October 3, 2017

My Dog Is An Excellent Communicator

I walked out of our bathroom the other day and found her like this on our bedroom area rug. Do you think she's trying to tell me something?

I got the message loud and clear.

"There's something I want under the bed! Arms. Too. Short."

"I need you to come get it for me."

Can you see it under there? (Her little squeaky ball that she found once on a walk. She loves that thing.)

I swear she bats it under things just for the fun of watching me get down on my hands and knees and grope around under there.

What's the last thing your dog told you? 

Thanks to BlogPaws for hosting Wordless Wednesday! Stop by their site to check out all of the other blogs in the hop.


  1. I remember reading an article about one of the differences between wolves and dogs and it involved asking for help from humans. The wolves that had been raised in captivity from pups never asked a human to solve a problem. They worked the problem it until they solved it themselves. Dogs, on the other hand, would give a half-hearted attempt to solve it, and then asked their human to save them the frustration. The author claimed the wolves had far superior intelligence as their problem solving skills had never been dumbed down by outside help. I don't know, but I think it is pretty smart to get someone else to wedge themselves under the bed ;-)

    1. Ya know, now that you mention that, I remember hearing the same study. And I thought the same... isn't it smarter to get someone else to do stuff for you?? :)

  2. It's a dog thing! Cass will take a tennis ball and intentionally roll it under the chair in the corner of the living room because he knows I'll have to get down on the floor and give it to him. A few minutes later, he will do the whole thing over again. It's an endless cycle until I redirect him to another toy or put the ball out of reach for a while.

    1. Yep, we do the same game, usually in our living room. She bats it under the TV console or under the sofa and I'm sure has great fun watching me squeeze in between the coffee table and the couch and wedge myself under the sofa to get it. :)

  3. My dogs can't stand for their toys to be put out of their reach and will whine until they are put on the floor

    1. Rita saves her whining for the serious drama, like telling Daddy her troubles after mean Momma takes her to the vet!

  4. LOL! Yes, our cat Rosie does the same thing. Though I think she can actually reach under the bed she just likes to see me lean over.

  5. I'm impressed that there was no barking or throwing a temper tantrum like Jaxson LOL

    1. Yes, I should have said that she's a silent communicator. She's pretty funny. Even when she wants to go outside, she doesn't bark or whine or even scratch at the door. She just sits quietly beside the door and waits for someone to notice her. Like, "Oh I don't want to be a bother!" She's so sweet.

  6. Hi Miss Jackie & Rita! Bessie, my Basset minion was trying to tell Dad yesterday that she wanted her toy back that he put away in the closet! She had been trying to eat it earlier that evening. Silly doggie! (shaking my head) -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

    1. Did Dad listen?? Our beagle used to chase a laser light - she was addicted to it. We kept it on top of the refrigerator. She was VERY good at communicating when she wanted the light to come out to play!

  7. Angel Greta was a master at that game - drop or push the ball somewhere then demand help getting it out! BOL
    Hazel & Mabel

  8. We have to communicate a lot with our nose work, but around the house we usually request to go out in the yard, or to get a snack in the kitchen.

    1. Yes, asking for a snack is Rita's favorite thing to communicate!

  9. Dogs are nothing if not subtle. I usually get that eye-to-eye stare, then a laser focused stare in the direction of the lost item with another eye to eye stare meant to make me feel incredibly guilty for not seeing the lost item in the first place, let alone the silent 'why can't you see what I'm telling you' look. 😇

    1. Love the eye-to-eye stare thing. You can practically see them thinking what a dummy you are. :)

  10. Haha! Pierre "asks" to get up on the bed or the couch. Bentley lets me know when it is time to get up and feed him.

    1. Rita's funny - she almost never asks to be fed. Sometimes I end up feeding her quiet late because of it, but she doesn't seem to mind. Although sometimes she does lay where she can see into the kitchen and she'll stare at me, then look at her food bowl. She's subtle. :)

  11. Luke does this all the time! I also think he deliberately bats those balls under the dresser so I have to retrieve it. Cricket does it occasionally too. Sometimes I'm missing a dog, wondering where they are, and find them down in the bedroom staring under the dresser or bed!

  12. All dogs are excellent communicators. The rarity would be the humans that pay attention. :) Rita is fortunate to have you.

  13. Oh, geez, Seriously thinks such things are a game. Bat it under the sofa and watch the humans stick their hands in that dusty darkness and retrieve it--so much fun! Over and over and over again. She has us well-trained.

  14. My girl darn near tipped a couch over once, trying to get a treat. They can communicate really well!

    1. Hahaha. Yeah, if it's a ball it can wait. But a treat?! Now it's serious!!

  15. Oh yes, our Bear does the exact same thing... under the bed, under the couch... that darn tennis ball roles just out of reach.

    1. Yep, same here. Under the sofa, the coffee table, the TV console....

  16. My dog told me that there was a moose ahead of us on the trail. She plants her butt and refuses to move forward when there's one ahead. Very useful!

    My dogs do the same trick has Rita with balls ending up under furniture all the time. I have a bad spine so I use my handing "reacher" that I was given after one of my surgeries. It makes reaching balls under furniture way easier!

    1. That is very useful to get the "moose ahead" signal!

      Hmmm. Maybe I need a "reacher" too!

  17. My old dog, Timba, used to stare at the back window of the car (back seat) until I put the window down! LOL! This was when power windows weren't on every car. I drove a big old Cadillac that had power windows. She knew I was responsible for putting that window down, and I'd catch her in the rear view mirror just staring at the window!

    Cooper does what Rita does with things that have rolled under the bed or under a dresser.

    Charlie barks for attention. He will often tattle-tale on the other pets... of course I have no idea what he's trying to tell me, but I'll find a pile of cat barf a few minutes after the bark fest and then I'll know!

  18. That's a great photo story. I've put rolled up bath beneath the couch to prevent the cats from pushing all their toys under it.

  19. When mine do that when I get down to get something they have to lick me!!!

  20. hello pooch smooches its dennis the vizsla dog hay the unnersides of beds and fernitcher ar sutch sinkholes for dog toys!!! i think it shud be a rool that all fernitcher goze all the way to the floor with no gaps or maybe that fernitcher needs to hav a ramp unnerneath it so bals rol bak owt wot do yoo think??? ok bye

  21. Yes, Dog Mom I have you under my control and make sure you know EXACTLY what I want... ;-)

  22. Oh dear, Rita. You have alligator arms. :-) Sampson has decided that he will join Delilah in encouraging me to move faster while preparing their dinners. Delilah will occasionally bark, but she is more of a harumpher, while he just barks at me. It's #funnynotfunny


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