July 11, 2013

Mirth Watch Thursday: Educating Rita

I know I mostly only post about how cute and sweet Rita is (and how she hardly ever gets into any mischief, leaving me scrambling for ideas for Monday Mischief posts) but she does have some ... issues. Because of her issues, we started working with a trainer.
95% of the time, a very happy girl & a good walker

July 9, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Cookie Break. Or Not.

There's a house on one of our favorite walking routes that leaves out a bowl of water and a container of cookies for the pups. We usually stop with Rita to enjoy a cookie on our way home.
"This is my favorite walk route, Momma!"

July 7, 2013

The Worst (or Best??) Kinda Mischief...Puppy Mischief!

Today, we have a guest blogger! Since Reggie's always such a hit - and some even suggested we should highlight him every day (a suggestion which made Rita sulk for a while...) - well, we decided you should see more than just his unbelievably cute side. So, my sis is taking over today to reveal some Reggie-mischief! Take it away, Terry...

Happy Monday! Just stopping by Pooch Smooches as guest blogger. I am Jackie’s sister, Terry, and the lucky woman who owns and loves Reginald H. Dickenson, a.k.a. Reggie. I am just tickled that so many of you seem to appreciate the little devil. Because at times he can be a devil, and because Rita is almost always an angel, we are taking over Monday Mischief this week.

Rita has been so great teaching Reggie the joys of play dates. She’s got just the right blend of sweet and tough. He loves her! She does me the kind favor of leaving behind one of my favorite things – a totally exhausted pup. After their last session, this is how they settled in on our front porch. Cute, eh? (Please note Reggie’s ears standing up so nicely.  We will re-visit that later in this post.)

July 2, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: On a Walk in Bird Rock

As I mentioned during K9 Kamp, we do a lot of walking. And we don't usually get bored, because we have lots of different, nice routes we can take. One of our favorite walks is to head down to a little neighborhood known as "Bird Rock." It's called this cuz there's a rock. And birds sit (and do other stuff that rhymes with sit) on it. [Sorry this is wordy - you don't have to read it. You can just look at the pics!]
Rita in front of Bird Rock - with no birds on it at the moment

June 30, 2013

Monday Mischief: Hold On To Your Pups, People!

We love the Tour de France. And we love dogs. But the two don't mix. Folks who go to watch the Tour should hang on tightly to their pups, lest they cause some brief heart-stopping moments like this which happened on Sunday morning during the 2nd stage of racing:
(Not the best quality as I just videoed it as it played on our TV, but you get the idea - and hopefully they won't mind me showing 10 sec of their coverage - it's a PSA after all!)

That little terrier or whatever he is just misses getting trampled by the peloton, and he probably would have brought down a dozen or so riders. Yikes!

June 28, 2013

June 27, 2013

Mirth Watch Thursday: I Whip My Ears Back and Forth

This is gonna be a quick one cuz I've had one of those annoying days where you have a million things on your to-do list and then slowly but surely they all start becoming super complicated and taking 10X longer than you thought they would. You know those fun kinda days??

Anyway, when I went on YouTube wondering what I could do for Mirth Watch today, my home page had items recommended for me. This was at the top of the list. Oh, YouTube - you know me so well!