'll be looking at that later.


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