September 26, 2017

More Silliness: A Pup & A Plant Part 3

Hope you aren't sick of this series yet cuz I still have lots more of them to share! (Honestly, I never thought I could keep it going this long... It's become an obsession!) (If you missed them, here are Part 1 and Part 2).

Also, I don't know if you saw her post, but I inspired Taryn from A Tail of Two Cardis to try some a-pup-and-a-planting as well, so check out her post here.

Let's just dive in, shall we?

A plumeria & the cutest dog in the immediate area.

A Blue Palo Verde & our pup who's so perdy! (purdy?) #shessopurdy

A blue hydrangea & a rescue who came to us with mange(ah) :)

A "pentas lanceolata" with a pup who'll never be persona non grata. :) #caninenongrata?? #shesalwayswelcome

"Mexican sage" with my Mexican sage. #shesadeepthinker #andshesfrommexico

"Mexican primrose" with Rita's toes.

Honeysuckle vine and a buckled up canine.

A red geranium beside Rita's cranium.  [Editor's note: Taryn, I didn't want you to think I copied you on this one - I posted it on Instagram on 8/6. Obviously, "great minds" and all that!] 

Pink roses & white lantana and Rita in a pink&white bandana. #angelabbysbandana

A eucalyptus & this pup who will rarely kiss us. #probablyagoodthing #thatsalottatongue (I don't recommend clicking on that hashtag. Just in case...)

A short moment of calm in the shade of this palm. 

These adorable cacti beside the "apple of my eye."

There's a baker's dozen. There are more where these came from....

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday! Stop by their site to check out all of the other blogs in the hop.


  1. Watch out for the cacti, they can be painful. We never thought about it, but in places where people really need shade there are palm trees and they don't provide much shade. Odd.

    1. Rita did have a run-in with a cacti on one of our walks - she lunged at a cat in someone's front yard and stepped in a cactus! It wasn't good!

      And, huh, you're right about the palm trees! I used to like palms until we had a bunch of them in the yard of our last house. They don't give any shade, some of them drop tons of (inedible) dates that a dog might eat (dangerous!), and it costs a fortune to hire someone to maintain them once they get really tall!

  2. How do you know all these plant names?!

    In your area, is Lantana an actual bush? In Northern Va., it is purely seasonal in pots, but in Myrtle Beach I see big bushes of it. Very pretty!

    1. I don't know... I just ... do. Well, except the lanceolata and the glory bush - those I texted pics to my sis and she knew them. She knows TONS of plant names!

      And, yes, we have lantana everywhere here - it comes in two types, a big bush or a spreading ground cover. It is really pretty - love all the different colors - but the little flowers don't smell nice!

    2. Oh, and I researched a TON of plants when we were re-doing our yard (and also at our last house) so I guess that's how I know a lot of them.

  3. I love these and for some reason, I really love looking at puppy dog toes. Such pretty pics of Rita! Make sure to stop by my blog today - Booker T did his Can't Wait Wednesday post today :)

    1. I love dog toes too! (And you know whose toes I *really* love.... Bugs Bunny. Is that weird??) And thanks so much for featuring me and my new "book baby" on CWW!

  4. That's a glorious tush, too!

  5. I'm impressed with your encyclopedic plant name knowledge. Are you a closet botanist?

    1. I'm really not... I feel like I hardly know any plants actually, but that's because my sis knows SO many of them. I guess her knowledge has rubbed off on me!

  6. MOL! What fun pics & witty phrases! I love all the flowers - so colorful! And what a happy doggie to boot! Thanks fur sharing! Mew Mew! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  7. Replies
    1. We (well, I... I'm not so sure about Rita) have fun coming up with them!

  8. Very creative! We don't have as many beautiful flowers in our area, especially now fall is upon us.

    1. We have lots of pretty flowers here all year round. Although I wish we had more fall! Jealous of that!

  9. I really love these posts both on Instagram and on your blog! I'm also learning the names of a few plants, so that is an added bonus!

    1. Hey - entertaining AND educational! How about that?! :)

  10. Gorgeous flowers and beautiful Rita. A great combination!

    1. Yeah, can't go wrong with pretty flowers AND a good-looking dog. :)

  11. Those are awesome!!! Love the tush one!!! Beautiful flowers and pup!

    1. Thanks. Lotta body parts i realized in this one... cranium, toes, tush. Seems there's a theme developing.

  12. I love these! A moment of calm under this palm is my favorite! Maybe because I live in the midwest where we don't have any palm trees!

    1. Oh, palms are a dime a dozen here! (Actually... they're very expensive! But they're plentiful.) :)

  13. I love 'em, and can't believe you keep coming up with more!! Thanks for the laughs...especially some of the hashtag stuff! (it was really tempting to click on that one...curiosity, you know, but I resisted!).

    1. Yes, I resisted too! And I enjoy being silly with the hashtags. I know I'm not using them how you're supposed to, but oh well! :)

  14. I love that pic w/ Abby's bandanna on. Love the colors. And it was kinda nice to see Abby's bandanna out in use again.

  15. Tired of these? Never! I thoroughly enjoy these posts! So clever and fun!

  16. These posts are adorably cute and fantastically clever as is the 4 legged model in the photos.

  17. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay wot a buntch of kyoot pikchers and rimes for rita!!! but why shud i not klik on that lotta tung hashtag??? i wil just tayk a kwik luk and -- aaaiiiiiieeee wot is that kind of thing dooing on the innerwebs???!?!? run away!!! ok bye

    1. Dennis - you shouldn't be seeing things like that! Definitely run away!!!

  18. Replies
    1. I can't decide if that one or the cacti one is my fave of this batch.

  19. Wow, that's a lot of work! But many, many chuckles.


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