July 23, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Cover Reveal for "Rescue Me, Maybe"!

Here it is - the cover for my new novel, which will be out in mid-September. I hope you like it!
Rescue Me, Maybe - due out in September!

July 21, 2013

Monday Mischief: We Do Have SOME Rules Here at The Spa

Things are pretty easy for spoiled pups who live here at our spa. They can get up on the sofa, sleep on the bed (although Rita mostly chooses not to), lick the plates before they go in the dishwasher (again, Rita doesn't always want to, because she's weird...), etc.

But we do have a few rules, and one of them is hard and fast: No sticks in the house!

Our last pup, Abby, (who was FULL of mischief) often flagrantly attempted to violate this rule:
"What, Momma?? I'm just practicing my Groucho Marx imitation."

July 18, 2013

Mirth Watch Thursday: A Quick Laugh for Today

This is gonna be a quick one, cuz I'm cranking on getting my next novel ready. I've been making myself nuts/blind trying to come up with a title and cover. But I finally have both! Maybe I'll do a cover reveal soon!

As I said before, the cover includes this gorgeous girl! (The dog - not me!)

July 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Sleepover Aftermath

Remember when I mentioned that Rita and Reggie were going to have a sleepover at Reggie's house? It was a success! (Hooray! Good news, since we trade dog-sitting for each other.)

It was a success... but that doesn't mean it wasn't a little nutty. It was reported to me by my sis that Rita was "good as gold," and Reggie was.... well, a little excited about the whole deal. My sis has no photos of the sleepover. Well, she does - but they're all blurry.

I have some of the next day when I went to pick up Rita.
"Please. I've had enough!"

July 14, 2013

Blog the Change for Animals: Well Done, San Diego!

It's Blog the Change for Animals time again!
Blog the Change
It kinda snuck up on me this time, and I wasn't sure what to write about - but then I remembered a big pet-related item in the news this week in San Diego: the City Council voted to ban retail store pet sales.

July 12, 2013

Follow-Up Friday: With Ribbons and More Woolly Ball News and...Other Silliness

It's Follow-Up Friday...
...and that means it's time to answer those burning questions (if it's burning - go see a doctor!) and follow-up on the news!

Back to the Fair - One Last Time...
My sis and I had to go pick up our winning felting displays at the fairgrounds the day after the fair ended, which means we got to pick up our big ol' ribbon (plus a certificate and a little gift of a pin with the fair's "game on" logo. Oh boy.) We are still waiting for our checks!

I brought the ribbon home and made it into a hair-bow, which I've been wearing ever since.
 Okay, I kid! (But it would work that way, right??)

July 11, 2013

Mirth Watch Thursday: Educating Rita

I know I mostly only post about how cute and sweet Rita is (and how she hardly ever gets into any mischief, leaving me scrambling for ideas for Monday Mischief posts) but she does have some ... issues. Because of her issues, we started working with a trainer.
95% of the time, a very happy girl & a good walker