April 11, 2017

Knowledge Is Not Bliss, But It Beats Ignorance!

A few weeks ago, I noticed a spot in Rita's armpit. It felt like a scab stuck in her hair, so I tried to pull it out, but then realized it was attached. I gave it a few days, thinking it was just a scab that wasn't ready to fall off.

When it was still there a week or so later, I figured we better get it checked. It was small, and I thought it was probably just a mole or skin tag, but made an appointment anyway. The night before the appointment, I took this picture of it.

April 4, 2017

Rita: "I Can See the Mother Country from Here!"

I really wanted Rita to be saying "I can see Mexico from my house!"... but technically we can't see it from our house. But we can see it from some spots in our 'hood.

(That's Mexico waaaay in the background.)

March 27, 2017

Book Review: #LOYAL from National Geographic & #TLCBookTours

I was contacted by TLC Book Tours and offered the chance to read and review "Loyal: 38 Inspiring Tales of Bravery, Heroism, and the Devotion of Dogs" It's rare to have a solicited post on Pooch Smooches, but this book called to me so I asked them to please send me a copy.

March 21, 2017

Signs of Spring... And Other Signs

Spring is officially here!

It's showing up in our yard, where our ice plant is very happy after all the rain we've had.

March 7, 2017

A Tale of Two Kitties. (Okay, Really, Cats. Sorta.)

Rita "met" two "cats" this past Sunday. Normally, she hates cats, which you may recall if you've been following the blog for ages, because there was the time we took her to visit my sis, and Rita went ape over not only the actual cat in the house, but also this stone cat looking down from a bookshelf.

February 28, 2017

Around Here, We Love An Under Dog

We usually cheer for the underdog here at our house. That doesn't always work out too well (take the recent Super Bowl for instance...). But we do have a particular favorite "under" dog...

Here she is under "cover":

February 21, 2017

Tap-Dancing Dog

This girl LOVES to play with her Himalayan cheese chews. Almost as much as she likes to eat them. (Those of you who are on Instagram have probably already seen this.)

Love that entrance!

February 14, 2017

Better A Beach Day That Starts Bad And Ends Well

A couple of weeks ago, we had a day at the beach that started out great and ended badly. (Due to a DADO* with his uncontrollable dog off leash at the on-leash beach.) But I don't want to talk about that because it makes my blood pressure go up. Instead... let's visit a day at the beach that started out badly and ended much better!

The other day, we got to the beach and it was not only super foggy, it was really high tide. Like, only-a-narrow-slip-of-beach-to-run-on-in-some-places high. There was tons of stinky seaweed all over the beach. (Dog heaven, right?)

February 7, 2017

At Least The End Is Getting Closer

We've had a wee break from the construction for our kitchen remodel, for various reasons, but now that that workers are back, Rita just... can't... even...