November 14, 2017

Another Round of "A Pup & A Plant" (part 5!)

Back when I first started drafting this post (a while back), I thought it might be the last “pup & a plant”... but I’ve already posted more on Instagram that I’ll share another time, and I actually keep some notes on this madness and I have a bunch more ideas so just have to get the photos. Here’s another dozen...

Our girl who's infertile beside this Crape Myrtle. #SpayandNeuterYourPets #TodaysPSA 😁

We're in no rush & stopped to enjoy the lush colors of this bottlebrush.

I canna really get a good pic of Rita with this canna lily without offering treats. #WellPaidForHerModeling

"Please someone stop her," she thinks while I make her sit proper beside this "Louisiana Red Copper".

We can't stomach the smell of "Society Garlic" so I'll click a fast pic and we'll walk away quick  #ItReallyDoesSmellLikeGarlic #stinky #OKGrammarPoliceIKnowItShouldBeQuicklyNotQuick

Dreaming of waffles, brand Eggo, as she sits beside this blue plumbago #IMeanImOnlyGuessing #ActuallyWeNeverEatEggos #HomemadeWafflesForTheWin

Jogged for an hour but stopped to rest by this Australian Fan Flower. Now I need a shower! #OKIAdmitWeWalkedTheLast20Minutes #OutofShape #BeenTooHotToRun #ScaevolaAemulaToBePrecise

"Hen & chicks" and our girl who is six and wonders why we need all these pics

Looking forlorn beside this hawthorn. #whatanactress #rufflife

Listened to the weathermen who said it would be hot again, so we stopped now and then to rest and enjoy some cyclamen

Rita, so hairy, looking very wary beside this “creeping rosemary”. #ItsBehindMeIsntIt

Stepping lively past this ivy. #actuallyjoggingveryslow #thoseears!

If you've missed the earlier A Pup & A Plant posts, you can see them here: part 1part 2part 3 and part 4. (One of these days I'm going to make these all into a little book for myself.)

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday! Stop by their site to check out all of the other blogs in the hop.


  1. I love these. They always make me laugh AND I'm super impressed with how many you have come up with - and keep coming up with!

    1. I really can’t believe how long I’ve kept this up! But I think the next round will probably be the last. We’ll see....

  2. Now you are doing TRIPLE rhymes! I won't be able to keep up at all!

    1. Hee. Quadruple in the Society Garlic and Cyclamen ones. But who’s counting? Or throwing out a challenge? :)

  3. Looks like summer there. Nothing outside is still living around here, just waiting for some snow to pretty things up from the drab browns.

    1. Yes, that’s the bonus about living here. I could do this all year round.

  4. Lol...These are all great. Rita looks like a fairly patient model too.

    1. She’s a very good model. And it’s funny how she’ll often make a face that works will with the pic. (Like the forlorn face by the hawthorn.) It’s like she knows.... :)

  5. Hahahaha - you are so good at this! That's hilarious that you keep notes too! Such dedication to your craft. :)

    1. I’ve become obsessed! I have a whole little list of plants I need to look out for. And I have some photos on my phone still with some tough plant names that I’m still trying to think of rhymes for! (Pyracantha?? Melaleuca??)

    2. Bazooka? Paducah? No idea on the other one. You are on your own. ;)

    3. Bazooka... Hmmm. Might be able to make that work! Thanks!

  6. I love these posts! It's amazing how many different plants and flowers you have around your neighborhood! They are all so pretty!

    1. Yes, we have quite the variety. Then the other day Rita and I went to my sister’s and she had a bunch of plants in her yard I hadn’t done yet! Bonus!

  7. So much fun! I love reading these each week :)

  8. You'll have enough pics to do calendars for the next several years. Rita is so lovely in that picture with the Hen & Chicks. Of course she is extremely photogenic and looks great in all her photos!

    1. Thinking of doing a book, since calendars come and go. I love her face in that hen & chicks one. :)

  9. The plants are pretty but the expression on Rita's face is cracking me up..she SO needs a thought bubble.

    1. I'm too lazy to do the thought bubbles on IG. :) Hard to PicMonkey on my phone... I usually only PicMonkey on my PC for the blog.

  10. The hashtags are cracking me up! Rita is a very patient model :)

    1. I always hope folks are reading the hashtags on IG. I know most people skip over them there!

  11. I love these and hope you do a fifth. The pics are great, the captions even better and the hashtags are beyond brilliant. P.S. Rita is a perfect model. I think she knows how good she looks.

    1. There will definitely be a 5th! I've already got 8 of them saved in a draft post. :)

  12. The more you threaten to quit the more fun puns and rhymes you'll come up with.

    Besides you'll be seeing Christmas greenery soon--pine, holly, pup-settias... :)

    1. Or possibly the further I'll push them... past the point of acceptable silliness. :)

      I did "A Dog & Some Decor" for Halloween so was thinking of doing that at Christmas too.

  13. You are amazing to keep coming up with these! I was relieved to hear that you don't really eat Eggo waffles, and that you don't jog for a whole hour (1/2 hour is the best I've done lately). :)

    1. Yes.... Eggos. Bleh! And, no, I certainly couldn't jog for a whole hour. :)

  14. Tried to think of something for Winnebago... that would have worked! Tobago - good one!

  15. Those are SO fun! And I believed that you were jogging for a whole hour! Rita is a very patient and wonderful model!

    1. Oh, I wish I was really jogging for a whole hour! #needtogetinbettershape!

  16. We had planted several society garlic in our front yard, with some under the windows. They're pretty, but it was a mistake.

    1. Oh no! You must have been hungry for Italian food all the time. :)

  17. Very pretty I love hen and chicks!!

  18. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay my dada perkd rite up wen he saw the wun abowt garlic!!! he is sutch an italyan!!! ha ha ok bye


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