June 27, 2013

Mirth Watch Thursday: I Whip My Ears Back and Forth

This is gonna be a quick one cuz I've had one of those annoying days where you have a million things on your to-do list and then slowly but surely they all start becoming super complicated and taking 10X longer than you thought they would. You know those fun kinda days??

Anyway, when I went on YouTube wondering what I could do for Mirth Watch today, my home page had items recommended for me. This was at the top of the list. Oh, YouTube - you know me so well!

I actually find that Whip My Hair Back & Forth song to be fairly annoying (okay, super annoying, but I was trying to be nice!), but it works with this video! (If only it was "ears" instead of "hair"...)

Beagles. Such funny dogs.

And now, for my own enjoyment (and hopefully yours too) some adorable pics of our angel baby - Bailey beagle:
Cutest. Puppy. Ever. (Seriously, this face launched a puppy ownership binge in our apt. building.)
Learning to howl (luckily she was never as barky as some beagles can be)
She always enjoyed a good joke.
One of my fave pics of her. Post-bath.

Hope this made you smile/laugh. That video sure cracked me up! The highlight of my day, pretty much. :)

Happy Mirth Watch Thursday!


  1. Those first couple of puppy pictures explain why beagles are always in the Top Ten list of America's favorite dog breeds! Freakin' adorable!

    1. yes, the looks definitely lead people down a path of owning a super cute dog - who can be a total handful. Although I LOVE beagles, I always warn folks to do their research before they get one! They are super entertaining dogs, but man - they have little minds of their own!

  2. All puppies are cute, but the Beagle pup is irresistible. I remember the one that was left on my door step many years ago.

    1. Oh, what a wonderful thing to find on the door step. (But what a jerk who left it there!)

  3. Great video -- sans the sound! Yep, beagle puppies are way up there on the cuteness scale.

    1. Yeah, it's best without the sound - but the music does fit!

  4. OMD. That beagle LOOKS auto tuned. And your Bailey was truly adorable. :)

    Hope you get everything done today that you set out to do! That said, time to jump in the shower and move onto the next thing ...

    1. Funny. He does look auto-tuned.

      To-do list is going better today!

  5. Hi Y'all!

    So sorry that my Human forgot today was the day scheduled for my Award post...really, sometimes her memory is...I better stop barkin'. So I didn't get around to everyone fast enough!

    Loved you post today. Picked my head up!

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Thanks for the award! And thanks for stopping by!

  6. Lol - OK that was hilarious! And love the baby pictures too :) Especially the howling one!

    1. She was SUCH a cute pup. That little black heart shape on her head was too adorable - but it faded out quickly to brown. Miss that kid!

  7. Sorry you're having one of those days.

    Loved the video (I had to mute the music, you were right it was hideous.) I was surprised that the pup was not frightened at all of the vacuum. Sampson does not care for the vacuum at all.

    BTW I keep forgetting to tell you, finished the book. :-) You did a great job, it is now on loan to my mom.

    1. Hooray! So glad you loved the book! I hope your mom will like it!

      In the comments under the vid they said it's a leaf-blower. I've never had a leaf-blower, but i'd think it blows even harder than a vacuum. Don't know. Anyway, yeah, none of my dogs would have gone near that thing! They said the dog also loves the hair dryer and hanging out the car window. Funny.

  8. If you've never seen Jimmy Fallon portraying Neil Young singing "Whip My Hair" (with special guest Bruce Springsteen) then you must find it (yeah, on YouTube) and play it. Guaranteed to double you over with laughter!

    1. Just googled it. Too funny. Thank you for bringing that to my attention!

  9. WOW - thanks you for that video. I so needed it.

    1. oh, good! We aims to please so I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

  10. Oh goodness, thanks, I needed that! I also found the song annoying....I had to turn the volume down! But it did suit the video quite well.
    Oh my, that Bailey....she certainly gives our Cricket a run for her money in the cute puppy dept. In the second to last photo, she looks so much like our other beagle, Kobi. Only Kobi is far more serious, and we don't often get laughing photos from him.
    BTW, I just got "What the Dog Ate" on my tablet. Just barely started it, but so far, so good! :)

    1. Bailey used to smile a lot! (Our last dog almost always looked serious and bored stiff while at home, but would smile like a fool the second we went anywhere!)

      I'm so glad you're enjoying WTDA so far. Hope it stays that way!! :) Always a little nervous when someone is reading the book!

  11. Thanks for the smiles! I needed that too... my day has been slow like yours. I posted a great quote on Facebook this morning: "Be not afraid of going slowly, be only afraid of standing still."

    1. That is a great quote! Glad to provide some smiles!

  12. Super cute! We love Beagles. Their howl is much higher pitched than mine, but we make good music together :)

  13. I am thrilled to know I am not the only one who has days like that. You handled it well!


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